# posted by Brancibeer @ 3/25/2004 05:19:00 PM
Im not really mad. I just liked that title. I like having a beer when i get home after school. I think its prob the best thing ever sometimes. Ill buy a 30 pk and it will usually last me a couple weeks. Unless i take it over murphys for a night, cause it usually ends right there. Not that i care. I like to keep in even among friends. Even if chump makes more money than my 9 dollars per hour for 12 hours a week salary, i like to bring over beer sometimes. Just cause. I remember saying way back when in early hi school, at some point of drunkeness at the boyscout campground, that if one of us struck it damn rich, we would take care of all the others. I now find that impossible and very unlikely. Not that one of us wouldnt strike it damn rich, but that that person would take care of all the others. I mean, if i have money i wont mind chipping in the extra more than once and a while- i would expect too. But if i did it all the time and when i shouldnt have too, then the others would become lazy and dependent bastards. Kind of like if you are doing a group project, where one person does all the work, and then suddenly that person asks you to do something for yourself. Your so used to having it done for you, that would actually feel insulted. Kind of like doing all the fucking cleaning in an apartment of 4 guys. If you want it done, you have to do it self. Thereby putting all the burden on one person, rather than it be easily divided up between the 4. Not that im bitter or anything ha ha!
Anyway, im just bullshitting. Some times you just feel like bullshitting. It feels damn good just to write right now. Those boyscout parties sure were the best ever. It was just too good to last though. Soon enough, more and more people found out about it and wanted in. It was our own damn fault guys. Mostly driven by girls. We wanted girls there. Girls are mouthy and spread the word. They bring people like Mike Flanagan and Brett something and Brian Byrne. We should of kept it private. WE should of said fuck the girls,
this is where its at. And thats where it was at. I had more fun just hanging out with 5 guys than i did with fucking Voltron there. Fuck you guys. Thats all i wanted. Its your fault. But no, people always have to look for more. More people, more things to do, more money. How much is enough? There reaches a point where you cant go back and you ruined what you have (boyscout camp as an example). Let this be a lesson to us all in our upcoming "boyscout camps".