# posted by Brancibeer @ 3/01/2004 12:38:00 PM
Ron got beat up again. Damn.
I dont know how i feel about all these priests getting busted for being perverts. In a way, its good, cause it shouldnt be happening. These are institutions that people devote their life too. They put their faith into them. It is having dramatic effects too. But the funny thing is, its always been like this, probably much worse than it is now.
I think that religion is an ancient part of society that should (and will) eventually be worked out of society. Its an old way of thinking, that needs to be replaced by a new (now more realistic do to science) way of thinking. Religion is for the simple, the weak, the ignorant. There i said it. I dont care cause thats what i think. The bible is great and all. I like it, i find the stories very inspiring and moral. But im not going to lean on it like its my walking stick. You shouldnt have to be told what to believe. You should discover it for yourself. Christianity is just like a crooked political party. Fightin against islam, buddism, paganism, when essentially they are all the same damn thing! Why must people believe in a higher power?