# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 3/31/2004 12:46:00 PM
ahh yes, baseball is back. yesterday was a blur because i'm sick and by the time i actually got up for the game the yankees had given up and lost. today was a different story, i woke upat 5:30 to see matsui hit another meat ball over the wall and then posada hit two, three-run homers. it felt so natural to be watching baseball again, even if it was before dawn. and you are all going down in that fantasy league. i'm starting to wish we had more people playing so the talent was dispearsed a little better, but my own mistake will make up for it. as it stands now we each have room for only 2 bench players and everyone else starts. so i guess this makes everyplayer count a little more.
hold on, oil prices are reaching record highs and OPEC is going to CUT production?!?! this is what happens when we mess with those fucking aribs, i guess we'll just have to actually assasinate that guy in venizuela and impose our own puppet for thier oil. or actually get some from Iraq.
i still feel like shit so i'm not going to bother writing any more. all i haveto say is: go baseball, fuck bush (literally and figurativly), happy birthday josh and this weather still sucks.