# posted by Brancibeer @ 3/23/2004 02:44:00 PM
Na na na na, Brancibeer, na na na an NA!. Ah yes, welcome everyone. Welcome welcome welcome. Todays topic, as usual is going to be
HOW FUCKED we really are. So just how fucked are we? Well, lets take a minute to examine our current situation. Bush. Still running the country. Still might be running the country for 4 MORE YEARS. I dont know what will happen if he wins. Look at what he has done already....now double it. Theres been enough conversing over that money grubbing, environmental terrorist, make the whole world hate us, president, so ill move on to the next topic. Which also relates to that dumbass.
OIL. Its a finite resource that we use like its infinite. Hello! Hello reality? Is anybody there? Maybe we should have like, a "plan",or something of what the hell we are going to do when this stuff runs out. Maybe we should actually seroiusly plan ahead to take precautionary steps to ween ourself off oil, like a child must eventually ween itself off its mother. I mean seroiusly as in, not just doing something that willl appease the media. Oh wait.... our country is run by the oil companies? Oh thats right. They dont want to lose their power and money, so we are just going to wait for them to make the first move.
The thing is. If anything big is going to happen (like a switch to alternative energy), we have to move as a society. We need the whole. But there are those giants who are planted and determined not to move. Why, because they are selfish and stubborn. Our society needs to be dynamic. We need to float on the waves, resting without effort with every undulation that comes our way. Instead we are swimming in the waves and saying, "oh shit, here comes another one, swim harder!".
Fucked up story of the day