# posted by murphy @ 3/15/2004 12:28:00 PM
first off how yall doin
secondly, good to have you back branciteam, last night was amazing
just kidding, you know id never cheat on you kolpak
in fact lets get married.
Anyways, last night i had the most fucked up dream ever. I died and went to hell and was being tortured but it was not painfull just disturbing. All of a sudden Brad Pitt shows up and he is the devil. We get to talking about hell and things and its not all that bad. i dont know how i died but i really did not mind being in hell.
So im there for an unknown amount of time and Flores, Barone, Kolpak and i think it was bergan, all showed up in hell. obviously they had died too and it was good to see them. the end of the dream was me and everyone partying and getting all sorts of wasted. i asked someone where Ronny was and no one said anything. Aparently Ronny went to heaven and i said ' oh yeah he is an Eagle scout. that was my rationalization for rons salvation.
pretty fucked up huh.
so the moral of the story is, if you eats some 'chocolates' give yourself a couple of days to recover and be prepared to have some weird ass dreams the next couple of days
San Diego here i come just in time to miss the snow.
so long