# posted by ron @ 3/03/2004 03:59:00 PM
enough jesus crap! i mean its kinda like pouring gas on our own fire. its fun but doesnt get us anywhere, we all know jesus is a dude who got his ass beaten for being an idiot, kinda like me. ha ha ha. what about the discovery that mars was once wet!!!!! huge freeking crap thats huge!! i'm blown away.
i think the jesus crap gets me all worked up because i just cant understand why people believe or devote their life to religion, and it FRUSTRATES the shit out of me. and the worst thing is that they cant be convinced otherwise, and they sure as hell can't convince me to believe either. so its fucking.. fuck fuck fuck. we should just not allow them to vote or something. just let them be and dont let them fuck up anything with their old-style thinking. atleast i have a better answer to questions other than ' because god wanted it to be that way'.
WWJD? what would justin do? .................................................SMOKE IT!