# posted by josh @ 3/12/2004 09:10:00 PM
so much to say, i missed a lot in the last week. i can write forever, and double the size of the site, but no one would read that shit. so i'll summarize each of my points as best i can. hope this works.
was in myrtle beach all week. it was warm. nice. golfed daily. sweeeeet.
chump the thing w/ radio broadcasters and tellign them after they've said something they couldnt is called law ex post facto. it's a big thing in theory of law, cuz it's scary. essentially anyone can be penalized for anything cuz someone says, after the act was committed, that was wrong. essentially the law is made as we go. clearly, this is no good.
i'll sign up for the fantasy baseball this week.
ron, dont sweat the grad school test. i'm havin trouble gettin into grad schools. came back from break to get more rejection letters. fuckin awesome. next person who tells me to be optimistic is gonna get told off as well as something sharp shoved up their ass.
steroid testing should be mandatory, not cuz the govt says so, but so the playing field is leveled. only in this country would the honest players be at a disadvantage. selig sucks. i cant believe no one's tried to assassinate him yet.
also chump, good reference to oliver beene.
i think that'll do. i'm thirsty.