# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 3/08/2004 12:32:00 PM
Well, did the cat get high? or did you throw him through a tire? I hear they like that.
i'll get you another one, don't worry. i'm amazed at how easy it is to copy them.
Fantasy baseball will begin as soon as i get a list of names for people who are in and maybe see a few dollars from someone. its going to cost 100 for all of us no matter how many play so the more people we get the less it will cost. so far i'm confident brian, ron, josh kolpak and myself are in. am i missing anyone? I watched some of the yankee/sox game yesterday. i know what to expect out of the fourth spring training game of the season so i wasn't surprised to see that most of the players people care about were left out. jeter, a-rod and manny were brought along to entertain the media. If anyone doesn't think that rivalry is going to be more nuts this year that any before then just look at how many people camped out in the parking lot to get standing room only tickets yesterday. people were climbing trees to see a spring training game.
this weather is just depressing. and whats with our new year starting in january? shouldn't each new year start the first day of spring? when everthing is growing and new again. the old year is passed and we've survived the winter, NOW LET THE NEW YEAR BEGIN! i'm pushing for a movment toward older times when things were schedualed around a harvest or the different seasons. before alarm clocks could be used to force our lives in to conforming hours and start times. and there needs to be more then 24 hours in a day, there just isn't enough time in a day to do everything that needs to get done. maybe if half hours were considered hours, then i'd only work 4 hours a day. business would change forever, there'd be more free time, less over head, more time to spend disposable income on crap, everyone would benifit. instead our government is looking into increaseing the retirment age, forcing us to work more and giving us less benifits. just fucking great. can't wait until i get to retire at the ripe old age of 75. people stand to benifit more by everyone working less, not more. people would spend more time/money on entertainment and people would generally be happier. i think i could slave away at a 4 day work week. ok i've gotten off topic, and i'm cold. so thats it.