# posted by DJ Booze PiƱata @ 3/26/2004 10:51:00 PM
So I spraypainted pi out to like 40 digits in my hallway. "Gee, isn't that boy just so intelligent?!" Yeah. Now my fucking hallway looks like a child's playpen whenever i look out into it. Thinking of investing in some white paint to compliment the black....fuck pi.
I find my efforts to be well-rounded make me spread myself thin too often. I would have a buncha options for what to do over the course of a night. Instead of pick one, I usually figure it'll benefit me most if i take part in just a little bit of everything. Like a Chinese buffet....of actions. Not necesarilly a bad thing - just makes everything i participate in seem half-assed. This was the case largely before i got my computer, and now not so much. I tool around w/ my cpu bot w/ my full ass now. *smiles
As that line of thought got boring very fast, we will now play 'name that sequence' : 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34
c'mon.....DO IT.
Throughout your reminiscing, pause to consider the lens effect of time. Granted, things like the scout camp and umm.....digging an excavation pit against the clock of the Italian Stalions...were all awsome, remember that people only tend to look back and remember the good things, blocking out the bad for the soothing effect on one's psyche. It's hard to qualify certain years as 'awsome' or 'terrible' until they're already past and summed up. well.....unless they really SUCK and then it's obvious.....SUCK. can't say i got any complaints overall, though, so i guess it's working!
As is the anti-elephant spray.
All your orientals are belong to us: www.engrish.com
there's a japanese robot toy named God Christ that wields a cross and ....is a robot.