# posted by murphy @ 3/06/2004 04:13:00 PM
A great man once said, 'theres 3 things that you cant argue about sports, religion and music,' that man was branciteam and he is a moron. On that note, fuck the yankees, abba is the greatest band of all time and the world is only 6000 years old. That should enough material for the next couple of entries.
Everyone knows the best arguments are about the most controversial topics in society. I say the more discussion the better. That is the only way that people are able to adopt new ideas. I like talking about religion even if it is to say that it is ruining our world. Religion has been the cause of almost all the wars in history from the christians vs the muslims in the crusades and catholics and protestants of wars with france/england.
Religion for me is usless, i hate church and everthing about it. i dont believe in paying for my salvation in the form of collection plates and garnishing of salaries. My Grandfather gave the catholic church 10% of his pay for his entire life, i think thats called a tithe but im not sure.
I loved my grandfather but paying 10% of your salary is rediculous. I am astonished at the power religion has over some people.
This the reason why Bush is always saying god bless america. he doesnt want to be president of the United States, he wants to be Pope of the United Catholic states of America. Welcome, its a brave new world.
sincerely yours Sir Smoke a lot