# posted by murphy @ 3/03/2004 01:36:00 PM
my fellow americans
after some minor technical diffculties were overcome, namely me not knowing my own email address, i have arrived at this wonderful location of retardation. i have read some of you posts and the atmosphere is radical, antisocial and all and all insane.
First of all Barone, the Yankees suck dick and if gripped the bat as tight as he does jeters penis than maybe they'll get something done. other than that i agree with josh's remarks.
Ronny keep on keepin on. Sorry i couldnt have been their the other night but i probably couldnt have done any better. keep drinking as much coffee as you want dont listen to branciteam
Courtney i hope you're doing well. i havent talked to you in a while but all the same.
Tino man i dont know what to say. if i was in you position id go crazy man. i cant live without my brothers. i wish him the best
kolpak i love you man. sounds like you job is good and im not afraid to say im proud of you
josh i havent talked to you in a while and i really dont know what the hell you've been up to you should come up some time
branciteam hungerweed you are the mad scientist engineering a combination of mushroom with tch keep hope alive!
enough of this bullshit
So Cain had a poker game a couple of weeks ago and called me up to see what was going on. He explained the situation to me and said he'd call me later. they were all smoking and apparently one of the guys was not used to smoking weed. As it turns out he was playing a hand that he lost and the other guy stood up, swept his arm across the table to gather his winnings and fell on the floor and passed out. After about a 1/2 hour he woke up, went to the bathroom and then passed out in cains roomates bed.
As it turns out he shit his pants while he was passed out and 'discretely through his underware out in the trash and slept in his shitty clothes in the roommates bed. the next day at work my brother saw the guy in the same clothes as the night before and he wasnt showered. on top of it all he has a wife and 2 kids.
So next time you say 'i was so wasted last night' just say to yourself at least im not that guy
i love weed i love it
adios muchachos