Saturday, January 31, 2004
Did Someone Say Pabst Blue Ribbon?
# posted by Tino @ 1/31/2004 08:34:00 PM
Oh That was me.
Hello all, as I am currently communicating with you, For the 1st Time, via this wonderful multiinternet monkeylog that Senor Barone invented (it really is a great idea) I realize That I can type at about 12 words a minute but what is equally impressive is that i can also drink 12 pabst a minute, so it ends up balancing out between the two, too ( is that proper usage of too?) about five words and two pabst an hour. If I'm not careful The federal Bureau of statistics is gonna cancel my library card.
I love it when i don't make any cents.
"Work like you don't need the money
Dance like nobody's watching
Love like you've never been hurt..."
well it's about that time again
# posted by josh @ 1/31/2004 08:34:00 PM
saturday night! any good plans? mine are about the same, keystone, maybe some coors, and whatever the hell the kegs are. may be hittin up a lingerie party tonight, so i feel pretty good about that. normal dress for guys though, thankfully. i feel real good about that.
super bowl predictions? i like the pats, so i'll say pats by 4. hope it's a good game, and i hope there are some good commercials. it'd be sweet if one of the democratic candidates came out w/ some f-in hilarious ad.
aight well i got more, but it'll have ot wait...time to pregame...peace
Friday, January 30, 2004
Never enough time!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/30/2004 03:32:00 PM
no time to write now but i didn't want to let this link escape my memory. " one more piece of evidence that we are too stupid to make our own decisions"
Thursday, January 29, 2004
thank you courtney, and thank you ron
# posted by josh @ 1/29/2004 07:04:00 PM
courtney, i appreciate someone takin the opposite stance. however, thank you ron, cuz i think almost identically. if a guy does something for a girl, he does probably want to bang her. i suppose if he doesnt, it would be an act of kindness because he is religious or believes in karma or something like that. but there is going to be some selfish motive, even if it is the satisfaction of makin someone else happy. people do need to feel that every now and again . i agree that karma is mathematical, but i think the power of suggestion might play a role, especially in bad karma. for example, if i do something i know is wrong, and if i believe in karma, the feeling of guilt accompanied may make me think i'll have bad karma, and i'll get distracted or somethin, and somethin bad will happen. or i'll be looking for something bad to happen until it does. but the 2 events are totally unrelated.
brancy, i've thought about the very same thing before, but it's never worked in practice. partly, i suspect as you said, cuz we dont know how to successfully implement communism. always an interesting topic though. but i wouldnt know how we could even start to institute it.
courtney, yes there's definitely something wrong w/ that 2nd X chromosome. i'm not a huge science guy but this much i know. i've encountered more crazy ass girls in the last year or 2 than ever, i suspect cuz we're about at the age where this really starts to come out. most of the psychoticness is over guys too, although there aresome girls who are just flat out drama queens. this girl we know just took 32 tylenol yesterday or the day before, over a guy of course. stupid bitch. oh and soph year she tried the same thing w/ some other pill but got her stomach pumped in time. clearly i'm a guy, as are many of my friends, but what's the big deal? why are we that special. i'm sorry but no person is worth me killing myself over.
as far as the other drama goes, it's ridiculous. one thing i've found is that you shouldnt try to be friends w/ anyone you've dated, hooked up w/, etc, becuase she WILL inevitably go psycho on you...case and point 2 times this past semester, 2 different girls. and that's just me, doesnt count my friends. but i got a girl now who seems to be, as far as i can tell, better than the avg girl. but i have this motto i came up w/ 2 years ago, and i swear it holds true. "all girls are psycho, you just have to find the psycho you're most compatible with." so be careful court, but i think a good first step is that you at least recognize it.
and chump, again, bravo w/ this site, i like it a lot, as you can tell by my frequent posts. or maybe i just have a lot to say
alright courtney 'strike one'
# posted by ron @ 1/29/2004 05:16:00 PM
too much optimism gets people in trouble. there is way more evil in the world than good. like if you hear a guy say 'bless you' to a girl in class its not because he's being nice, it because he wants to bang the shit out of her after class. and if the girl says it to the guy then, consciously or not, she wants him to bang the shit out of her after class. done and done. if you could some how tap into the mind and display on a TV screen all of my thoughts i would most likely be shunned by society or locked up. i suspect that this is normal however, and that everybody is completely fucked up but manages to hold it together because they see the majority of other people doing the same thing. as for karma (courtney) it's all mathematical probability. those people who stole josh's TV have about the same chance as getting hit by a car as you do given similar circumstances. so i got one thing to say, dont get your hopes up, it leads to dissapointment. people (in general) cannot be given the benifit of the doubt.
i'm taking this class called elasticity. yea like elastic bands, but with advanced math that describes deformations (tensors anyone?). so i'm in class with all of these phd. students who have been in the department a couple of years and are light years ahead of me in math. it sucks. american kids do not know math, its fucking disgusting and i am going to suffer horribly this semester because my highschool and undergraduate math programs were weak. sometimes i feel i have no business being a grad student.
so matt, a suprise visit from mommy dearest. ha ha ha, i hope she finds the children. that is going to be a good story. but then again its not like they can really say shit to you these days, i mean you got a job, a place, money. you are self sufficent should your mom freak out or something. i bet phil sent her down to bring some back to the homestead. enough wasting time, i got shit to do.
A Biologist steps in
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/29/2004 02:36:00 PM
Science fasinates me. It always has. I think ron and chump can say the same. Theres just something about discovery that makes you feel fullfilled and wanting more. Thats basicly what science is. Discovery and learning. How does this work? Why does this work? Can i make it do this? What if we did this? What if we lit it on fire?
To human nature- a part of science. The individual has one purpose in life. Or i should start at a more basic level. The genes have one purpose in life. To grow and multiply. Just like everyone wants their ideas to be heard and used, the genes want their information to spread. Thats how our planet evolved. Species competing with one another to get more of their information out there. Some think that evil arose from this competition. But like most things theres likely a lot more to it. Cheating, lying, stealing, it all came from something trying to get ahead. What i sometimes wonder, is if it has to be like that. Does someone have to be ahead. Americans especially are raised to be "all they can be" and to achieve better than everyone esle. (As opposed to somewhere like Japan where they emphasize teamwork more). What if there was no competition? Communism comes to mind actually. In Homers Simpsons words, "in theory communism works". I like this quote alot, because if you think about it- its fucking true.
Our world that we live in is rooted too deep for anyting radical to happen. Its history is way older than any new ideas could ever change. Ive come to realize this over time. You have to work within the system and through the system to change the system. Just like in engineering and biology. You have to know what the fuck your doing, before you start changing anything.
human nature is f'd up..
# posted by josh @ 1/29/2004 01:49:00 PM
if the beginning here bores you, human nature stuff is middle-end...
i think you may be retarded court, but its' all good...we still got love for you. and let me be the first to congratulate you for bein the first estrogen-bearing poster on the multipurpose workermonkey. also, wha'ts this about goin to visit prettyboy---i mean zac, sorry? and what the hell is he doing in taiwan? hell, even i would feel tall over there.
so everything's goin pretty well lately. 2 tests this week and i should do ok on both, although i'm kinda shrugging them off. my latest struggle is with this piece of shit computer i'm on. got some damn virus last semester, got it kinda fixed, but stuff's still fucked up. but i can do everything except use the internet well. i can only access things from my homepage or from my favorites. and the internet just shuts itself down a lot as well as freezing. it's a pain in my ass, but i'm putting up with it cuz i'm probably gonna shell out some cash this summer and buy myself a new one for law school. but it makes it hard to do simple things like try to buy stuff online. teh valley mall here in the burg is less than adequate, and both valentine's day and erica's birthday are coming up. i may be in some shit.
the human nature stuff.......
oh ok so get this shit. monday night our apt got straight up robbed. they took our tv, my braves clock, and the fuckin vacuum. who steals a vacuum, honestly??? our roommate lexi goes in and out at all hours of the night (she's on a leave of absence this semester and is just workin at a restaurant), and i think she left teh door unlocked. cuz they took all the stuff while we were in there sleeping. it's weird too, cuz my roommate scott said he heard somethin at like 3am but figured it was just lexi comin in or goin out w/ friends. and come to think of it, i may have heard it too. you know, i didnt need any more of a reason to have contempt for human beings, i think i was doin ok before.
i guess this is part of the reason i find it hard to have compassion for people. i was raised to give a lot of effort into all i do, and when that happened i usually succeeded, so i guess i hold others to a high standard as well. and maybe that's not fair. but maybe it is. look at yourself and all our friends. we are all in a pretty good position i think. and i think we all got htere by working hard when we needed to. we're capable of a lot if we just try. and sure there are injustices and stuff in this world, but i hate people who complain and give up when a minor bump in the road comes along. that's life. how do these people survive natural selection? maybe i will make a good lawyer. and now cuz people apparently just think it's ok, or funny, or whatever to go into someone else's house and take what they want, i view people with even less respect.
i'm really starting to believe something along the lines of thomas hobbes...that humans by nature are in fact evil. look at babies: they want all the attention, little kids always want their way, we have to be taught to share, not to lie, and other general rules of society which are now taken as common sense (at least by law abiding adults). only by making laws do we restrict behavior. and why do laws need to be made? cuz if they werent then people would do what comes natural, and it would harm themselves and/or others. they're called regulative rules. they limit what we (or the govt) can do, and they are set up, according to john arthur (philosopher of law), because if we didnt have them we would be likely to go against our inclinations of what was right or ethical. for example, if we think it's bad that we eat ice cream, but we know if we had it in the house we would eat it everyday, then we make a rule not to buy ice cream when we're at the store. laws keep human instinct in check, cuz humans are assholes. luckily we create friendships with people we can trust, and know at times that we are safe from people as a whole.
ok thats long enough for now, haha. just thought i'd throw that out there for comment/argument
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Today Was A Good Day.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/28/2004 07:25:00 PM
Today, I woke up in my own bed with food in my fridge. Ii drove a machine to a place of business. Today, The sun came out and there were birds on the snow. Today I pushed some buttons and made technical art. I had a serious political debate with people I know. Today I put up a message for all the world to see. I am able to gather endless amounts of information. Today, I read about a robot on Mars. Today, anything was possible. Now, I am drinking a glass of wine and trying to hide the drugs for a surprise visit from my mother. Today was a good day.
why does michael jackson have an upset stomach?
# posted by josh @ 1/28/2004 10:16:00 AM
because he ate a 9yr old weiner
i only have a few minutes before class, but this little joke got me thinkin about the hypocrisy of the average person. michael jackson repeatedly molests little boys. priests, PRIESTS mind you, men of the cloth, are involved in the same dealings. and yes, both have been criticized and/or tried, but i think they're both a bigger deal than they have been publicized. why you ask? cuz the president of the united states couldnt get a consensual blowjob without creating an uproar.
now i understand that big willy was married. but adultery, like it or not, happens all the time. thats not to say its right, but it happens and we dont hear about it all the time. and true, he was our leader, a role model, the man we elected to the highest office in the united states, but should it matter who he has sex with? since when it is the public's business. i mean the same thing happens with celebrities, it becomes our business for some reason, except celebritites can do whatever they want w/o being criticized. we just want to know about them. but the president, he cant do 1 thing w/o criticism. i'll tell you, as long as he's running the country fine i dont care if he sleeps with interns and gives head to horses. instead he receives head, and there's an attempt to impeach him. yet these priests are still holy men, and michael jackson is still loved by so many fans.
weird, america, weird
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
With A Can Of Pasbt In My Hand...
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/27/2004 09:39:00 PM
its seems our good fellow kerry has taken a strong hold in New Hampsire. well, no shit! he's from massachuettes and NH is much more drawn to mass then vermont. vermonters only goto NH for the lack of a sales tax and cheep booze.
i'm sorry if this site is getting a little political for the likes of some. Its is the political season after all. Right now i'm still pushing for dean but i'm open to edwards and then kerry. i fear that edwards may drop early and then get on a ticket with kerry. i think its a great idea but i'm not sure if i want both of them. i'll be sticking with the democratic vote this time around, no sense in wasting it on nader like i did last time. I thought gore didn't need my help, i guess i gave america too much credit. I guess i'm folloeing politics because when i'm at work i'm seeing first hand how they affect me personally. i see how much money theey take from me every week, i see how my bosses love the republickans becasue they make more money under them, and i see how our immigration policy affacts our work force. i guess i'm stilll looking at things from the outside even though i'm in a position to change things..... slightly. i gues i'm growing up. crap.
ron makes a good point about the mars rover. i've been following that too but the news has been sporadic. its been slow because it tkaes 24 hours to senda signal to mars to control the damn thing. I like that bush is going back to the moon. putting a colony on the moon would be a huge step. i think it would be better move then the international space station. a perminate address on the moon gives us somethign to go back and forth to. it will only me a matter of time before moon trips are the next craze in vacations. i'm excited to see what they bring back from mars and what the little expidition produces.
<------ What do you think of the new clock?
in the next week or so i'll be getting serious about the children. i've got plans to make a avery mobile, easy to keep unit that i think will work here. i'm going to get some wood from work and build a nice box. with a few small duct fans and a tube of air to the outside, i'll be all set. lets hope their perrennials!
brian, josh: glad you liked that.
I think skittles are too small. maybe if they were just a little bigger the center would be a little softer and it would make for a very good candy. I would also like to put on record that i think they should take candies off of sticks that are normally on them. Make blow pops with out hte stick. or a tootsie pop you can just pop in your mouth. suck through the sweet outer crunch and then get rewarde with the soft chey center. BRILLIANT!
Check this out! best thing i've seen in a while. watch in two weeks some other gay athlete will come out. this will open the door for them. wow. especially if he can get pass this.
Read This About Prohibition. its a good artical. very compleate.
whats with the new rash or spam and crap email? its getting to the epidemic stage of crap on the internet. its starting to rival porn for how much it slows down overall web traffic. two people i work with have stopped using email all togeather because of the spam. they got all kinds of filters and anti-add programs but none of them work. you know why? because they open them all. they keep opening htem. they seem amused by the crappy adds that pop up. they click on everything. the pretty colors are very apealing to them. is this our email problem? that people are actually using this crap? who gives money to these people? they wouldn't do it if there wasn't money to bemade, so someone must be.
I'm glad to see everyone using this site. enjoy. for now i present a toast. we've all moved our lives in a positive direction, congradulations. cheers! KA-sts
and for the record....
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 1/27/2004 07:09:00 PM
it was me who voted for vomiting asians. shit on me, you dragonlily aphrodisiac...
Hey shahaha
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 1/27/2004 06:52:00 PM
Let's be clear here....Macunafish speaking.......
So as of today the household now has the demon media television to tell lies to my vision. Not only that, but i just finished doing some technical junk and I now got cable hooked up to my cpu monitor! Ah, the benefits of hotness. Let it be known that I was probably the first in our group to have a remote controls for both the car stereo AND computer........sigh.....*macunas takes smacks upside the head*
In a revolting turn of events I bought a GRE practice book and am now cramming. My first practice test i got all the way up to the 18th percentile for the quanitative! That's good! Right? What school wouldn't want me? hehe.
As the official holder of the Political Science Bachelor of Arts degree, I will now lay my political opinions on the table: Final Fantasy keeps me busy and I could not care less about the political climate at this moment. Ah irony, you sweet refuge for the ignorant. Giving me solace from the bitter, biting freeze.
i hate politics
# posted by ron @ 1/27/2004 05:13:00 PM
i believe i will stress my distaste for politics. when most of you surf the internet i'm sure you all read about the debates and such. you know what? i really dont have any idea what the candidates are doing right now, i mean iowa to new hampshire. what the fuck is like montana next. i got no clue and i dont really care. what i do care about are those awesome pictures from the mars rovers and i am rooting hard for the first rover to be back up and running so it can go and drill into that rock. awesome. i'm also rooting for the moon base. i suppose that has some politics in it but i dont think any of the democratic candidates are interested. if they were, they might get my vote.
chump has got a point about the presidental candidacy being a big money game. i dont have big money so i dont play the game. all the rest of you can keep you illusions about steering this country in the 'right' direction wherever the fuck that is. the way i see it now whoever gets in office will still be influenced by the same big players anyway. the pres is just the bitch of the people who buy him. anyway my 2cents.
there was one interesting thing i read, it was about people with high-tech degrees not able to get jobs because they were all being sent to india and the such. now these things happen because in the front office it looks like a real good move. and quite frankly it probably is. but where has all the innovations in the past hundred or so years come from? thats right, because the US funds silly things like the mars rovers and it spawns endless other technology that trickles down into regular production and consumer goods. besides companies like pratt and whitney that sent a ton of work overseas will hit themselves in the head in like 10 years and suddenly realize that they havent really developed a new jet engine in like 15 years, then the over seas plants get swamped or refurbished. either way it gets developed over here, those jobs come back just got to wait it out.
so in other news, my social life seems to be headed straight downhill again, but i suppose these things happen to graduate engineering students. i mean my usual day consists of going to the lab, then to my classes, then back to the lab. i eat here and there, and its been a bit cold to ride my bike, plus my apartment has no TV or internet. just a foosball table and a bunch of bikes. so i pretty much live in the lab. its about as clean as my apartment for those of you who have seen it. (its a goddamn mess), like a 'keep you shoes on until you are ready to go to bed' type mess. ha ha ha i love it! so yea. just me and my books. good old elasticity and FORTRAN to keep me sane.
My thoughts...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/27/2004 03:17:00 PM
Whoa whoa whoa. The piece entitled "Gotta love the the political season" was authored by chump (as josh understands it)?? I thought that was a pure Macunes. I admit i thought it was too good for either of them, but i thought it would be more likely Macunes than chump. Agian i stress the NAME CHANGE idea suggested earlier.
I agree. Sammy Sosa is a cheater. Hes paying for it (certainly not financially though) too as far as fans and respect goes.
And as far as my vote- it goes to NADER! Well really, i like Kerry, Dean, and Edwards but i think Only Kerry and Dean have what it takes to be pres. I kinda like Kuncinich too, but hes just too radical for people. And theres no way in hell, id vote for a retired General to run the country (Clarke). I think Kerry has got what it takes, and will most likey be the front runner. Deans speech was blown way out of proportion by the media. Who cares if he showed a little emotion? It actually made me like him more. Shows hes got some character.
Mom says its going to snow 1-2 feet tonight. I have no idea where she got that figure, but either way we'll be getting some tonight.
so many candidates
# posted by josh @ 1/27/2004 02:10:00 PM
hey just a random question, dont have to answer if you guys dont feel comfortable...i know its still a long time away, but everyone seems to be pretty politically minded here. i was reading up on candidates today for a bit...as of now, who is everyone backing? to be fair i'll tell you i'm lookin carefulyl at john edwards, the lawyer from nc. but for me at least this is preliminary, after a quick look at platforms, etc.
aight time for shower and some classes
The Working Monkey Replies
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/27/2004 01:07:00 PM
Eroid.com is a sweet site, I've seen it before but totally forgot about it. If you ever use the phrase "...case of the MOONDAYS..." again I'll beat it out of you. Those people send shivers down my spine.
"Anyone else dread looking for jobs? I mean I get excited about it too, but its just such a hassle and time consumer. Plus I still cant really imagine myself moving to Montana or something to start some job. Ive decided to take chumps route and wait till something falls into my lucky fat ass. Ha ha. Your not fat chump. " (Brian)
I know just how you feel, and yes, I was lucky. I had about 3 days to freak out and loose my mind before I had to pull it all back together and actually accept my new job. It defiantly takes some getting used to.
Those cops shouldn't complain, I bet it smells better then the sweaty, dust monkeys usually held in their cells. (hehe, I'm not trying to be racist, it just happens)
Yes, engineers should control things, or at least set them up. No one works better at planning, working in groups and executing then engineers and athletes.
Mother Nature is a slut, but only for Father Time. And this as I'm causously awaiting a huge snowfall any minute now.
As for the politics, I've been reviewing everyone's stands on the issues and looking at how much they've each raised. Coverage!. All the bottom feeding canidates need to drop out now or they run the risk of slowly killing the few people who could actually win this thing. looking at strictly the money, bush has a commanding lead, and if you add up all the democrates funds so far it would equal about the same as the total raised by bush. Remember, this really has nothing to do with politics, its all a game. and money plays a big part. just don't say the wrong thing and don't piss anyone off, dress the part, act strong and stay in control. its a shame that dean may loose because he showed a little emotion. Liberman will be the first to drop out after N.H., or maybe gephart. it'll come down to dean, kerry and edwards. clark will make a push but end up just wasting a lot of money. i'm eagerly awaiting todays polls.
Aaron boone, you fucking retard, basketball, BASKETBALL! for crying out louad spring training starts in 3 weeks! this is it, its going to be a long summer in NY. i wouldn't be surprised if toronto made the playoffs and either the yanks/sox (or both) were left out.
ok, back to work
politics and (of?) baseball
# posted by josh @ 1/27/2004 01:02:00 PM
chump that was like poetry. and you know if i could be paid $5mil to bat .300 i'd JUMP at teh chance. shit, if i could be paid $100,000 to pitch up there for a year i'd be ridiculously happy (and also underpaid).
and i tihnk they need to just step up and be men, and get tested for steroids. i'm sure tons of guys are using some sort of illegal performance enhancers, and i'm not talkin about viagra (although palmiero uses that too) or levitra (right ditka?). and ever notice how they make those cheesy fake teams for the backgrounds of those commercials? i love that. like in ditka's levitra commercial they got some random logoless team playin football in the background. that has nothing to do w/ not bein able to get it up. a real team should step up and endorse the product. they're catch line could be "the women in our city are so busted, but we can still get it up thanks to levitra, or the little blue pill" somethin like that.
anyway back to the steroids issue. i mean besides the fact that everyone should be playin on an equal level, and the more you put into working out, etc the more you receive, the balls are already more juiced than they used to be, and parks are gettin smaller. people today are so impatient all they want to see is 13-12 games. fuck that. the real good ones are the 2-1 games, where pitching and defense are flawless. if i want to see 3948923 errors i'll go watch a high school game. there are plenty of those around. so maybe i am talkin about this from a pitchers perspective, but hey, what do you want, i was a pitcher!
and besides all the talk of steroids, then you got douchebags like sammy "i swear i didnt mean it baseball has been very very good to me" sosa out there corking bats. give me a fucking break sammy. i lost all respect for you. even if you have a corked bat for practice you dont let it anywhere near your game bats (and this is assuming you would use it for practice and not games to begin w/, to "hit it out for the fans in bp"). and of course they wont find any more corked bats among his shit, cuz he's got some little monkey who, right after it happens, runs to the locker room and makes sure all that shit, if there was any left, is gone. are people that naive? he may have done a lot for baseball ,but i feel taken for a fool. he's a fraud. makes you think about the homerun race w/ mcguire.
aight enough ranting for now...
Monday, January 26, 2004
Gotta love the political season
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/26/2004 07:09:00 PM
Oh its that time of year again. When the leaves have all fallen and died. Winter brought its snowy delight and the forth coming baseball season singles spring is just around the corner. Aha spring, when the reds and blues come out of every corner and the greens poke there heads through unspoiled soil. Donkies dance with Elephants. Its the new political season and democrat's and republicans are coming out of the wood work. New young green parties are working hard to get young voters and every one seems to be going primary crazy! Caucuses, debates and primaries litter our air waves and bother the masses. "Wake me when its over!" howl some. Others delve deep into the heart of the issues that matter. Inter-party politics, national healthcare, jobs for immigrants, gay marries, war, Iowa, terror, unemployment, tax cuts, spending, New Hampshire, Washington, Mayor, Senator, President. All the politics center around the president. What'd he do, or say, who cares about policy, there's war! It always gets swept under the carpet. All the little things. All the important stuff. The patriot act, the environment, jobs, debt, corruption, secretes, lies. Now he can do anything. Get things covered up. Police records, driving records. He started an oil war under the guise of terror. Now he's even able the run for president again, and he may win. He could still win. After all that.
"I wish I could fail at my job 70 percent of the time, and still make 5 million dollars."
(Unidentified baseball fan commenting on players being paid 5 million to bat .300)
It all ends with the President.
Looks like a case of the Mondays...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/26/2004 10:20:00 AM
I have to say, i dont really feel sorry for these guys:
Mondays suck.
Ron, I have to agree that things would be much better if there were engineers in politics. In general i believe that we need more scientists running the country. But its too early for politics right now... What do you guys think of all this mars rover stuff? I didnt know they had a second one landing. I think its pretty sweet. Notice how NASA is proposing their budget all of a sudden....
It is fucking cold isnt it? Samson. Anyone else dread looking for jobs? I mean i get excited about it too, but its just such a hassle and time consumer. Plus i still cant really imagine myself moving to montana or something to start some job. Ive decided to take chumps route and wait till something falls into my lucky fat ass. Ha ha. Your not fat chump.
Chump, check this site out
Sunday, January 25, 2004
i couldnt be much more bitter right now...
# posted by josh @ 1/25/2004 02:39:00 PM
yeah so its fucking snowing here today. this is such bullshit. remember when i transferred 1300 miles south of colby to get away from this? well i do. and yeah, maybe mon classes wil lbe cancelled, but i only have 1 anyway, not a big deal. also this means our intramural basketball game tonight will most likely be cancelled, and that sucks. and we dont have one next sun cuz of the superbowl (go pats). i dont get a hell of a lot of exercise, especially in the winter, so this is not helping one bit. so either god wants me to be fat or there isnt a god at all (yes, i know this is a false dichotomy). that's something i'm tryin to wokr on too, gettin exercise. it's a lot harder since i dont play baseball anymore. i cant just run, cuz i hate that and it's too painful. there has to be a reason. which is why basketball and soccer and flag football are good. with baseball we were running cuz we had to. it was much easier that way.
ok well i guess i got shit to do, so i'll leave you with 2 final thoughts:
1) mother nature, you are a huge slut
2) this presidential race is gettin ridiculous. i'm not sure i have faith in any of the candidates, or even the voters themselves. look at california, fuckin assholes elected arnold. now i know he's somewhat politically minded, and i enjoy his movies, but give me a fuckin break. reason #1923950304 why i will never move to california. they're out of their damn minds. i personally just may write in chump for president in 2004. i feel pretty godo that i'd be taken care of w/ chump as president. these other guys, i dont know. oh and the other day my roommate's moronic girlfriend said that arnold's wife is probably the brains behinfd the ca governorship and he's just the figurehead. i tell you, that bitch is out of her damn mind, she has no fuckin clue about anything.
ok i'm done here, i told you i was bitter
Friday, January 23, 2004
sports, politics, ho's and the like
# posted by josh @ 1/23/2004 03:15:00 PM
i havent posted in a while, so i'm definitely long overdue. i'll try to say something intelligent here. chump i really do like this site and this idea. bein so far from everyone made it tough, cuz not everyone likes being online all the time or checking email. this is much easier. so i been busy lately gettin back into the swing of classes. week 2-done and done. switched out of some history class with way too much work for my last undergrad semester. tryin to enjoy this one before 3 long years of law school. should start hearing from places in a couple months. the waitin is abotu as bad as filling out all the applications was.
as far as politics, i'm kinda siding with ron, although i kinda feel guilty about it. i want to care, i try to care, but somehow i just dont care as much as i should. i try to keep updated on everything though. i just feel like another "everyman" who will not be affected by public policy, or at least not in any significant way. makes it hard for me to pay attention. i suppose once i graduate and i have a job and all i'll be mroe likely to care more . i hope so. and yeah, where does w come off talkin about steroids in teh state of the union?? do that when you're still owner of the texas rangers and can have an effect on things. oh thats' right, no public figure would ever jeopardize their public standing or perception of them when they're actually in a position to say or do anything. it's so easy to look back and be like, "i support that" or "i should've done that." fucking cowards
chump i'm also finding myself in that lull b/w football and baseball. i dont like this shit about an extra week off before the superbowl. i know all the args for recovering from injuries and having a healthy team and shit like that, but i think that's all part of football. god, these guys are making millions each year, and half of them are fucking morons who couldnt finish school, and if they did it's cuz of who they are not what work they did. suck it up, stop bein a bunch of fucking pussies and play the fucking game this weekend! there's no need for a superbowl in fucking february. wow, i swore a lot in this paragraph...i'm actually in a pretty good mood.
and why shouldnt i be? it's friday. yeah i got shit to do this weekend, but for now it can wait. it's still pretty cold down here, but i probably shouldnt complain, or so i would guess. i imagine it's worse up there. brancy's call for a party makes me wanna get back up there and party w/ all teh guys. it's fun down here, but every once in a while it'd be great to see all the hk people. well, by all the hk people i mean the guys.
i guess that's all i got for now. i should probably nap or sometihng, think i'm goin to dinner w/ erica tonight. maybe i should shower. incidentally, she really liked all you guys when she met you that night at rookies. so take that however you want. feel good abotu it, or if you are a black hole and have no heart you can not care. haha. aight well maybe i'll throw in a movie. keep up the good work guys
got to watch that thursday night drink
# posted by ron @ 1/23/2004 11:38:00 AM
it looks like matt had a good one last night eh? i've had a few of those. when an innocent two beers with dinner turns into a thursday night bender. one noted night over break was when i had a beer with dinner after a bike ride, it was around 8. i went back to the lab for an hour or 2 of work but in the back of my mind i just wanted to drink. i get back to my apartment and i grab a beer and take a shower. after i finish one beer in the shower it is clear that i want another, but i also am enjoying the shower. this was during the near zero degree week over break. so i get out, leave the shower on and go get 2 more, dont want to make a second trip. i then pound two more beers enjoying the now sauna like atmosphere in my bathroom. then i'm out of beer. so i go get another from the fridge and warm back up in the shower. it then hits me that this is totally ridiculous. i'm kinda drunk and been in the shower for like 30 mins now. i'm like 'alright ron get out of the shower'. so i got out cranked up the tunes and finished off the beer. only difference here is that i didnt have to get up for work in the morning.
it hit me the other day listening to green day, dookie is 10 years old. damn. then i realized that i'm in 17th grade if you start counting after high school. ha ha oh well.
i really dont have much to rant about. i know brain, matt, tino and kolpak are all pretty politically educated. i am not. quite frankly i couldn't care less. it sounds terrible but i'm pretty sure that no matter who is elected for the next president doesnt really have a bearing on my life. my 'aura' of things and issues i care about and express emotion over are limited. the way i see it, let the politicians do the government shit. let the engineers do the engineering stuff. if people would concentrate on their speciality and worry less about other issues that they are only slightly educated about then things would get done quicker, better and cheaper. basically i'm saying elect engineers to the government to solve all problems. they have a high ethics code to live by, are very reasonible thinkers, and work in teams. enough said. chump, agree?
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/23/2004 10:08:00 AM
there i said it. now fuck you.
i was real drunk late night, some things may have been said, emotions were high, and i drank too much. this is evident in the fact that i was an hour late for work today. i've got a sizeable hang over and it looks like i wrote some good stuff last night in my drunken anger. i woke up on the couch this morning at 8:20. evryone at work seems to be very understanding today though. odd.
i'd expect more on this site this weekend, maybe saturday i'll spend some time. for now, fuck it. i'm done here
You drunk bastard
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/23/2004 10:04:00 AM
What the hell are you talking about? Anyway, that link you put up ("chimp gone wild") is hilarious. I sent it to my department and got a lot of positive responses.
I got a new one for you America...George W- Environmental Terrorist! What do you think of that America! Suck it down. The bush administration is tricky and evil. The "Clear skies inititive" for example. They put good/ healthy sounding names on their proposals when they are actually the opposite. This act actually increased the amount of pollution that companies can dump into the sky. Same things with the water and other environmental laws- Bush is trying to give slack to them all. Luckily our congress is actually doing a semi-decent job combating it. The ignorant people of this country see that it has a positive name to it so they dont think its bad. Thats why its trickery- name it what it is you fucker. "No child left behind" is actually leaving more children behind than ever before. Bush has used this war as an excuse to fuck over our environment just so the economy wont go to total shit. Its a law of physics- theres only a certain amount of energy in this world- if you take from one, it goes to another. Hopefuly this war will be ending soon and we will be able to concentrate on more important things, like our own country.
Oh yeah, and that presidental address. Steroids?! Comeon, i dont think that is a national priority right now. And the talk about Gay marriages without him actually saying the word gay. He totally trashed gays and everyone knows it. So why dont you just say the word GAY! Its that good ole fundamentalist southern Christian coming out in our fine leader.
Can i say this any louder? BUSH NEEDS TO GO!
Sorry for getting political.
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Fuck kolpak and tino.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/22/2004 11:14:00 PM
i'm right, you know it. fuck you i can provide prrof. i'm so totally right i'll sho wnumbers! i have a worker that is indanger of being sent back due to Bush's new ploicy on forign workers. i try to look at things from all perspectives but sometimes its hard so i just go with what i feel like. i think i can do alright with just telling pelple what to do. its gotten me this far so qhy not a little more?
bite me tino. i'm right and i really don't care what you think is true. i'll defend this, bite me.
shouud i feel guilty when the secratary i work with isn't at work simcei don't like talking to her?!? work just seeems so much more fun when she itsn't there. the day seeems shorter and i get more doine.
Jerry seinfield whould make a fine "jesse custer" if he coild pull opfff the whole tough jew thing.
brian, fuck yoiu to,v and rinb, bite me, i'm done here biatch. my island rocks and i'm going to win the lotto. now nobody gets nothing!!
who wouldn't bang britney spears?!? even if i was a chick i'd bang her. she's fucking tricktastic hot!.
macunas, i'm glad to seee you've figured out how th participate in this little scheme of mine.
Brian, the way this site works is in single posts. its not possible to get a messaage board on here yet but if maybe this thing progesses i'll bother to spend the $4.95 a month and get this hosted. and it a better idea thatn any of you have had in t he last year!!. nigga.
if you can't tell i'm way tooo drunk for 11:00.
i'm going to fix the iste, calm down. maybe a new template but baybe just some new colors. i don't know. screw you i'm out.
I need a drink
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/22/2004 02:25:00 PM
First things first. Chump or Macunes- one of you needs to change your name so we can tell them apart on the site. Its just way too confusing for my "lived with Matt Macunes for a year" brain. Secondly, Chump that island is way too small. Look at the scale compared to the houses on it! Anyway i bet you couldnt even buy that if you had 500 million dollars. Plus you would trash it just like area 52 with beer cans all over the place ( i never did agree with that- although beercan baseball was a blast).
We need a party soon. I havent been to one forever. Its hard cause i always spend my weekends with Kim (since we dont see eachother during the week), but thats when parties happen. Shes sick now and wants me to come over this weekend. Damn it, i want to party! If i dont go, shell get all pissed at me and stuff. Well, fuck this, im not going to start woman complaining on this sight cause id get ron started and he would never shut up!
Fucking forgot my lunch again. I make it all nice the night before and then i fucking forget it the next day. Fuck it, im going home and throwing in a pot pie....
I would take a shit on her!
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 1/22/2004 10:29:00 AM
Sup biznatches!
I woulda checked this deal earlier but my life's just been so busy what with playing my computer games. Last week, my laziness was unprecidented, but now I'm a worker horse. I joined the UConn co-op during their rush month moving boxes and boxes of spiral binders for 9 hours each day. My hands look all bluecollar like Bergan's or something.
You might be thinking that I actaully get kicks out of watching the hot girl-laden book line snaking thru the store and putting warm thoughts behind me eyes. Maybe I would notice that some of these freshman girls might not even be waring panties underneath thier tight, fashionable garments. You're DISGUSTING.
Chump: this website is BANGIN. The world is gonna know it this week. We're gonna have links to your page from General Mills, the U.N., MSNBC, Madonna's website, whatever. Let's just not get ahead of ourselves, cuz that would be laughable. HO HO HO HO HO
Might have a buncha people over on Friday or something - i get outta work early and i finally don't hafta work the day after. capice?
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/21/2004 11:22:00 PM
ok, i'll fix the fucking site, just give me some time. this really isn't on my list of things to do. anyone with some HTML experience is welcomed to help.
i was thinking about htis a lot today since i hear on the radio that some guy won 316 million to him self. if i had 300+ million dollars i would buy a baseball team and then put hte rest of the money to work for me. if there was any left over i decided i would give some to everyone. i figured sincei really don't need that much money, why not share it. if i were to win +/-50 millioin i would buy myself an island in the caribian and live happily on some sort of resort setup which would be compleatly self sufficient, including drugs and beer supplies. you're all welcome to visit. if i had anywhere from 60-299 million i'm not really sure what i wopuld do. i've already found my fantasy resort:
Ok but don't judge me since it's only wednesday
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/21/2004 10:38:00 PM
fuck it, its only wednesday. i'll fix the site soon. trust me, i'll change the colors and make it look a little more professional. i'm still learning the code part of this. i find myself on a quest for knowledge lately. i' m learning html, the ASME code, a bunch of stuff at work, i watched a bunch of house building progrmas the l;ast few days, and i'm learning how to take care of "the children". i'm getting into the whole gardening aspect of it. i'm learned a lot for just the internet. from all accounts i'm doing pretty good.
[dont forget laundry]
i find myself in the lull between the nfl and mlb seasons. i'm thursting for sports and i'm forced to go to hockey (which i don't mind) or the nba (i'd rather push towards college basketball).
i'm telling you, i'm not nuts with the whole group/colaborative effort. its so simple and yet very easy.
anyone else disgusted by the presidents state of tye union address? besides the obvious lies, he lied about the growth of employment(while empolyment is up, it is only up a fraction of a percent (only over the last few months, not over the last 2 years)). i've been getting into te whole political thing this year. i really think the democrates should hold these events earlyer in the election process. create a more unified front sooner before the elections so more of their smaller ank account can go toarws one cause insead of being dispersed amongst a bunch of time wasting canidates?
has anyone actually looked at how the iowa caucuses work? its insanity!, if any political bearing is given to this i'd be amazed. and whats with the republicans pouncing on the deean thing? wow! its ruthless in american politics. they found a good point to use against the front runner in a divided democratic party. good tactic. the democrates haven't responded yet. and was any one really surprised at how easily our president was able to lie to us? i must repeat: ITS SO FUCKING EASY TO TRICK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE INTO WHAT EVER YOU WANT THEM TO BELIEVE IT's FUCKING PATHETIC!!!
I think maybe i'm just jelous that i'm not in that same position of authority. i just see it as " if that retard can be president then why can't I?" i can lie. i can cheat. i can steal. and i'm realativly smart, if an idiot like that can do it i should be able to do it my self with a little planning.
i'm telling you. all we have to do is get behind one idea. doesn't matter what. i think we could succeed at anything we really tried at.
pats over panthers. hands down. anything else is an abnormality.
sean payton is suddenly the raiders head coach,.. and then suddly he isn't??! what kind of rumor is that?
the days are getting longer. that means baseball is coming. 3 weeks until volintary reporting dates. the hot stove is heating up, plus puge and maddux have yet to sign. this are getting interesting. i heard chuck knoblocks name mentioned in a conversation the other day. oh no.
Random continued
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/21/2004 02:49:00 PM
So anyway....right....i was thinking about where i would stop in my line of freinds to give money too. And the conclusion i came to was.... screw you guys, its my money bitches. You all would become fat and lazy and leach the rest of your miserable worthless lives. I think i would go live in an ashram or something. For those of you who dont know what an ashram is, its a temple type place, where all they do is Yoga day in and day out. You can actually go to these places now (for free) and do yoga and they put you on a diet and stuff.
Chump this site needs to be revised. It can be much better. Is there like an option to respond to a blog or something?
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/21/2004 10:58:00 AM
Alright, I got a little time here, so i figured what the hell. Im taking this killer genetics class this semester. I like genetics and i think its very interesting, but its very intimidating since its hard. I find that about a lot of things in life. Do we shy away from new things just becuase they are hard? Its kinda like learning a sport or an instrument or something. It just takes time. But you see all these other people doing it better than you so you get intimidated. When you get intimidated, you are scared and you then psch yourself out thinking that you cant do it. Everything has a pace, and as long as you stick you your own, you can do it. There. Thats the pep talk i needed. But i suppose there is a lot of hard work involved too.
Did you guys ever think about what you would do if you won powerball or something? Say like you won 100 million dollars. I was fantasizing in the car the other day. I was thinking about who (of my friends) i would give money too. I started with my close friends, girlfriend. Then i went on to more distant friends, but then thought about my friends who used to be close but arnt now(got to go- advisor back- to be continued)
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/20/2004 02:37:00 PM
I was going to post, but ive decided to go grocery shopping instead. Sum it up- Mexico = awesome, Back in school = not awesome. Im running around like a god damn worker monkey here. And whats with kopaks comment in the beer poll section- anyone esle see that? Why didnt he just post regularly. I did agree with what he said though. Bush needs to go. Whats the plans for the superbowl? Murphy and chump are the only ones who have cable.....
classes begin!
# posted by ron @ 1/20/2004 01:35:00 PM
so my first day of classes is off to a good start. missed my first one at 12:30. i got this feeling that this semester is going to have consequences. i dont know what yet. just a gut feeling and i usually have a decent gut feeling. i have alot of research to do, a journal paper to publish, a weed habit to kick (yea right), make time for myself, and a girlfriend to... well spend time with. my advisor is in england for the semester and if i dont keep my research up things could really fall apart there. its going to be interesting to look back in may and evaluate if things were done correctly, where mistakes were made and the such. gotta learn!
matt when are you going to put keystone light up on the vote? i mean come on everybody knows its the best beer. and another thing with only 4 of us voting its kinda a done thing already so put up something new!
Thursday, January 15, 2004
dont tell me my business
# posted by josh @ 1/15/2004 06:59:00 PM
so what if it's 7pm on a thursda anf i'm drunk already. you all should take notes as this is very proper. keystone is great. anyhow, first thurs back in teh semester, and that means chaos and drunkenness...i'm sure both will ensue and i may even be back on this alater, or maybe just an email. regardless i hope you are all doin well at home still. good seein everyone on break.
so i'm still datin erica, and how great is this? i can get trashed whenever i want, such as tonight, and she'll go out w/ her friends and me with mine and then we'll chat later or meet up or whatever. i do what i wnat and thats how it should be.
o k that's all i got now, i'm distracted by beer and tv. laaaaaaaaaaate
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
You're a lucky man ron
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/13/2004 12:52:00 PM
damn lucky. it sounds like they set out to get you too. i'm surprised they spent the time to follow you home when it sounds like they were trying to avoid the paperwork and hassel of bringing you in. lets hope this trend of picking up drunk drivers doesn't continue because i think that all of us have been pushing our own limits a little. we're all going to drive drunk, its an unavoidable part of life, but we don't need to get caught.
there is no dk3 ron, sorry. i remembered what the story was with dk2 also. it was printed in threee parts and the first two shipped on time as was expected but the third part shipped about 10 months late and by that time no one cared and it became a big inside joke. plus the story took some heat because it was so much different and some parts didn't make anysense when compared to the first. these were written almost 20 years apart so i think its to be expected.
i'm glad we're all having crappy days. i'm being put in a position that i don't like today at work. i'm being asked to fudge some numbers to get calculatioins pushed past the inspector. i'd rather not but the customer is demanding that a 50,000$ heat exchanger is given a 100psi rating compared to the 75psi that we gave it. and since i was told to use the old calc's since its a repeat job, it turns out the old calc's weren't any good either. so its not really rated to 75psi to begin with. there is only one real problem area but at this point its either ask my company to eat the equivalant to my yearly salary or get this figured out with out touching the vessel. crap. enough about work
josh, i know exactly what you're talking about. it took me 2 years at WIT to get them to accept my chemestry credit from RIT. its total bulshit because they have to compare words in the course description. those descriptions are written by secretaries and hold no pertanent information about the class but for some stupid reason thats what has to hold up?!?! fuck that.
ok back to work for me.
that's been happening a lot lately
# posted by josh @ 1/13/2004 12:05:00 PM
i dont know if its just us, or if they're cracking down on drinking and driving more lately. barton's been pulled over twice for it in the last few months, and got damn lucky both times. i feel lucky to be back at school now where i dont really have to put up w/ that kind of stuff, but it wont last forever
and i have no clue what's happening in baseball. everything's been turned upside down in the last couple months, teams that sucked are gonna be good and vice versa. very strange. i only hope the braves off-season moves dont cost them too much, they arent one of the teams who have made out better w/ their deals.
so i should be lookin at our blog/posting more since i have a lot of free time due to my class schedule. i guess that's what happens when you get kept for an extra semester. it's bullshit really, how credits dont transfer and stuff. in theory, i should have graduated in december, but now there's an extra $8000 out of MY (consumer) pocket cuz some bastard schools (producers) decided that what 1 school calls a comparative politics class for example, is not what another school calls comparative politics. give me a damn break, comparative politics can only mean so many things. comparing politics. luckily i took all my poly sci shit already. man that stuff sucks. kinda ironic that by going into corporate law i may end up defending some corporation like that. weird, but i'll be ok
so anyhow i dont have class til 330 today, hence all this free time. also i have a sports class. 1 book on regular sports, 1 on college football, 2 on baseball. i think this is the class for me. aight well i'm hungry so i'm out...later on boys
dk2 rocked
# posted by ron @ 1/13/2004 09:48:00 AM
yea matt that book rocked. is there a third? anyway ready to start the week after a packed weekend. i know i've only told a few so you guys dont know yet. I got pulled over on rt 32 at 3:30 am after a party at matts. I was sitting in my car thinking 'so this is how it happens, this is how i'm going to lose my license for 6 months'. now of course i'd been drinking and i actually had some un opened beer in the car. they were riding shotgun on the floor. oh shit. the cop came over to the window flashed his light around the car and asked how many i had had and where i was coming from. i said 3, he flashed the open 12 pack and asked again, i said THREE a little firmer than before, and that i was at a freinds watching the pats game. he took my registration and went back to the patrol car. after 10 mins he came back and had me get out of the car. there were two of them. both putting on there best scare tactics, it was working but i didnt show them that it was. they slowly showed me each roadside sobriety test that i was to preform and i did so, walk the line, follow the finger and stand on one foot. they told me to get back in the car. after i sat back down i knew i did the test fine or else they would have cuffed me right then and there. he came back over to the window and told me to get out again. the other cop gave me the follow the finger one again. i guess i passed. he said 'you are borderline is there anyone who can come and get you, you have a cell phone?' i said yea and i tried to call my roomate, he wasnt home. thats it, end of line. i told the cops that i couldnt get ahold of anyone, can i walk? they said get in the car for the 4th time. after another 10 mins he came over to the window and said ' i'm giving you a ticket for too fast for conditions, i'm going to follow you to your apartment so take it real easy, you got lucky tonight.' so i drove to my apartment, they followed, end of story.
let me tell you boys that was one of the scariest things i've ever had to do. lucky i had a good buzz on or else i might have been terrified.
on other news, tuesday morning coffee sucks, my lab mate is not in, and my advisor is in england. looks like another day of surfing the internet. until next time, see ya
Monday, January 12, 2004
What I've Been Learning
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/12/2004 09:48:00 PM
i've been educating myself about my "children" and i think i'm doing ok. maybe one more light, more air flow, and a little more heat and i'll be good. i think i'm going to have moved out of here before these things "produce" or maybe even in the middle of the "Anual Production". i'm not going to directly incriminate myself just yet.
i'm so disapointed in my flyers, i just watched them lose to the fucking penguins. ugh. and the angels?!? how the hell did they end up with vlad?! they made a few moves this year and certainly rounded out the AL. the AL east is certainly the toughest devision in all of baseball and could be one of the toughest devisions of all time. The yankees are comming off a great year but lost a bunch of pitching, the redsox got schilling and a pissed off nomar, the devil rays picked up soem good parts and have good young players like baldelli and huff plus don zimmer to cap it all off. the orioles and the blue jays will fight it out for third place but will still be two of the toughest teams i the league. the orioles added palmiero, lopez and tejhada and i think they'll still sign ponson. the blue jays added a lot of pitching in re-signing halladay, bautista, trading for ted lilly and getting pat hentgen. they had a bunxh of good young hitting last year and its only going to get better this year. the NL is falling apart while the cubs nd a few other teams are doing well. the braves, mets, expos, giants, d-backs, brewers, LA and pirates have all just broken down. i still can't belive thats pettit in an astros uniform.......and now clemens, crap! i figured it would happen once pettit signed but there was still hope when he waited until mid january to make his decision. ok enough baseball.
ron, what did you think of DK2?
whats up with al sharpton attacking dean like that? and a bout race? can't al sharpton find soething better to fight about? this act is getting old and he can't keep playing the race card because he's black. its gotten him this far and now it should stop. Don't drag the rest of america down with your ship sharpton!.
cam neely should be in the hall of fame
oh, i''m going to be fixing this site a little more soon, don't you worry. once i start feeling alittle better i'll fix up the colors and get a more uniform layut. it'll happen, maybe not today, or tomorrow, but some day.
well hello gentlemen
# posted by josh @ 1/12/2004 04:07:00 PM
i have now joined in the fun. i dont have much to say right now, but perhaps i will whe n i'm next drunk . hey that could be tonight. true, it may be monday, but it's teh first day of classes. i'll be back for more quite soon........
Saturday, January 10, 2004
Im going to Mexico with an aching in my heart...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/10/2004 05:11:00 PM
For Led Zep fans, you will understand the title. I guess thats chump and ron. I think we are the only ones who actually read this site anyway....oh well. Its official, my girlfreind has gotten me addicted to Mario Party. Its a pretty sweet game. The good thing however is that its only fun when you play with other people, so i wont be tempted to play by myself. Unlike Macunes who is totally addicted to his online Final Fantasy game. The other day he told us this story that only really made sense and was funny to him. Hes totally sucked in. Did you hear about that kid who killed himself because his Everquest character was killed? Its pretty sick- these online community things. You can have a whole other life online- friends, enemys, dating, whatever. Im just going to try to stay away from them cause i know i would also want to be addicted. Anyway, when i come back (18th) it will be time for school again and im going to struggle thru my last semester possibly ever. Mabye ill come back a little darker.....
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
the rpl3000 has arrived!!!!
# posted by ron @ 1/07/2004 05:13:00 PM
the hockey game was awesome, i think i was wasted when we went in. i mean we sat in the car for 2 hours and pounded beers before entering. the game could have been better, no fights, but it reminded me how much i miss the whalers games.
i've been spending most of this day staring at the computer screen. i'm trying to write a computer program that should be simple and i know i've done harded ones before but i just cant get things moving. i think over break i did a bit too much smoking and drinking and now i need like 2 days to get my mind straight before i try to do real work.
so i was a bit weary of this blogger idea at first but after much thinking i believe that its a pretty neat idea. its too bad that my only spot to type to this is on campus so i cant exactly get wasted and write like matt does, damn! so, who else is going to post???
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
OK, so the devils didn't lose
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/06/2004 12:53:00 PM
bite me, they won in over time, screw that, it was fun anyway. now all i need to do is push my boss for more tickets.
Monday, January 05, 2004
..and the devils lose!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/05/2004 12:13:00 PM
Its monday at lunch time and i'm going to a devils games tonight in NJ. expect shanaagans.
Enter Brancibeer
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/05/2004 12:17:00 AM
Ah yes. A Website, what a genious idea. Can we expect anyless some such a genious as chump? Lets just all hope he doesnt let it go up in smoke (literally). Well, didnt plan on writing anything of importance yet. Just writing to see if this works. Soon ill be write something good and funny about mullets or dirty southerners or something. Im too *cough* *cough* tired at the moment. Does that make any sense or am i just too *cough* *cough*? ? Anyway its late.....
Saturday, January 03, 2004
Drunk And Ready To Rant
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/03/2004 02:00:00 AM
ok, so i�m drunk, so sue me. no matter what i say it will be analized. one way, the next way, then your way. but none of them meaning what i ment to say. there are many things to say but never enough room. i�m also wasted enough to begin thinking of the other �layers� to life. ok first thing first, i think the terroists have failed. its so easy to get away with massive acts of terroism that aadding extra securityand �troops� doesn�t make me feel any safe when a drunkman ( Click here) can go and drive a stoen bus into a crowed airport. It�s a waste of money and it only costing tax-payer dollars when we have to make the elderly �feel� safe. Its all a big show and game for them. Say you�re adding cops and they love you, say you�re cutting taxes they love you. Its so GOD DAMN EASY TO FUCK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IT MAKES ME SICK!!
The royal tenebalms sucks ball, I�m not that stoned and I don�t think I ever will be. Hey, guess what?!?!? I got a raise on monnday. I stumbled into work on Monday and got a raise. What kind of country is this when peoploe can�t just got to work every day and do their job without someone giving them more money?!?!? BBBAAAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHA I feel sinking rich!! AHAH AHAHAHAH!!! I�ll have plenty of web sites soon and there seems like the good possibiilty that I cold get a decent web site u ppand running. Don�t hold your brath but I think I could get a solid website up and rnning in not that long. All it takes is alittle time and dedication. i Can do that. I�ll shift my focus from video games to web sites. I�m looking for something new to learn now that I�ve got engineering down pat.
I see my new job as only a stepping stone in my life. I�d like to do more things and I almost feel as though I�m ready to move on again. I�m spent my time, I did all the work, and now I�m an engineer. I think I�m ready to move on to doctor, or writer, or cicus freak, I don�t really know. I feel as though I could settle down for ever or continue on for the �6 month future�. I�ll take it one situation at a time and comment on it daily. I can do my own The Daily Show. Lets see what happens. Maybe this is just a fad. Maybe this is only a little distraction. I�m guessing it�s a half baked idea that will only last if I have fun with it. If I get no response and npo one cares then fuck it. I�ll move on. But I f I can get a bunch of people to participate then it will go smoothly. And this will seem great like I succeded. I like to get hings accomplished. It makes me feel good about what I�m doing, liike I�m making progress.
Life is simply a game. It can all be won or lost if you know how you�re playing. One person after another can ruin it but those are the people you have top punch through. There are some people that need rules, or need structure in their lives. I need to go to bed at night thinking I�m making a difference, be it small or large, that I�m going to change the world. I wouild like to leave this place aalittle better then I found it. I care about other people but it gets hard when its ovious that others don�t. thats why I get so upset, I care, and it hurts twice as much as when people I don�t cre about pisss me off. I�d like to see some sort of compassion for other people in every day life. Its always �screw this person left� or � screw this person right�. I hate that most people are stuck in little ruts and refuse to change siimmply because they are comfortable with their current life. Their resistance to change in amazing.
Thursday, January 01, 2004
New years day
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/01/2004 12:34:00 PM
went to bar. hungover. tired. woke up on a lawn chair in the middle of the floor in ansonia (karens apt.). that just about sums it all up