# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/21/2004 10:38:00 PM
fuck it, its only wednesday. i'll fix the site soon. trust me, i'll change the colors and make it look a little more professional. i'm still learning the code part of this. i find myself on a quest for knowledge lately. i' m learning html, the ASME code, a bunch of stuff at work, i watched a bunch of house building progrmas the l;ast few days, and i'm learning how to take care of "the children". i'm getting into the whole gardening aspect of it. i'm learned a lot for just the internet. from all accounts i'm doing pretty good.
[dont forget laundry]
i find myself in the lull between the nfl and mlb seasons. i'm thursting for sports and i'm forced to go to hockey (which i don't mind) or the nba (i'd rather push towards college basketball).
i'm telling you, i'm not nuts with the whole group/colaborative effort. its so simple and yet very easy.
anyone else disgusted by the presidents state of tye union address? besides the obvious lies, he lied about the growth of employment(while empolyment is up, it is only up a fraction of a percent (only over the last few months, not over the last 2 years)). i've been getting into te whole political thing this year. i really think the democrates should hold these events earlyer in the election process. create a more unified front sooner before the elections so more of their smaller ank account can go toarws one cause insead of being dispersed amongst a bunch of time wasting canidates?
has anyone actually looked at how the iowa caucuses work? its insanity!, if any political bearing is given to this i'd be amazed. and whats with the republicans pouncing on the deean thing? wow! its ruthless in american politics. they found a good point to use against the front runner in a divided democratic party. good tactic. the democrates haven't responded yet. and was any one really surprised at how easily our president was able to lie to us? i must repeat: ITS SO FUCKING EASY TO TRICK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE INTO WHAT EVER YOU WANT THEM TO BELIEVE IT's FUCKING PATHETIC!!!
I think maybe i'm just jelous that i'm not in that same position of authority. i just see it as " if that retard can be president then why can't I?" i can lie. i can cheat. i can steal. and i'm realativly smart, if an idiot like that can do it i should be able to do it my self with a little planning.
i'm telling you. all we have to do is get behind one idea. doesn't matter what. i think we could succeed at anything we really tried at.
pats over panthers. hands down. anything else is an abnormality.
sean payton is suddenly the raiders head coach,.. and then suddly he isn't??! what kind of rumor is that?
the days are getting longer. that means baseball is coming. 3 weeks until volintary reporting dates. the hot stove is heating up, plus puge and maddux have yet to sign. this are getting interesting. i heard chuck knoblocks name mentioned in a conversation the other day. oh no.