# posted by josh @ 1/27/2004 01:02:00 PM
chump that was like poetry. and you know if i could be paid $5mil to bat .300 i'd JUMP at teh chance. shit, if i could be paid $100,000 to pitch up there for a year i'd be ridiculously happy (and also underpaid).
and i tihnk they need to just step up and be men, and get tested for steroids. i'm sure tons of guys are using some sort of illegal performance enhancers, and i'm not talkin about viagra (although palmiero uses that too) or levitra (right ditka?). and ever notice how they make those cheesy fake teams for the backgrounds of those commercials? i love that. like in ditka's levitra commercial they got some random logoless team playin football in the background. that has nothing to do w/ not bein able to get it up. a real team should step up and endorse the product. they're catch line could be "the women in our city are so busted, but we can still get it up thanks to levitra, or the little blue pill" somethin like that.
anyway back to the steroids issue. i mean besides the fact that everyone should be playin on an equal level, and the more you put into working out, etc the more you receive, the balls are already more juiced than they used to be, and parks are gettin smaller. people today are so impatient all they want to see is 13-12 games. fuck that. the real good ones are the 2-1 games, where pitching and defense are flawless. if i want to see 3948923 errors i'll go watch a high school game. there are plenty of those around. so maybe i am talkin about this from a pitchers perspective, but hey, what do you want, i was a pitcher!
and besides all the talk of steroids, then you got douchebags like sammy "i swear i didnt mean it baseball has been very very good to me" sosa out there corking bats. give me a fucking break sammy. i lost all respect for you. even if you have a corked bat for practice you dont let it anywhere near your game bats (and this is assuming you would use it for practice and not games to begin w/, to "hit it out for the fans in bp"). and of course they wont find any more corked bats among his shit, cuz he's got some little monkey who, right after it happens, runs to the locker room and makes sure all that shit, if there was any left, is gone. are people that naive? he may have done a lot for baseball ,but i feel taken for a fool. he's a fraud. makes you think about the homerun race w/ mcguire.
aight enough ranting for now...