# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/26/2004 07:09:00 PM
Oh its that time of year again. When the leaves have all fallen and died. Winter brought its snowy delight and the forth coming baseball season singles spring is just around the corner. Aha spring, when the reds and blues come out of every corner and the greens poke there heads through unspoiled soil. Donkies dance with Elephants. Its the new political season and democrat's and republicans are coming out of the wood work. New young green parties are working hard to get young voters and every one seems to be going primary crazy! Caucuses, debates and primaries litter our air waves and bother the masses. "Wake me when its over!" howl some. Others delve deep into the heart of the issues that matter. Inter-party politics, national healthcare, jobs for immigrants, gay marries, war, Iowa, terror, unemployment, tax cuts, spending, New Hampshire, Washington, Mayor, Senator, President. All the politics center around the president. What'd he do, or say, who cares about policy, there's war! It always gets swept under the carpet. All the little things. All the important stuff. The patriot act, the environment, jobs, debt, corruption, secretes, lies. Now he can do anything. Get things covered up. Police records, driving records. He started an oil war under the guise of terror. Now he's even able the run for president again, and he may win. He could still win. After all that.
"I wish I could fail at my job 70 percent of the time, and still make 5 million dollars."
(Unidentified baseball fan commenting on players being paid 5 million to bat .300)
It all ends with the President.