# posted by ron @ 1/27/2004 05:13:00 PM
i believe i will stress my distaste for politics. when most of you surf the internet i'm sure you all read about the debates and such. you know what? i really dont have any idea what the candidates are doing right now, i mean iowa to new hampshire. what the fuck is like montana next. i got no clue and i dont really care. what i do care about are those awesome pictures from the mars rovers and i am rooting hard for the first rover to be back up and running so it can go and drill into that rock. awesome. i'm also rooting for the moon base. i suppose that has some politics in it but i dont think any of the democratic candidates are interested. if they were, they might get my vote.
chump has got a point about the presidental candidacy being a big money game. i dont have big money so i dont play the game. all the rest of you can keep you illusions about steering this country in the 'right' direction wherever the fuck that is. the way i see it now whoever gets in office will still be influenced by the same big players anyway. the pres is just the bitch of the people who buy him. anyway my 2cents.
there was one interesting thing i read, it was about people with high-tech degrees not able to get jobs because they were all being sent to india and the such. now these things happen because in the front office it looks like a real good move. and quite frankly it probably is. but where has all the innovations in the past hundred or so years come from? thats right, because the US funds silly things like the mars rovers and it spawns endless other technology that trickles down into regular production and consumer goods. besides companies like pratt and whitney that sent a ton of work overseas will hit themselves in the head in like 10 years and suddenly realize that they havent really developed a new jet engine in like 15 years, then the over seas plants get swamped or refurbished. either way it gets developed over here, those jobs come back just got to wait it out.
so in other news, my social life seems to be headed straight downhill again, but i suppose these things happen to graduate engineering students. i mean my usual day consists of going to the lab, then to my classes, then back to the lab. i eat here and there, and its been a bit cold to ride my bike, plus my apartment has no TV or internet. just a foosball table and a bunch of bikes. so i pretty much live in the lab. its about as clean as my apartment for those of you who have seen it. (its a goddamn mess), like a 'keep you shoes on until you are ready to go to bed' type mess. ha ha ha i love it! so yea. just me and my books. good old elasticity and FORTRAN to keep me sane.