# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/22/2004 11:14:00 PM
i'm right, you know it. fuck you i can provide prrof. i'm so totally right i'll sho wnumbers! i have a worker that is indanger of being sent back due to Bush's new ploicy on forign workers. i try to look at things from all perspectives but sometimes its hard so i just go with what i feel like. i think i can do alright with just telling pelple what to do. its gotten me this far so qhy not a little more?
bite me tino. i'm right and i really don't care what you think is true. i'll defend this, bite me.
shouud i feel guilty when the secratary i work with isn't at work simcei don't like talking to her?!? work just seeems so much more fun when she itsn't there. the day seeems shorter and i get more doine.
Jerry seinfield whould make a fine "jesse custer" if he coild pull opfff the whole tough jew thing.
brian, fuck yoiu to,v and rinb, bite me, i'm done here biatch. my island rocks and i'm going to win the lotto. now nobody gets nothing!!
who wouldn't bang britney spears?!? even if i was a chick i'd bang her. she's fucking tricktastic hot!.
macunas, i'm glad to seee you've figured out how th participate in this little scheme of mine.
Brian, the way this site works is in single posts. its not possible to get a messaage board on here yet but if maybe this thing progesses i'll bother to spend the $4.95 a month and get this hosted. and it a better idea thatn any of you have had in t he last year!!. nigga.
if you can't tell i'm way tooo drunk for 11:00.
i'm going to fix the iste, calm down. maybe a new template but baybe just some new colors. i don't know. screw you i'm out.