# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/03/2004 02:00:00 AM
ok, so i�m drunk, so sue me. no matter what i say it will be analized. one way, the next way, then your way. but none of them meaning what i ment to say. there are many things to say but never enough room. i�m also wasted enough to begin thinking of the other �layers� to life. ok first thing first, i think the terroists have failed. its so easy to get away with massive acts of terroism that aadding extra securityand �troops� doesn�t make me feel any safe when a drunkman (
Click here) can go and drive a stoen bus into a crowed airport. It�s a waste of money and it only costing tax-payer dollars when we have to make the elderly �feel� safe. Its all a big show and game for them. Say you�re adding cops and they love you, say you�re cutting taxes they love you. Its so GOD DAMN EASY TO FUCK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IT MAKES ME SICK!!
The royal tenebalms sucks ball, I�m not that stoned and I don�t think I ever will be. Hey, guess what?!?!? I got a raise on monnday. I stumbled into work on Monday and got a raise. What kind of country is this when peoploe can�t just got to work every day and do their job without someone giving them more money?!?!? BBBAAAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHA I feel sinking rich!! AHAH AHAHAHAH!!! I�ll have plenty of web sites soon and there seems like the good possibiilty that I cold get a decent web site u ppand running. Don�t hold your brath but I think I could get a solid website up and rnning in not that long. All it takes is alittle time and dedication. i Can do that. I�ll shift my focus from video games to web sites. I�m looking for something new to learn now that I�ve got engineering down pat.
I see my new job as only a stepping stone in my life. I�d like to do more things and I almost feel as though I�m ready to move on again. I�m spent my time, I did all the work, and now I�m an engineer. I think I�m ready to move on to doctor, or writer, or cicus freak, I don�t really know. I feel as though I could settle down for ever or continue on for the �6 month future�. I�ll take it one situation at a time and comment on it daily. I can do my own
The Daily Show. Lets see what happens. Maybe this is just a fad. Maybe this is only a little distraction. I�m guessing it�s a half baked idea that will only last if I have fun with it. If I get no response and npo one cares then fuck it. I�ll move on. But I f I can get a bunch of people to participate then it will go smoothly. And this will seem great like I succeded. I like to get hings accomplished. It makes me feel good about what I�m doing, liike I�m making progress.
Life is simply a game. It can all be won or lost if you know how you�re playing. One person after another can ruin it but those are the people you have top punch through. There are some people that need rules, or need structure in their lives. I need to go to bed at night thinking I�m making a difference, be it small or large, that I�m going to change the world. I wouild like to leave this place aalittle better then I found it. I care about other people but it gets hard when its ovious that others don�t. thats why I get so upset, I care, and it hurts twice as much as when people I don�t cre about pisss me off. I�d like to see some sort of compassion for other people in every day life. Its always �screw this person left� or � screw this person right�. I hate that most people are stuck in little ruts and refuse to change siimmply because they are comfortable with their current life. Their resistance to change in amazing.