# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/12/2004 09:48:00 PM
i've been educating myself about my "children" and i think i'm doing ok. maybe one more light, more air flow, and a little more heat and i'll be good. i think i'm going to have moved out of here before these things "produce" or maybe even in the middle of the "Anual Production". i'm not going to directly incriminate myself just yet.
i'm so disapointed in my flyers, i just watched them lose to the fucking penguins. ugh. and the angels?!? how the hell did they end up with vlad?! they made a few moves this year and certainly rounded out the AL. the AL east is certainly the toughest devision in all of baseball and could be one of the toughest devisions of all time. The yankees are comming off a great year but lost a bunch of pitching, the redsox got schilling and a pissed off nomar, the devil rays picked up soem good parts and have good young players like baldelli and huff plus don zimmer to cap it all off. the orioles and the blue jays will fight it out for third place but will still be two of the toughest teams i the league. the orioles added palmiero, lopez and tejhada and i think they'll still sign ponson. the blue jays added a lot of pitching in re-signing halladay, bautista, trading for ted lilly and getting pat hentgen. they had a bunxh of good young hitting last year and its only going to get better this year. the NL is falling apart while the cubs nd a few other teams are doing well. the braves, mets, expos, giants, d-backs, brewers, LA and pirates have all just broken down. i still can't belive thats pettit in an astros uniform.......and now clemens, crap! i figured it would happen once pettit signed but there was still hope when he waited until mid january to make his decision. ok enough baseball.
ron, what did you think of DK2?
whats up with al sharpton attacking dean like that? and a bout race? can't al sharpton find soething better to fight about? this act is getting old and he can't keep playing the race card because he's black. its gotten him this far and now it should stop.
Don't drag the rest of america down with your ship sharpton!.
cam neely should be in the hall of fame
oh, i''m going to be fixing this site a little more soon, don't you worry. once i start feeling alittle better i'll fix up the colors and get a more uniform layut. it'll happen, maybe not today, or tomorrow, but some day.