# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/22/2004 02:25:00 PM
First things first. Chump or Macunes- one of you needs to change your name so we can tell them apart on the site. Its just way too confusing for my "lived with Matt Macunes for a year" brain. Secondly, Chump that island is way too small. Look at the scale compared to the houses on it! Anyway i bet you couldnt even buy that if you had 500 million dollars. Plus you would trash it just like area 52 with beer cans all over the place ( i never did agree with that- although beercan baseball was a blast).
We need a party soon. I havent been to one forever. Its hard cause i always spend my weekends with Kim (since we dont see eachother during the week), but thats when parties happen. Shes sick now and wants me to come over this weekend. Damn it, i want to party! If i dont go, shell get all pissed at me and stuff. Well, fuck this, im not going to start woman complaining on this sight cause id get ron started and he would never shut up!
Fucking forgot my lunch again. I make it all nice the night before and then i fucking forget it the next day. Fuck it, im going home and throwing in a pot pie....