# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/27/2004 09:39:00 PM
its seems our good fellow kerry has taken a strong hold in New Hampsire. well, no shit! he's from massachuettes and NH is much more drawn to mass then vermont. vermonters only goto NH for the lack of a sales tax and cheep booze.
i'm sorry if this site is getting a little political for the likes of some. Its is the political season after all. Right now i'm still pushing for dean but i'm open to edwards and then kerry. i fear that edwards may drop early and then get on a ticket with kerry. i think its a great idea but i'm not sure if i want both of them. i'll be sticking with the democratic vote this time around, no sense in wasting it on nader like i did last time. I thought gore didn't need my help, i guess i gave america too much credit. I guess i'm folloeing politics because when i'm at work i'm seeing first hand how they affect me personally. i see how much money theey take from me every week, i see how my bosses love the republickans becasue they make more money under them, and i see how our immigration policy affacts our work force. i guess i'm stilll looking at things from the outside even though i'm in a position to change things..... slightly. i gues i'm growing up. crap.
ron makes a good point about the mars rover. i've been following that too but the news has been sporadic. its been slow because it tkaes 24 hours to senda signal to mars to control the damn thing. I like that bush is going back to the moon. putting a colony on the moon would be a huge step. i think it would be better move then the international space station. a perminate address on the moon gives us somethign to go back and forth to. it will only me a matter of time before moon trips are the next craze in vacations. i'm excited to see what they bring back from mars and what the little expidition produces.
<------ What do you think of the new clock?
in the next week or so i'll be getting serious about the children. i've got plans to make a avery mobile, easy to keep unit that i think will work here. i'm going to get some wood from work and build a nice box. with a few small duct fans and a tube of air to the outside, i'll be all set. lets hope their perrennials!
brian, josh: glad you liked that.
I think skittles are too small. maybe if they were just a little bigger the center would be a little softer and it would make for a very good candy. I would also like to put on record that i think they should take candies off of sticks that are normally on them. Make blow pops with out hte stick. or a tootsie pop you can just pop in your mouth. suck through the sweet outer crunch and then get rewarde with the soft chey center. BRILLIANT!
Check this out! best thing i've seen in a while. watch in two weeks some other gay athlete will come out. this will open the door for them. wow. especially if he can get pass this.
Read This About Prohibition. its a good artical. very compleate.
whats with the new rash or spam and crap email? its getting to the epidemic stage of crap on the internet. its starting to rival porn for how much it slows down overall web traffic. two people i work with have stopped using email all togeather because of the spam. they got all kinds of filters and anti-add programs but none of them work. you know why? because they open them all. they keep opening htem. they seem amused by the crappy adds that pop up. they click on everything. the pretty colors are very apealing to them. is this our email problem? that people are actually using this crap? who gives money to these people? they wouldn't do it if there wasn't money to bemade, so someone must be.
I'm glad to see everyone using this site. enjoy. for now i present a toast. we've all moved our lives in a positive direction, congradulations. cheers!