# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/29/2004 02:36:00 PM
Science fasinates me. It always has. I think ron and chump can say the same. Theres just something about discovery that makes you feel fullfilled and wanting more. Thats basicly what science is. Discovery and learning. How does this work? Why does this work? Can i make it do this? What if we did this? What if we lit it on fire?
To human nature- a part of science. The individual has one purpose in life. Or i should start at a more basic level. The genes have one purpose in life. To grow and multiply. Just like everyone wants their ideas to be heard and used, the genes want their information to spread. Thats how our planet evolved. Species competing with one another to get more of their information out there. Some think that evil arose from this competition. But like most things theres likely a lot more to it. Cheating, lying, stealing, it all came from something trying to get ahead. What i sometimes wonder, is if it has to be like that. Does someone have to be ahead. Americans especially are raised to be "all they can be" and to achieve better than everyone esle. (As opposed to somewhere like Japan where they emphasize teamwork more). What if there was no competition? Communism comes to mind actually. In Homers Simpsons words, "in theory communism works". I like this quote alot, because if you think about it- its fucking true.
Our world that we live in is rooted too deep for anyting radical to happen. Its history is way older than any new ideas could ever change. Ive come to realize this over time. You have to work within the system and through the system to change the system. Just like in engineering and biology. You have to know what the fuck your doing, before you start changing anything.