# posted by ron @ 1/20/2004 01:35:00 PM
so my first day of classes is off to a good start. missed my first one at 12:30. i got this feeling that this semester is going to have consequences. i dont know what yet. just a gut feeling and i usually have a decent gut feeling. i have alot of research to do, a journal paper to publish, a weed habit to kick (yea right), make time for myself, and a girlfriend to... well spend time with. my advisor is in england for the semester and if i dont keep my research up things could really fall apart there. its going to be interesting to look back in may and evaluate if things were done correctly, where mistakes were made and the such. gotta learn!
matt when are you going to put keystone light up on the vote? i mean come on everybody knows its the best beer. and another thing with only 4 of us voting its kinda a done thing already so put up something new!