# posted by wyldshaman @ 12/22/2004 03:46:00 PM
I once listened to this guy talk about drugs. . . .
He explained to me that there is no such thing as "side effects", there are only effects. Some are good effects, some are bad effects, but all are effects. I think this is very funny. When they say "side effects", people tend to put them over there in another place, thinking "thats not what the drug does, thats just the side effect".
So lets listen to good old whats her name said, Miss Penny i think, "Drugs are Bad, Dont do Drugs"
For me there is no line between legal, illegal, over-the-counter or under-the-counter. They are all bad. There is no money in cures so guess what little reasearch is done. But a drug that has little effects other then you keep wanting/needing it, well now thats a real money maker. Kinda like coffee, id say.
And Ron and everyone else, maybe we shouldnt talk bad about the Military-Industrial Complex too much on this site. You never know who is watching. Hold on someones at the door...........
Right on
a side effeect is only an acceptable defect in the drug, or something they don't want you to focus on. if a new drug causes the growth of more nipples or something they'll work it out until that stops. if it gives heart attacks to 10% of the sample population after 10 years, thats acceptable.
they don't cure anything because its better for the bottom line to keep people sick. cancer patients make them the most money just trying to stay alive. all the drugs and treatments and prolonged agony keep the money rolling in.
i kind of like to think of all drugs just as medication. sometimes speed can be used responsibly to get a paper done or pot may help you get over your bulemia. who cares, governments wouldn't be able to control hard drugs if they were thought of as medication. look at oxycotton.
its too late, the military is already on to us. we're all terroists don't you know?
reminds me of that Dead Kennedys song 'Trust Your Mechanic"
i cant agree with the idea that they are keeping people sick to make money. there are alot of people practicing good medicine and are truly devoted to fighting disease and sickness. there are alot of drugs that help people and have minimal effects, we use these drugs regularly. other drugs are a bit risky, apparently doc's across tha nation arent informing patients about drug risks enough. vioxx, case and point. who's fault? who knows.
doctors don't get breifings on new drugs, they get a little info on them and whatever they may read in a medical journal. if independant groups don't study these drugs, the negative effects never become known. docters can be kept in the dark just like engineers.