The Workermonkey


Monday, December 06, 2004

war, the band, reunion party 

"why can't we be friends [even though you sexually assaulted me]?"

it's amazing, some of the victims saying they want to return to the church. i understand that "the church" doesn't mean the same structure necessarily, but don't you think these people, if anyone, would've found another spiritual outlet??? if something were to happen to them or family or friends the second time around, i'm not saying they'd deserve it, but...

honestly, you don't need "god" as defined by christianity, judaism, buddhism, hinduism, islam, or anything else to be spiritual/religious. luckily none of this has ever happened to me so i can't know for sure, but i'm pretty damn sure i wouldn't be returning to the association/corporation that molested me. yeah i called religion a corporation. in some respects it is. you have to learn from the past or else you'll never progress. like me, i don't lend anything to the mexicans downstairs from me anymore. that's a whole other thing though, i'm not gonna bust open that whole bag of marbles just yet. it'd take too long to clean up

but my point is this: if henry ford didn't learn from mistakes, he might've made the same ones over and over again and may not have seen a car in his lifetime. progression involves learning. sometimes, giving things/people more than 1 chance may be appropriate (apply the old 3 strikes rule). but some situations are different. to me, giving an already questionable system another chance after it molested you, literally, is moronic. but i'll guarantee you, if one of these people has a kid who is molested, or a grandkid, nobody should feel sorry, but so many will. how many times can we feel sorry for people who make the same mistakes over and over again? little mistakes are ok, but 552 mistakes for $85 million (and that's just the 2003 case in boston, this present case exceeds it, though numbers have not been publicly announced) are NOT ok.


pray at your own risk

by entering this church you hereby agree that you will waive all potential liability against said church for any sexual misconduct which may occur by any of its officials, or by jesus himself. the church is not responsible for any sexual arousal, enjoyable or otherwise, you may experience. violation of this contract exposes you to potential liability to the church, and an eternity in hell for your soul upon your death.


well i think my point is that if these clergymen are their leaders in religion--have studied for years or whatever to gain their positions--and they're no better off than an average person (or worse off as it may be w/ the molestings and whatnot) maybe these victims are on the wrong track. tehy're supposed to be moral leaders. why don't people go to drug dealers for legal advice? cuz they know it won't be good or even valid, if they get anything at all. now obviously all clergy don't molest, but it's also not an isolated incident.

i understand that an affinity for molesting kids isn't necessarily correlated w/ being unwise or having any other negative characteristic. but these people aren't just anyone. they're supposed to be the people communicating about god and morals and stuff. isn't that what religious people claim; they get their morals from religion? well if you're religious, and you believe that, then you find out these people are molesting kids, you damn well better rethink your ideas. besides, if people truly have connections with god then what do they need these middlemen for anyway? shouldn't they be obsolete? if you need god, why do you also need someone else? surely they can't think these people have special powers or anything. unless it's the power to undress a kid in .0042 seconds

By Blogger josh, at Monday, December 06, 2004 9:28:00 PM  

i have to agree with Josh on this. People are drawn closer to their religions in time of crisis. in this case however the religion and church itself is causing the crisis and the Parishioners continue to follow blindly and its sad but 'at their own risk'

By Blogger murphy, at Monday, December 06, 2004 10:28:00 PM  

thats funny. some people are hopeless. fuck'em

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, December 07, 2004 10:37:00 AM  

if they're dumb enough to go back, they deserve to get molested again. fuck 'um.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:29:00 PM  

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