# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 12/02/2004 11:13:00 PM
ever notice how some people can just ignor normal generosities? like offering some one the benifit of the doubt when something breaks or saying please and thank you to someone doing a job you counldn't stand to do. you can't yell at the guy just doing his job, it gets you nowhere. he can't do anything, he's doing his job and refering to the manuel to "deal" with you. if a lastic surgeon ask's you to a party, are you expecting fake titties? off topic, but i would expect a few. what better way to learn about wine, then to drink alot of it? i'm on bottle two tonight and i just smoked a little dubie. talking about the social graces, i've been reading the
clublife blog, there are some people who just see the worst of humanity on a daily basis. who should be subjected to that!? our country should spend more time preventing damage to our younger populance, rather then dealing witht the prob;lem lather on when the cost is much higher. we've become a reactionary society where it's not a problem until its too late.
odd link. i'm too drunk to continue this lovely conversation so goodnight lladies and gentalmen.
oh old people are the most rcest people you'll ever meet. talk to your parents about older people and what they were like to them. for us, people over 80 live in a time when segration was legal. our parents lived when there were people who knew a time when women couldn't vote. unfortunatly social change is very slow. its too bad because that means your a republican. one of the biggest things i learner on my trip to europe is that we need to be more european. to bad most americans see that as weakness to the U.N. and the french. ramble, ramble, ramble.
i don't remember the quote to place here.