# posted by murphy @ 12/03/2004 04:48:00 PM
First things first. Ill try to clean up the language a little, i did not realize it was keeping people from enjoying the fun. so thats that
Barry Bonds used the cream steriods without knowing what they were? He obvoiusly knew what he was doing. Did he just find a tub of an unmarked creamy substance and said, hey lets rub this stuff all over my body-and see what happens. He knew what he was doing and if these reports are true than he is gonna have some splainin' to do. Josh is right, there probably will be an asterisk next to his name. Its too bad.
Professional sports is at an all time low right now. This is what happens when athletes get paid rediculous amounts of money to play a game-players will do anything to get an edge and make more money. whether its steriods or corked bats its all about the money.
greedy bastards