# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 12/24/2004 09:23:00 PM
i've been sort of a scrooge lately, but i just watched Elf and found
this funny site. i'm going to be in the cristmas spirit just in time to stand in line and return gifts. can't wait for the sobering reality of the holidays. Tomorrow will be another grand family event with the White (mothers maiden name) side of the family expected to arrive at the ass crack of dawn. Every year I get up later and later on Christmas morning. i remember being little and not being able to sleep in anticipation of what lies ahead. then i learned Santa wasn't real. Then I was only faining excitement for a few years until I started waking up later and later each time. first it was 8 o'clock, then 9 and 10. soon i was up til 2 and waking up after breakfast.
I had a sobering talk with my dad today about how each year Christmas becomes just another holiday. no different then Easter or an anniversary. it was kind of depressing but i completely understand. fuck. well, goodbye Christmas, its been fun. I'll return when i have kids of my own or i'm stuck in suburbia with nothing better to do.
i've found new meaning in christmas, much like all the holidays though. i feast and drink with my family. its great, nothing like drinking with the parents and watching saturday night live reruns and south park while gorging on cheesecake, crackers, cheese, cookies, and deli meat.
Quick your bitching chump. Its the same thing for all of us you know. NO more excitement, no more enchanment. Duh, your dealing with getting older. You have to find new meaning in things, and take them for what they are. The meaning of Xmas has already been so twisted in our heads. NO kids celebrate the birth of Jesus. They celebrate waking up and getting that phat video game system thev'e wanted for 4 months. Its just getting twisted again, thats all.
Same w/ me and my dad today, except it was Curb your Enthusiasm and Da Ali G Show. oh by the wya, he's on channel 18 every once in awhile. In the HK holiday show he sings a duet w/ mrs wagner. it's awsome
We don't celebrate Christmas anyway. The only Christian bits about it are the nativity and Christmas mass. Everything else, the tree, feast, gifts, and everything is from Yule, originally celebrated by pre-Christ Germanic tribes in Northern Europe. That actually makes me feel better about it, since I'm not Christian but I can celebrate with my Christian family in a way that's approved by everyone (since they associate the activities with their religion and I don't feel the need to clue them in.)
ron, i understand you new found joy in the holidays, it nice to see your family at least one day ayear, even if its forced. you'll start to notice that the things you took for granted, like the cheeses, deli meats, ect., are now something to look forward to.
brian, it has nothing to do with getting older, why does the simple joys of things have to be taken from us for the sake of personal growth? i still enjoy a clever gift or even something i wasn't expecting under the tree. i'd rather not have to give people lists of things i want and then see which ones they picked. i myself try to give gifts that people weren't expecting or something they may not have thought of. i'll do my research and see what my sister have ben listening to/watching/ reading/ talking about and then decypher some sort of gift from it.
macunas, Da Ali G show is awful, i'm amazed if found its way into your house.
Damon, i find my self more detached from the religius part of christams every year. i learn more and more about christianity every year nad find mew ways to despise it. the happy holidays/merry christmas things is killing me. i now look at people who say merry christmas with a judgemental eye. also i learned this year that jesus really wasn't born on december 25th, but that this day was taken from the old pagan holiday for the winter solstice. oh yeah, the shortest day of the year was only a few days ago. golly those few days seem to make up the 6 minute remander in time we throw away each year, added togeather for the last few thousand years, yeah, its a couple of days. christianity would do better to allow the disassociation around christmas to get more people to celebrate it. part of the rason its so popular is because of the time off people get from work/school so the tradition continues. plus, we all need something to rally around at least once a year to give gifts and celebrate. imagine what our economy would be like if we didn't thoughtlessly give gifts every year.
whatever, i had a good christmas. happy holidays