Thursday, December 09, 2004
oohh i ate the future sandwich
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 12/09/2004 01:15:00 AM
my past self had the superhuman foresight to see the munchies approaching in the near future. past self made a sandwich and attached a note. He put it in a place future self was sure to find the sandwich. present self is happy with past self's fulfilling prophecy. the note was not important.
i though of something to say bout the ssandwich so i left a little bit infront of the keyboard. i went out side and smoked, when got back i had forgotten about the sandwhich and ate the little piece. now i forget the reseaon i left the sandwhich. fuck.
Matt, talked to greg, everything's cool. I'm going to be in haddam thursday and friday, my plane leaves saturday for the second part of my "Ultimate-Slacker-Vacation-Extravaganza!" sweet sweet sunshine ladies. this cripiling drpressive weather, as nice as it is, is getting old. i'm heading south. finished my christmas shoping today, i'm ahead of schedual. I've defeated the spainish, ruined the chineese and pillaged the english today. the development of synthetic fibers proved to be more useful then i had imagined and i wiped out the spainish. cought up on some world news and read a little about wine today.
first of the year i'm moving on to finding a job. thus, i'll be stopping all tree related activites. Justin, perhaps the gardener should stop by?
and the casual man stood up in his bathrobe and slippers, and shouted firmly "fuck this, i'm going south!"