# posted by ron @ 12/22/2004 11:27:00 AM
-all we need is more
US military satellites, right? what the fuck is this 1970? i look around at whats happening these days ane alot of things seem more backwards than ever. even despite all our technological breakthroughs and incredible wonder drugs, people are more fucked and worse off. like all these scares with vioxx, celebrex, bextra, and now alieve. hey dumbasses, every drug has side effects. take a bunch of tylenol and drink a 12 pack, goodbye liver and life. and people think tylenol is the safest drug in the world. the fact is, that if tylenol were to be developed today, there is no fucking way it would be availible over the counter. so ones got to wonder what is it exactly that the FDA is doing these days? are they letting unreasonibly dangerous drugs on the market for drug companies to make money? are they regulation anything? another thing is that these drugs are developed without doctors knowing basically. they only hear about new drugs when we do, through advertising. so they see 80 year old people dancing on TV and say, "hey doc, i want some celebrex to go and dance." the doc says hmmm, havent really heard much about that one, let me call you back. studies "look" good, and its been approved, docs says sure, isnt technology and developement great?
it is great, and sometimes things like this happen. if it Is truly dangerous then its good to get it pulled. i dont know the whole drug/FDA story but everyone should realized that drugs do have their price. using combinations of drugs get insanely complex. so now alieve might get pulled. seriously, whats next cigatettes? ha ha ha. they think about pulling a incredibly popular pain reliever because its linked to some other drugs that are linked to heart attacks is a good idea? what about the millions that use alieve?
alright i dont know why i'm ranting about the drug industry and the FDA but it pissed me off a bit that everyone is freaking out and getting scared when all of this crap was known about the drugs to begin with. people really arent taking responsibility these days and its getting worse. i'm a bit guilty of this also, when i go to the doctor and he tells me to take something, i do. he went to alot of school and i trust his judgement, i expect the same from people who i will be working for if i should ever design a critical part.
the new rocket to put military satelittes into space really send me over too. so much money is used in all the wrong places. just imagine what could get done if wasted money was put in the right places? cancer- cured, energy crisis- nonexistant, war in iraq-over. i lost my steam. later.