# posted by ron @ 12/02/2004 04:54:00 PM
boo, i got to go lefty for 2 weeks. you know what i'm talking about.
tuesday night i had arough landing and tweaked my wrist, it didnt hurt and i kept riding. wed night i hit the small warm up jump and upon landing i've had serious pain since. i'm also typing one handed so i'm keeping it short.
my car is also awesome to drive. third gear is the hardest to hit using the left hand. the alignment is shot too so as soon as i let go of the wheel it goes right. i'll be lucky if i dont end up making my car 3-tone by the end of this.
giambi is a biatch. bonds should go down too. i fuckin hate that ear ring of his. and i hate sosa's kiss/crossheart/look at sky crap too. and the hop. fucking i love it when he does the hop on fly outs. hahahahah fucker!
pedro to the mets? i say sweet! ny needs the mets to be stronger.
no bike no tv make ron go something something.........