# posted by josh @ 12/25/2004 01:54:00 PM
i've just caught up on the last week or so of posts. so, depending who you are merry/happy dec 25, xmas, kwanzaa, week and a half after hanukkah, whatever.
i agree with those who claim holidays have lost their traditional meanings, but i also agree with those who find new meanings in them. for example, the last 5 years i've been in either va or sc, more than a stone's throw away from home. so i see the holidays as a good chance to see the family and my friends from ct, still my closest ones. and damon's right, unless you go to mass and pray and celebrate jesus and stuff you're not really celebrating christmas, rather the commercial christmas. i know jewish people who put trees in their living rooms and exchange gifts and enjoy the music. they may have christian families or friends, but whatever it is i think it makes them feel closer to everyone. they are traditions that everyone can enjoy, cuz they really mean nothing, except to businesses to whom they mean profits.
but because these holidays are so recognized, more people "celebrate" these than any other. this is why we dont just celebrate random days in the middle of the year. schools and many businesses give time off. it's a good excuse to travel to see friends and family. and that's what it's become.
theoretically we could do all this anyday and it would be exactly the same, and would have the same meaning for 90% of americans, despite the fact so many claim to be religious. it is the fact that this is when it's most convenient for everyone, because schools and some places of work shut down, that drives this holiday to be so big. and the gifts dont hurt. however, give someone a gift any day of the year and i doubt you'll hear many complaints.
but don't buy me anything. except maybe a beer. or say hey lets play a round of golf (i'll even pay for myself). i don't ask for gifts anymore. no matter how much i strain, there's nothing i want. i'll only ask for something if i really need it. for example, my old wallet was falling apart, so i asked for a new one. little did i know, becky had already bought me one from mexico. perfect. my list is completed. but there's nothing that i really want/need. i have so much already. i usually get money and a gift certificate to golfer's warehouse. and you know what? that's the perfect gift. cuz i dont need anyhting, but i enjoy golf.
anyway, that's about enough. but enjoy the time off if you have it, and enjoy your family and friends. i'll be here all week ladies and gentlemen, and part of the next.
also, i enjoy how ALL of us have been online today. that's great. but hey, friends are damn important