Monday, November 29, 2004
i guess it really is all about the benjamins
# posted by josh @ 11/29/2004 01:53:00 PM
got my first final tomorrow so maybe i'm just stressed, so bear with me...
i'm pretty upset right now. why? because americans seem to be able to make a mockery out of anything that has legitimate meaning. i'm thinking specifically of the livestrong bracelets. now this might hit home for me more than some, but all 3 of my grandparents who have passed have died of cancer. barring a cure, i've almost accepted it as an inevitability for me, though i don't really think about my own mortality enough to make it a difference at this point in time.
but now you've got people/entities like american eagle, coming out with their own bracelets. their website advertises if you give them a buck you'll "walk away wearing a cool bracelet." i'm sorry, when did it become about the "cool" bracelet?? livestrong actually means something. and yes, i will concede the money ae collects will be going to charity. but last i checked ae is doing just fine for itself, since every acne sporting teen feels the need to own ae, a&f, j crew, etc so they won't be a social outcasts. the t-shirts cost like $20-30. i think if they want to show how charitable they are, ae can do it the good old fashioned way: DONATE. oh but of course, it's all about charity, really(read as: publicity; interpret as: $$$).
and today i went to the usc bookstore to buy blue books just as scratch paper and/or in case my computer decides to malfunction during exams. and there on the checkout counter was a basket full of black bracelets. they were identical to livestrong only black and instead of "livestrong" they said "black magic." i didn't ask about them (or inquire as to their price) but as best i could tell they were just to make money. there were no signs advertising it as charity or anything like that. if i saw someone in an ae one i'd probably chew them out, but if i saw someone in a black one, i'd kick their ass. chicks too. i don't discriminate. you want equal rights? then take my foot to your face bitch
today's just one of those days i hate people and want to use my law knowledge to screw them. someone tell me a story and get me back a little faith in humanity (for total faith in it is impossible), and show me that when it comes to the average person everything's not lost.
I feel your pain man. No feel good stories coming to mind though. what can you say other than greedy corporate america? One thing that always cheers me up... a big pair a titties. serious. go to the nudie bar if need b, or c or double d ahahaaaahhahaha
just be thankful you know an evil corporate marketing scheme when you see one
God Bless America and fuck the government
Okay, I got one for you, and it actually does involve a titty bar. Some of the boys already know this one.
In Amsterdam, me and Matt are in the Red Light District (modern day Sodom + Gomorrah) and the proprietor for a titty bar is coercing us like "Half price plus a free drink, fellas. What do you have to lose? Come on..." He pretty much took us in physically. So we pay the 15 or 20 euros and walk in. No joke, the first thing we see is an obese black woman harrassing some 30-something German guy and she's pulling out a bushel of bannanas like she's about to do tricks. The German covers his eyes and tells her to put her top back on. Me and Chump turn to each other like "GodDAMMIT" So after a few dances this Latin lady comes out and walks right over to me like "Come with me." I do not hesitate. So I'm on stage and she gets my shirt off and tells me to lie down, then does a strip/grind dance on top of me the whole time. I just laughed my ass off because I was too stoned to actually have a libido at this point. Chump said he laughed alot too. Then I laughed some more. She then took out a marker and wrote Bad Boy on my chest. It wasn't her hands that she used to grip the marker. Bearing that in mind it was very good penmanship. 6 showers later: almost gone.
Also, some Arabic humor to brighen yer day. person 1: "knock knock" person 2: "No. It is you who are wrong."
A Priest, a Rabbi, and an Imam walk into a bar. All are offended by what they see.
i've seen tons of people wearing the lance armstron braclets, most people don't know what they're for. its nice to see that people are trying to support cancer research, but at the same time its sad to see that this is just a fad and will be forgotten before anything really happens. caring about other people shouldn't be "cool", it should be normal.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
turkey fucker!
# posted by ron @ 11/28/2004 11:47:00 PM
No engineer can take a shower without wondering if some sort of Teflon coating would make showering unnecessary. To the engineer, the world is a toy box full of sub-optimized and feature-poor toys.
that right boys, i'm going to work on some new micro tech thin film to make cleaning ourselves a thing of the past. no, seriously its a quote from this stupid engineering humor thing. heres the link.
read it if your bored, otherwise i'd say its a waste of good time. unless of course, you have some time to waste. then read it.
hope everyones holiday was good. as for me i handled the situation with a little help from my booze. tuesday night started things out right with a campfire. tino and kolpak came over for some good old drinking by the fire. that was the best night. the newyork trip was strange and awkward. i did play some setback with the relatives but they play using the off-jack as a point. its fucking tought to get used too. i drank as much as i could without raising the eyebrows of the family. so it was me and my dad drinking next to the oven in the kitchen of my grandfathers. yea i talked with some cousins, but the conversation was something like "hey (any cousin's name), how's the (baby's name)" and the best part of it is that most of my cousins are my age, a year younger, or a year or two older. could you imagine having a kid? fuckin a, no fucking way. its a different life up there.
murphy, i feel your pain. hold fast and dont make any sudden movements. think!
new years, i was thinking that we could go up to barone's house in VT the day before, then get a room or two in montreal. hmmmm. come to think of it the 250$ montreal trip might be out of my budget plans. especially since the escort just got some custom body work done on it. fuck!
brancibeer if you are readin this i got the a-ok to take my dad's truck down over break. now who's riding shotgun? it does have a pocket rear seat but i seriously dont think anyone would enjoy a trip back their. murph, i know you'd like to, but my trip wont include a stop in atlanta. also josh, if you are in SC at the time of the trip i'd like to make a stop there.
ron over and out.
when's the trip?
Saturday, November 27, 2004
check it and see, im on a low budget!!!
# posted by murphy @ 11/27/2004 07:26:00 PM
i got a lot to say first of all-these past couple of weeks have been a little nuts. physically and emotionally drained i begin to slip into the darkness of mind.
ive been wrestling with a lot of confused thoughts and feelings. if you know what im talking about than that s fine but i can go into specifics about it on the blog-long story short, female problems. if you want to know what i rambling about ask me next time we meet.
just got back from atlanta for tanksgivin-fun, pool,poker, booze and turkey-"first suprise vacation i was ever on?'-good times though needed break from school.
beat up younger brother, played video games, smoke a bowl.-Pop got pissed at my little brother for smoking in the house.
five minutes later my brother and i, dad and julie and brook and ken were smoking a joint in dads bedroom.-and thats when my stepsister put in the porn-slightly awkward moment, for the ladies present.
beat up tyler (little brother) in front of his girlfriend and friends, then proceeded to sexually harass little brothers girl friend-while offending everyone in earshot in process. good times
passed out on couch
indeterminable amount of time passes-bust into tylers room with father and brother and beat him up while he was sleeping and then i farted on his head-which induced startled reaction
even later that night-pick the lock on tylers bed, invade room and kick him out of bed so i can sleep-he sleeps on couch ahahahahhhhahaaah-farted on pillows/blankets repeatedly.
all in all good times in ATL.
got back just in time to meet M2 at the airport-1/4 barrel, 36 dollars in Taco bell
hahahaha that's a great story murph...i wanna hear the whole version. guess it'll have to wait til next month. anyone in ct for new years? i think erica wants to come up for it, but either way i'll be around
new years party at my place-#37
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
what's up with sports??
# posted by josh @ 11/23/2004 10:38:00 PM
everyone's fighting now. pistons/pacers, steelers/browns, usc/clemson, what the hell. last i knew no one cared about any of those 6 teams. except maybe pittsburg, cuz of rothlesberger who's a pimp so far. he's no brady though. this is what society is coming down to, huh. it's ridiculous. artest runs right past a 10-12 yr old girl to wail on some guy; the wrong guy. she's scared shitless if you watch the replay. but for once i thought a commissioner did something reasonable. suspended the rest of the season w/o pay. but tha'ts only $5 mil to him, no biggie.
the worst thing was when terry bowden (clemson coach) said something to the effect of "well all we've been watching for the last 24hrs is the detroit/indiana fight." i'm sorry WHAT? take some fucking responsibility. don't blame it on the media. shit, if you actually watched it, everyone was saying what an outrage it is. even steven a smith. when he says it's bad, you know it's gotta be BAD. and this is just reaffirming my apathy towards the nba. espn was talkin about how it's been geared towards teh "hip hop culture" as they called them. no wonder no white people watch it or care about it. no wonder the players are always getting arrested. no wonder there are so many illegitimate children out there. ok, rascist jokes aside, these people are being paid millions (well not the college guys), the least they can do is have some self restraint and not jump into the crowd. sorry artest, if that plastic cup and liquid hurt you, you need to stop being such a pussy. after the game you can just go home to your mansion, drink, and bang many hot chicks, so suck it up. the nba is now closer to reality television than it is a sport. if i must watch highlights on sportscenter then go celtics, otherwise piss off nba.
I wouldnt be surprised if occassionly that kind of behavior was promoted (in secret) by the managers or people, in order to increase their ratings.
Stoned, day 3
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/23/2004 08:43:00 AM
our mysteriopus absense from the blog the last few days can be directly related to the sudden influx of smoking into our daily ritual. we've spent more time here then most citys and we've already seen less. The coffeeshops are cool but as can be expected, there are good ones and bad ones. The good ones are just like bars with good atmosphere and plenty of people. the bad ones are just like dive bars with plenty of people reclined in thier seats and slowly contemplating the univeral meaning behind thier 3euro beer while a joint slowlt burns to nothing in front of them. this is supposed to be hte city of meseums but three of the biggest ones are closed until 2006. fucking great. the canibus college is little more then some binders containing poorly designed pamphlets about how great weed is. its got a nice set of flowering plants in the basement which you can gaze upon. From looking at the plants and learning more aboupt growing i think i harvested mine about a month too soon and i had some sort of nutrient deficiency.
we were stoned with-in one hour of our arrival to this magnificent city. my throat hurt on day two. apparently dayquil doesn't exist over here so i picked up some sort of european cough syrup which tastes like i shouldn't be drinking it.
if there is anything humanly possible to be dispenced through a vending machine, the japanese have invented it. water in a can would be the same can as beer or beer cans would rust.
someone call our parents and tell them we're not dead. we've neglectfully not called since we left. i left both mine and matts parents with the notion that my phone works over here, which it doesn't. thanks t-mobil.
ron, two words; cattle catcher.
leave you parents home #.
Monday, November 22, 2004
yea boyee rallye time!
# posted by ron @ 11/22/2004 01:34:00 AM
so i decided to make my escort a rally car. the first step was to get rid of those awful stock head lights and the wimpy bumber. i proceeded to smash the shit out of a ford aerostar van. problem solved. have a look for yourself.
nice eh? yes, you have to cut and paste it because the blogger is not cooperating with me.
glad to hear that the europe boys are alive. hope you stay that way. i'm sure there are going to be some swindlers around the way. just make sure you let them know that the good olde US of A is still boss in this world.
damon, your an old man and you road bike tells the story. although all prespectives of things are what truly makes this blog interesting. and it you like 'em boney thats cool. dont listen to josh and his fetish with fatties. ha ha ha ha ha ha.
josh, i believe the hot girls serving you drinks are there so you can offer them some $$ to join the mile high club. my only guess, what do you think? me, having never flown cant say much about the current state of flight attendants. you going to be home this week? i like the can of water. aluminum just might be cheaper that plastic. plus does your beer taste tin-ny? no, because they line the cans. this aint the stone age fools.
talked with brancibeer today, he bought a vacuum and a washing machine for his house down in flordia. i knew he was more mature than the rest of us. leading by example as all ways, someday i'll buy a vacuum and a washing machine. someday, yes someday........
well, the giants outing today went as planned. they lost in brilliant fashion as usual. giving their fans a glimmer of hope before pissing it all away in the 4th quarter. damon, were you around? i was going to call you but i fell asleep in the second quarter. maybe next week i can come over and use that horribly underused peice of slate over your garage.
That's crazy I got a vacuum, a washing machine and an alligator and I'm not mature
i will not be around this week unfortunately, cuz exams start the mon after thanksgiving. but i will be home mid-dec until just after new years. i think erica will be coming up, possibly for new years if all goes well. i will definitely be around for some fun then.
let's run w/ the canned water. if we put a thick lining in the cans, our product can go a longer way. my throat doesn't know the difference b/w 11.5 and 12oz. it might catch on at walmart as the "working man's bottled water." besides the way the world is goin we're gonna need all the water we can get!
it doesnt need to be thick at all, keystone light has a "specially lined can"
well right, but i meant a thicker lining would mean more cans of water but less water to the consumer. in other words they pay extra for nothing. unless the lining becomes more expensive then the extra water. if that's the case, water away!
Hey - they already HAVE water in a can. They invented it in japan. I know this because i've....been there. No, but i've seen numerous pics of something called Clear White Water, surrounded by Japanese pictoglyphs or whatever. The quirky tech society came up with thier precious tamagochiwater first. By the way, we've been stoned ever since we arrived in amsterdam. really really stoned. I mean it. there are literally hundreds of coffeeshops here where you can just go and blaze/purchase. As long as you order a coffee or juice or something. We're shooting for actually seeing a museum or 2 today, but so far the ones we saw were the Cannibus College and the Hemp Museum. Makes sense......
yeah, i bought a vacume, there was no applause, no fan fare. washing machine- now thats just crazy, how the hell is he going to move that one.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
forward to the past
# posted by josh @ 11/20/2004 11:36:00 PM
M squared - lovin the stories. i have to live vicariously thru you now. sounds like some of my jmu nights, except you've got foreigners. great times, something you will never forget
so i did a bit of flying the past 2 days (4 flights), and i've noticed airlines are goin back ot the past tradition of hot stewardesses (i would've said the politically correct flight attendants, but that wouldn't be a return to the past now would it?). 2 of my 4 flights had hot ones, and the last one had a girl about our age. only 50% yes, but a start. prior to this i had a long streak of poor stewardesses.
also, i think i'm on to something. if you want in, let me know. canned water. why does it have to be in bottles? i'll put it in cans, and sell it at 2/3 the price of bottled water. or half price. people need their precious contained waters these days, there'll be no lack of business. so sell at half price, deposit included. mmmm canned water. the wave of the future. if you dumb stuff down enough, you can sell people anything.
Wouldn't it be more exprensive to produce water in a can? Higher shipping weights, slight metallica tastes to the water, size restrictions.
well maybe, but people like trying new things when they come out. i think part of the appeal is if the thing goes big you can be like "yeah i was there from day 1." regardless, it's not a life plan, it's a strike first while people are interested then sell high to some sucker plan. in the long run, yes, i think the idea would fail.
lane, keep up the 40something rants. i enjoy them. in fact, i'd prefer to see more of them. however, i'd also like to see you date a girl with some meat on her bones, but i don't think that's gonna happen too soon. i think it'd be fair for you to at least give me 1 of those 2.
canned water-i bet you could make the cans lighter than a plastic bottle. marketing is probably the only issue here.
damn anonymous. fuckers stealing my ideas. ha ha ha. fuck its late. why am i even typing this crap.......?
Friday, November 19, 2004
aahhh florence
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/19/2004 11:29:00 AM
me and macunas are batteling it out at adjacent internet terminals right now in venice. we just came from florence were last night was nuts. macunas' night was much worse then mine but not everything was lost. we started by drinking and playing cards in the hostel with a bunch of other people and eventually the topic of conversation led to the ever loving green god we all worship, weed. this kid who just came from amsterdam had smuggeled a little bit out of the country and offered to smopke us all up, fucking sweet. it was killer stuff too. when we all got back th elounge it was one of the funniest things iàve seen to see everyone stumble back in one at a time and just zone out. this one girl just put her head down on the table and went blank. the rest of us zoned out to X2 on the tv were amazed at every special effects shot. i was actually very happy to see people besides myself talking about and discussing the x-men. i tried to stay out oif hte conversation and just let them run with it. it was nice. glad to see its only america where that stuff is not common place.
after the movie ended it wzas obvious we were all still stoned and now a little drunk. so of course me and matt spearheaded a movement to go back to the previous nights bar where we had seen this sweet 60's cover band the night before. I think they were called "dirty last minute band". very good. gathered this punk rock girl and this guy who was in the finish army and departed. everyone else was just done. that weed rocked them all.
the band last night sucked but we managed to down another of hte largest beers i've ever been served. then, even drunker we stumbled to another bar. on the way we bumped into this big blond aussie guy we partied with in rome. he was fleeing the scene of a fight he had started moments earlier. hilarious. the bar was a forgetful blur after i had ashot of tequila for ordering a beer. i recovered from my blacked haze 2 hours later when i realized i was just aimlessly wondering hte streets. with no clue where i was, or where matt was, i just started asking for directions from everyone in sight, of course there are only soo many people on the street at 2 in the morning on a thursday night.
i managed to get back to the hostel which was locked. it was now 2:30 and it was closed for the night. so i did what any drunk would do, i banged on the door until someone answered. i think i may have punched the doorbell too. the clerk came out and seemed a little confused and angered. for some reason he let me in, i wouldn't have. the finish kid was sitting in the lobby waiting to see if either of us were going to make it back. apparently the three of use got into an arguement about which way to get back, ending when we each took totally different paths. when i got up to the room i didn't see matt and asumed he was a lost cause. his story is much more tragic. but funny. today, has been a recovering waste.
so nice my ass fuckin guy coulda open the door for him or got someone who could bullshit-the whole thing stinks
good work barone
Bmbing back to the stone age, you say. That sounds like a great idea! We should bomb more things back to the stone age. Just think of the possiblities. All the jobs that would be created in bomb factories. Of course our debt would skyrocket, but then we could always bomb the international bankers. It would be like killing two birds with one stone really. Wow, Damon, the pro Bomb everything platform you've got is really something! We should run out, get you babtized and pin an elephant on you're chest.
On a related note; Matt and Matt should probably have been supervised. I always suspected that one us would cause an international incident (ala "Weekend at Bernies 2") but I figuered it would have been Murphey. Though we shouldnt underestimate Barone. I only hope that they get stoned enough to avoid thinking
multiposting workermonkeys
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 11/19/2004 11:28:00 AM
Hey there. Matt and I just have to document our Thursday night here.
It begins with the usual wine shop stop (4 bottles for $10). As we begin to accumulate hostel visitors to go out that night, we meet a kid from southern Cali who's fresh from Amsterdam. Score. We get more lifted than we were prepared for or accustomed to, and find ourselves enraptured by X-men 2 on the video screen. This gets everybody all into it, so it was fun.
We saw an Italian Beetles cover band at this one bar the previous night, and they were fucking interspectacular. Lots of energy and the funniest performance ive seen in quite awhile. So we decide we'll go back there for Thurday 'punk night'. That's where the night went awry, since we were already hammered.
This band sucked and weren't even punk rock. Well, they played the strokes and red hot chili peppers and green day, good choices all, but they still sucked. So off we went (me matt and our roommate that night who's from Finland and used to serve in NATO in Bosnia (!)). We run into this kid we partied with back in Rome, and he tells us he can't go with us because we're walking in the direction of the bar he had to flee. The kid started a barfight when he just whaled some Italian in the back of the head. He was like Murphy size, but at least murph's got judgement. Don't randomly hit Italians. Don't hit the Italian.
So we end up at this other club (after drinking beer by the liter...), stumble around, and leave. This is where I get screwed. The three of us split into 3 different directions, with me and matt doing the whole bull-headed 'i know my goddamn geography' route but walking in exact opposite directions which both were wrong. The Fin was like 'guys! you're both going the wrong ways!' but we knew he was just a Fin.
Hostel curfew - 20 minutes.
So after wandering around Florence for about an hour i figure there's no way i'll get back in time, so i walk into a bar that's still open and order exactly 4 chicken wings. They were awsome.
Time - 3am.
So I run into an Italian who walks me in the right direction and we're having a conversation without either of us being able to translate a single word of each other. i guess it really wasn't a conversation. it was goddamn annoying actually. i thought i might be able to crash on his floor but that didn't happen.
I get back to the hostel and I'm locked out. you'll note that matt took the effective route, but that was an hour or so earlier. I scanned the block and tried scaleing some drainpipes, but immediately fell down. Every time.
So i pass a fenced-in municipal type of building and see a bush that'd be great for sleeping under. Both times i climbed the fence i damaged some part of myself. i caught my favorite pants in 2 places while going over the spikey fence, and they rip after letting me hang for a sec. I catnap under a bush or large shrub or something, and it was actually really nice. I dunno why i didn't stay there but i got up and continued on. I cut my hands in many spots over the fence this time and lost my camera. i actually removed the memory card and put it in my shoe, because i suspected my pockets wouldn't secure my camera very well when i was passed out. My lotus of intelligence amidst that whole swamp of botchups.
I shiver like a vagrant for an hour as i'm huddled at the nearby train station. I was looking pretty dodgy just sitting there with a pretty bloody hand and ripped pants, as if i'm waiting for the first train to escape town. So i go back to the hostel and only wait a short time before an early exiting kid opens the door. I'm in! At 6 in the morning.
Losses - bulky, almost obsolete digital camera.
Good sweatpants.
My health, pride.
Wins - memory card.
a somewhat-decent story.
I would call it a learning experience but I've experienced this kind of thing plural times by this point. I think i actually enjoy getting hopelessly lost like it's an adventure or something. It's usually a pretty stupid adventure, like ........bitten by rat. minus 5 hit points.........You find a colorful scrap of cloth! Plus 7 hit points. etc.
amazin you did not end up in jail or robbed by some bum/crak hed/ thug- story: check plus
Ahh... Yes. This story brings back many a memory of the Old World for me. Thanks for telling it.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
wednesday night whiskey
# posted by ron @ 11/18/2004 10:34:00 AM
feeling a bit groggy this morn. how about you justin?
good times and great oldies. so whos all going to be in haddam for the feastin next week? i'll be around on the weekend. well, maybe wednesday night too. but i got to go upstate to NY for thursday.
anything happening this saturday night?
another day in paradise
# posted by murphy @ 11/18/2004 09:40:00 AM
well hello,
fancy seeing you here isnt it. Im fantastic. been busy lately but thats okay. I have been smoke free for an entire week. can you believe that shit? i cant remember the last time i went a week without the ganga.
what happened you say? where has the three lung of ole gone, no more three foot gravity bong mind explosions? not exactly, i was sick this weekend- so im off duty with the joint chiefs of hash for a while.
anyways, i just bought a new laptop, its gonna be sweet, dell is shipping it to me as we speak. so that should be fun.
Europe sounds like a good time wish i was there with you rollers in amsterdam-but my lack of smoke will more than be made up for with you guys at the Cup.
me and jenny been having trouble lately, which you may or may not know. Shes pissed cause i have people over all the time and make a mess and shit. but she has a legitimate beef. so just from now you guys got to call before you show up. -i know it sucks but sometimes we got plans or cant hang out.
aside from that everthins cool, me and ronny been watching some sweet mountain biking videos. those guys are nuts. I am most likely going to Montana for the summer to be a white water raft guide with Eli and there a shitload of sweet biking to do.
im psyched to go out for the summer but i havent talked to jenny about it yet. she is going to be graduating in the spring and will be looking for a job in ct most likely, i think im gonna wait till after this semester to tell her because i dont want another argument or give her one more thing to stress about during school
anyways good times had by all-except of course for the evil old man KnuckleToe
keep it up
Murphey I refuse to announce my arrival.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/17/2004 03:32:00 AM
anyone heard from brancifort? he must not have access to the internet yet. Damon, her invite is comming, iàll do it when i get back to the states. i have access here but i'm not going to bother with it. as it is i feel i'm spending too much time useing the computer while in europe.
we've met alot of people doing the excat thing we are, it real cool. people all around seem friendlier. austrailia has been well represented as has canada. this one kid looked like he was that guy from the goo goo dolls. just funny. amsterdam is just waiting for us. everyone is on their way there for the cup. should be packed with hippies and traveling students. one of the things that amazes me is how long these people have been away from home. this one kid we stayed with lastnight has been gone 4 and a half years, traveling mostly to see his rugby team play. nuts. can't wait to get home where the government is oppresive and the wine cost too much. sweet land of jesusland, i'm shamed to call you home.
brancibeer is doing fine. likes his job, has an awesome house and his lady is coming down tonight. check, check and check.
Chief, can you send me an invite to timothylooney @hotmail.com
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Florence 3 days, Venice 2 days, Amsterdam next week.
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 11/16/2004 05:11:00 PM
I tried putting up a post yesterday while me and matt were doing laundry. There was this weird alliance between the laundrimat near the hostel, the internet cafe, and some indian food joint. (talk to matt and he'll rally against it as a rip-off cartel.) My 20 free minutes ran out while the blog was posting....processing......processing.........LOGOFF. Damn!!
So we left Roma this morning and took a train to Florence. Beautiful city. Bella. For some reason i like it much better than Rome, although it was pretty tight there. Smoothly continuing with the 'one big party' theme of the last hostel, we got borderline-blackout wasted on both nights we were there. The wine flows cheaply and....well, cheaply. Think like 2 dollar bottle-style. Like every person had a bottle in hand. Last night we went off to 'a bar'. Ambiguity was fine with me at that point. This group of 20 of us gets drunkedly split down the middle as we stumble at different paces, respectively. That's where i lost chump. So i wound up with a bunch of Romans at a different bar and finally tried the infamous Absinthe. I didn't hallucinate (the makers of absinthe took the hallucination-inducing ingredient out of it) but damn is it strong! I was literally still drunk until halfway through the train ride into Florence this morning. My camera had no batteries (which indicates it was dropped), but once i replaced them i was able to see what happened during the last few hours of the night. The pictures were incoherent. There were crooked shots of a shadow on the ground, someone's back, and strangers taken by surprise. Then there was the one of me looking as if i was kissing some girl in the bathroom. That only raises more questions.
Who the fuck took the picture? I'm still a little perplexed by that one.
During the night before that like 8 of us got temp-booted from the hostel lounge because we were playing music and being loud. So we went to the train station/shopping area and got booted from there too, except by cops this time. According to matt we were sitting in the boarding area for one of the trains and singing. We win! Eat it, Italia.
All the travellers we meet are just awsome, but i like the Australians the best. For some reason there's alot of them around, and they're just peachy. I'm trying to memorize some slang to bring back to the states to use. Example: instead of sketchy, they say 'dodgy'. I keep making fun of the Canadians, too. 'So how do you feel about Canadia being our bitch and stuff?' They actually agree with me (in thier trademark concilliatory attitudes.)
Oh yeah, and the sights are cool too. Very very impressive. We visited Vatican City yesterday. Everything was all gold-guilded and marble. In St. Peter's basillica they have fragments of the original crucifix. And they're cut into the shape of a cross. And embedded into much larger gem-studded crosses made entirely of crystal. I just kept imagining the type of holy explosion an angel would make if you turned one into a war weapon.
so did you find barone?
i found matt again the next morning. when i got the bar we all thought we were going to, there seemed to be a few people missing. Macunas is a light weight so he gets lost and perplexed easily. iàm not sure what happened that night but i spent about 10 minutes doing some sort of fake sports telecast with these two austrailians who had a video camera. i was drunk and when i realised they were wearing their own version of beer gogles (plastic 6 pack rings with dental floss) the entire night i put down another guinness and escorted a nice aussie back. thats where time disapears.
Monday, November 15, 2004
# posted by josh @ 11/15/2004 05:29:00 PM
no husky, so vote for the duke dog. jmu representing!
yeah well the nittany lion is not an option. what a shame. the duke dog is great! when were you at a jmu game??
anyway, if i were to apply today i would definitely look seriously at michigan as well
Sunday, November 14, 2004
cool shit
# posted by ron @ 11/14/2004 10:23:00 PM
glad to hear you guys are having a good time. i think i'd focus less on seeing everyplace and spend more time at a few less spots. bring me back a tee shirt (not one with a big pot leaf too, something i can actually wear). rock on! you guys are going to smoke your brains out for days in amsterdam. i cant wait to hear the stories. i found some print outs at justins apartment where they had the itenerary for the cup printed. everyday something big started at 4:20.
so yea, like the snow? fucking blows. if i met mother nature i'd slap her in the face with my cock.
huh, felt like i actually had somethign to say but thats all i guess. aside from the usual struggle with growing up nothings new.
fucking giants. the strahan jersey is off my christmas list.
later fools!!!!!!!!
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 11/14/2004 05:20:00 PM
this hostel is like one big party. Just jammed with some kids for an hour and everybodys got thier own bottle of wine. just met some kid that knows middletown too. they need help here and iàm considering staying <<<<8unfortunately i paid for a full year of kungfu in middletown. weàll see<0l<<9 ù
llllrome is sweet but i canàt wait foramsterdam. iàm glad we got a sweetass hostel nothing m ore to say for now macunas.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Paris to Rome to ? to ? to amsterdam
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/13/2004 05:30:00 AM
We lost americAn souls are stil in paris right now, just booked a flight to rome, we ll be there for two days and then off to somewhere else. Suck on my fat smelly balls, europe is sweet.
macunas here: wanna make money ? start an internet cafe. theyre gonna rape our wallets i just know it/ oh yeah the keyboards here are set up different ignore the typos<: paris is hot itùs alot like ny city. couldnùt find alan cuz he wanted to stay in croatia just like a croatian/ saw the city fro, atop the arc de triumph last night itùs fuckin szet errr:::sweet. saw the tower; a big basilica; the dali ,museum jesus this keybord is hqrd: *
the other travellers are really cool. i!m working on my french accent expect it when i!m back/ chump is as american as ever godblessit. no hookups with frenchies yet. keep livin yall
snow? sick
Friday, November 12, 2004
# posted by josh @ 11/12/2004 01:42:00 PM
i think we can relate to this. even got some facts to back it up.
about sums it up
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Its not about Politics
# posted by wyldshaman @ 11/09/2004 08:16:00 AM
Its about Life!
I dont think i was clear in my last post. What im asking is "whats important in are lives?", i mean what are the personal goals and dreams that we are aiming for in life? And why cant we work together to make these things happen, if we have common ground anyway?
You know what im saying? Maybe im out of my mind.....
so your sayin theres a chance lets meet at 52 this weekend and think it over ...beers
samsonite. i was waaaay off!
funny thought
# posted by ron @ 11/09/2004 12:15:00 AM
all you guys are talking about politics and for some reason that is the furthest worry in my life. well maybe not, but its definatly not tops. i can still go to sleep at night not cursing at this country. i truly belive that 90% of the evils that went on and are going to go on now with W would have happened with kerry. its the same people throwing money at government thats one thing thats never going to change.
justin's right they are all corrupted. in a sense we all are too. we are all driven by our own personal needs, goals, desires.......etc. its just elevated to a much grander scale. none of this should suprise you. i'm not even the least bit shocked about the re-election. there are hundreds of thousands of people who voted for W because they think he's more christian than kerry and they allways think the Dems are out to ban their guns. plain and simple. some people think that they will be better proctected with W. (he is quite a wreckless defense spender so they might be right), but i'm sure kerry would stop at nothing to protect also. it just never crosses the mind of the factory worker in the ford plan in Iowa who gets off his shift, works on his truck, pounds a few beers, eats a dinner his wife made for him, and gets drunk in front of the TV.
its odd to talk with the indian guys in the department. amit (my labmate) said, "the american dream starts at 4 with a beer and ends at 10 in bed with a fuck." of course he's making a huge generalization about the population but i assure him that for some people that certianly is the case. i also remind him that he and the other foreign guys in the dept are the most educated from their respected countries and that you have to compare apples to apples.
the us culture is in trouble. there is a huge block of land where the population is sparse (the middle). its not a very attractive place to live atleast from our northeast point of view. the people out there live differently. call it Kid Rock culture. dirty red necks and love it. and giving the election to them is the most dangerous part of the process. the people have to change, you cant change the people. think about trying to convince your dad about some shit. subborn old bastard...... just kidding but the people dont want to change. people like us would have to move there and spread our views. jesse is right, we can sit high on our perch of the mountian of money in the northeast and throw insults all day at the midwest and nothing will happen.
i made my own little map thinking that if the smartest states, (based on a list from the netscape homepage), voted dem then how many would it take. it turns out that the top 29 smartest states whould have to vote dem. ranking low on the list are florida, california and texas all heavy hitting states. it was kinda dissapointing but then i thought about it for a few minutes. the smart are an elite few and it makes sense that CT MA VT NJ NY are all very high ranking smart states but dont carry much voting power, with the exception of NY. now please keep in mind that there are smart people in cali but their intellegence is drowned by.... well probably the mexicans. i hate to say it but thats what this rich white boy thinks. now they voted dem, but according to the list i had they are ranked 43rd. again, i'd like to say that i dont know how the states were ranked.
so doobies. it boils down to education. now are you going to settle your family down in arkansas and give your offspring a second rate education just because you want to spread knowledge? i wouldnt. so i'll probably sit ontop of the mountian of money and education power in the northeast and bitch. thats all i got to say about politics.
now for the stuff thats on all our minds.
-whens the next time i'm going to get laid?
-fuck this cold fucking weather
-i miss brancibeer already
this post started at about 9 its around 12 now. i've been slowly drinking a 4 pack of guinness, doing some work and writing bits and peices of this post.
i picked up one of my journals last night and decided to write. before i wrote anything i read my previous rants. mostly involving girl crap, kelly crap to be more specific. it seems that from as far back as may i've been toying the idea that kelly wasnt the right girl for me. it struck me that not everyone knows i'm not dating her anymore so i guess i'll say it here. looney asked me this weekend how she was, he didnt know, and how could he have, i really havent said much to anyone.
so my journals seem to be pretty valuable at times. they dont really document events or things like that and entries are random at best. they are more like a flood of thoughts and feelings. i'd suggest keeping one so that when certian situations arise you can go back and remember what you felt or how you reacted and try to do things better.
well my last gunness is almost up and i got a few equations to work out. later
Monday, November 08, 2004
sometimes cats with one leg can pick up turds on a frozen pond-but not while getting fucked by the government
# posted by murphy @ 11/08/2004 09:06:00 PM
im not right im not left either, not republican or democrat.
i dont want to associated with politicians-i feel like i need a shower after i listen tothem speak
As far as i can tell-here's whats wrong with politics:
1-Its not about anything besides money-issues dont mean a god damn, candidates or parties. the man in charge will always be influenced by his cabinet ministers and the house and the senate. they are loyal to the men who contribute-big fucking business.
2-as long as the government is controlled by corporations, the little guy is fucked.-yes i do live a comfortable life and i am greatful for the opportunities my friends and family have afforded me.
So what the fuck do i care? i probably wont get drafted and become a teacher. i may have to put up with some federal unfunded bill that bush passes through but thats the extent of his personal affect on me-other than the shitty economy and the fact that being an american wont get you laid in Europe anymore-sorry matts' its true.
you all can say the same. all of us went to a good highschool and got decent educations and with in the group i dont think of anyone that wont be succesfull in anything they do. but you still want to help and change things for the better.
Jesse. men have spent there entire lives in politics doing exactly what we are talking about. Making a difference. but as i said politics is not about making a difference. Its about keeping the public in a state of limbo -scared and dumb people are easier to rob.
3-the politicians that gain office/success/interns(good times with the fatties) become corrupt. money makes them forget and not care. the only ones left wanting to change are the unsuccesful 'extremists' that do crazy things such as tell the truth. look at Nader-yeah he's a good guy but since he looks the villian in just about every scooby doo episode, he will never be elected-lifetime lobbyist/crusader/spokesman or whatever the fuck you want to call it.
he would have gotten away with it if it werent for those meddling kids.
theres too much money to be made for anyone to actually give a shit.
Maybe im right maybe im not. I dont know what to do about this. I dont have an answer on how to fix it but here's what i want. an educated intelligent president/government/system that puts their faith in their people rather than their God.
its a dirty trick thats been played on americans for centuries
Fuck it im done
longest post ever
oh yea
# posted by ron @ 11/08/2004 11:05:00 AM
big air
so this is a pic from jumping this weekend. it doesnt look that big but its about 15ft from the top of the jump to the bottom of the hill
# posted by ron @ 11/08/2004 11:04:00 AM
these kinda suck, i got to work on my picture editing.
Practice What We Preach
# posted by wyldshaman @ 11/08/2004 07:55:00 AM
We all sit here in are nice houses or apartments, and vent are little complaints about this and that. But what are we really doing about it? I wonder how many of us are just bitching to bitch? I mean in 10 years will we still feel the same way, what about in 20 years? Are we just young and foolish?
Oh and what is it that we want? And if we can figure out what we want, cant we start to implement some changes within are little core of friends or are communities to possibly realize some of these things? Or will we continue to drag are feet untill we eventually give up, have some of us given up already? Given up what?
So how is that Book coming along?
I personally would like to start talking about actions we can take to make things better. Lets be more Constructive, progressive, foward thinking...... Who's with me? Its your life.....
You know jesse, I was thinking the same thing. Me and burns think that trying to discus any thing like that is near impossible because its to easy to get off topic or be interrupted. We both agree that a written correspondence would be a more effective way of getting our ideas out.
On a side note; we discussed the other day about moral law making and how the midwest conservatives use it to gain popularity and not because it may be best for the country. But upon reflecting about how this will inevetably lead to a more conservative country I realized; Aren't the laws we want to see implemented based onj our own morals? If you wanted; for instance, to stop drilling in the Nat'l Parks because it destroys the enviroment, wouldn't that be a moral law. By that I mean, your morals are that the enviroment is important so it needs legal protection. Or for that matter gay marriage. Isn't getting it legalized as much a decision of moral lawmaking as banning it? I guess its all a matter of perspective. We on the coasts are much more liberal than the midwest, so our morals seem alien to them. Perhaps then the solution lies in creating understanding through constructive dialogue and "reasonable" arguments. There must be a middle ground. Something acceptable and beneficial that we can all agree with.
Or we can say "Fuck the world and the people who disagree with me, because I must be right" (or left in most of our cases)
it's crossed my mind that maybe after i finish my law degree i'd run for some sort of office. perhaps work my way up. get my influence in there. maybe i'm too liberal, but maybe it's worth a shot. and hell, if the "most liberal senator" can almost be president in 2004, maybe he can down the road.
tim, i agree that most of our law is based upon morals, especially strict liability crimes and torts (intent or not, if you cause the result, you're liable). some things (like whether or not you support gay marriage) tend upon what rights you think people have and what the definition of marriage entails, etc. but i would argue there must be something else too. there comes a split when our morals may not be what's practically best. for example, as a whole, i believe in the right to bear arms. however, there must be practical limits. they must be LEGALLY purchased and licensed. the reason is because even legal firearms will be used to commit crimes. however, if they are licensed, sometimes they can be traced, and sometimes criminals will be discovered, simply by the licensing process. but i dont' think we can say "guns should be licensed" is a moral because that may be too specific. i think most people agree that killing is immoral, or amoral. but what about in self defense? i think these numerous exceptions is what keeps morals from being too specific. thus, when the law becomes this specific, there must be some practical element to it. but i agree, the foundation could very well be based upon our morals.
and lets not forget, our country started as a break from the british. religion was a big part. different religion = different morals. if people in the US are considered free, autonomous beings, is it fair to subject those with the minority view to the morals/beliefs of the majority? you can say "if you don't like it, move" but that's not always reasonable/practical.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
I want more Big Bangs. Big Bangs every Wednesday.
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 11/06/2004 11:42:00 AM
Boy am I glad I'm going to Eurasia. Oceania's starting to suck here. I been talking to Alan the Crazy Croatian, so we may have people to hang with or places to crash for free. Working on it.
Damon - what was your B/A in? sustainable energy is what I've been wanting to go into for the past 3 years. I stopped my Master's degree just a week into it because it wasn't taking me there. Let me know more about these plans of yours and how you got there. Speeding up the transition between energy economies is an awsome way to go.
Party tonite is at cedar ridge #4 at uconn. i may or may not be there - my freshman year crew from Winthrop hall at ECSU is getting together around Hartford at someone's house. Haven't seen these cats in like 4 years, so it should be awsome. How long I stay there depends on how trashed people feel like becoming. We'll see if these dinks can keep up. By the time I get to the uconn party everyone's gonna be domed off cheeba brownies anyways haha.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
fuck the US
# posted by josh @ 11/04/2004 03:06:00 PM
anyone who says teh election was about the war is a liar. simple as that. anyone who says it's about the economy is a liar. otherwise those dumb fucks in ohio who have no education and no jobs would've voted for kerry. anyone who says the election was about terrorism is a liar. the 2 places that got hit, nyc and dc, were the 2 most overwhelming victories for kerry. the election was simply about morals.
and we need to get something straight. morals here does not mean morals. religion is not morals. technically morals are not what people like and don't like. but that's what the election came down to.
god will not save you from hurricanes. god will not save you from terrorists (who, ironically, often attack in the name of god). RELIGION IS NOT THE SAME AS MORALS. do we stone people to death? there are many things in the bible that are not customs today, but are even OUTLAWED. so religion can't be morals, if morals are to be right.
but ignorant people fail to see the difference. oh i'll just go with god, then i can't be wrong. well you are wrong. and murphy brings up a great point about separation of church and state. what ever happened to that idea?
i personally will be numb when things go bad. i mean the world always needs lawyers right? so what do i care? maybe i should stay in the south; it might be easier to screw these motherfuckers than to pick out the ignorant ones up north. oh but they're poor, gun-toting rednecks. nevermind. (and by teh way, guns was another huge issue for this election. sc ran 1/2 hour infomercial/campaign ads claiming if kerry was elected president people could no longer bear arms. and the people here are just dumb enough to believe it). i'll just laaaaaugh and laaaaaaugh, and in between breaths eek out an "i told you so."
in a sense ron is right. it won't make a huge difference. it may or may not affect you personally in a big way. but it will affect people out there, and is it worth the chance it's you? of course, there's nothing we can do now really, but it's the principle of it, so that it doesn't happen again.
so fuck patriotism. i'd be up in british columbia if i hadn't committed to more school. can't exactly shell out a year's tuition for nothing. if someone says "but i'm an american" an appropriate response is "why are you telling me this ? i don't care, fuck you." it goes to show you, that the veil of patriotism here since 9/11 is just that; a veil. americans aren't any different from anyone else, except maybe fatter and stupider, as a whole.
well that reminds me, someone was talkin about iqs and stuff. i don't know where this came from, but here it is. ct represent.
damon, just tell people your canadian besides sweden has a sweet health care system
get a grip
# posted by ron @ 11/04/2004 01:54:00 PM
the world isnt going to end. read brancibeers post. he says pretty much everything that i'd want to. obviously the intellegent people are the minority. what can really be said, the majority has spoken. gays, abortion, stem cells, religion.
is it bad: yes, but we'll get though it. thats life.
sounds like Ron is going Red on us... he surely does not speak for the Workermonkey Party!
The Religous Right has its Apocalypse to look foward to, the Muslims have their little Jihad thing going for them, us Librals need to come up with a solid plan for Utopia. Maybe a Great Conjunction of Hedonism and Equality. But we will need some Progressive Propaganda and a few Fanatical Followers to force happiness on those who stand against it.
there is no wrod in the english languge to explain how fucked we are
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/04/2004 10:09:00 AM
fucked. we're all fucked. there is no realistic way to explain how fucked we are. we all know how bad its going to get. i feel like i've been punched in the balls and then set on fire. right now i'm walking around in a state of mild comatose trying to explain wha the hell is wrong witht his country. guns, gays, and god. thats how people vote. a realistic strategy would be to attack the south with inteligence and education. the carolinas are ripe for the takinbg and the midwestern states area lost cause. it was encouraging to see how much we won pennsilvainya (fuck i'm fucking hungover, can't spell) ohio is a lost cause, they lost over 230,000 jobs and still voted bush. i don't get it.
say goodbye to abortions, freedom of speech, education, social security, the supreme court, north korea (this is going to be the fun one, lets take bet on weather or not we finish iraq or afganistan(remember that one?) first, sheese we can't not be at war) any law that stops forigners from being president(hello arnold) and this one may be tricky but i think bush will now run for a third term.
if all the intellectuals in this country move out, then we should all go to the same country. start over and just be smart. idiots will be eliminated and we'll create a race of superior intellectuals. fuck, my brain is truly pickeled today.
america: the book is cool, get it at Costco for 15$ i paid 23 at barns and noble. damn
Take it easy man. You only lost $8 on the deal...
Intellectual Brain Drain, was the name of an article i just read. It talked about how there is a quickly declining interest in Highly Educated people from other countries in moving to the US. Most are now chosing Europe or other developed countries. I wonder why?
your right were all right- everything is fucked.
smart people should leave fuck the government-if they want a bunch of sheep, they got em
looney is right buy a gun and go build a treefort-hide and wait
son of a samson i cant stop thinking about leaving seriously
i asked jenny what she thought of moving to Vancover. she wasnt too keen. although unconfirmed reports say that they have hash bars out their-legalized muther fuckers
call me if you need me rackbody over and out
Dashed hopes, new hopes and a goodbye
# posted by Brancibeer @ 11/04/2004 09:36:00 AM
"To appeal to middle America, Democratic leaders don't need to carry guns to church services and shoot grizzlies on the way. But a starting point would be to shed their inhibitions about talking about faith, and to work more with religious groups. Otherwise, the Democratic Party's efforts to improve the lives of working-class Americans in the long run will be blocked by the very people the Democrats aim to help."
Well, what can i say. I'm shocked. I thought Kerry was going to take it. I thought Americans had more common sense. You know, I understand if you have a reason to be republican. Such as being a business owner, or rich. But its the middle class who got suckered on this one. The number one reason people voted on was Moral Values? You know what that means right? Religion. All those suckers in Florida and Ohio thought they had to vote Bush because hes a good christian. And that he was going to keep us safe. I'm no christian but i dont remember lying, cheating, greed, arrogance, and being a war monger are in the Bibles values. These people were fed it, and they swallowed hard. Now we all have to deal.
On the brighter side, you have to look at the big picture. These sweeps back and forth are just how our world and country works. Right now we just swung to the right, but soon there will be change again, and we will swing back left. The same thing happened with the environmental movement. Imagine a pendulum in time where every second is a couple years. Its all patterns- everything. Sometimes you have to go too far before you realize you've done so. And not all republicans are like Bush. Its not like they are going to support his every fart.
I like entertaining the idea that the Northeast along with pensylvania, michigan, wisconsin, illinious should secede. (Look at the electoral map, it would work). Im sick of being influenced by the other dumbass states. I heard somewhere that somebody did a correlation between education levels and the way each state voted. It turned out perfectly that all the most highly educated states (New England, West coast) voted for Kerry, and all the less educated voted for Bush. Is that funny to anyone! Secede i say!
Anyway, sorry for the long post, but now i will say goodbye for a while. Im leaving (to move to a state i am currently disgusted with) on friday. It may be a while before i am able to check the blogger. And i prefer not to come here at work (already got 2 in trouble). So wish me luck, and i vow to return (prob in a month or two).
adios bart.
on your comment about bush. not all republicans are like bush is not necessarily a good thing. I dont care that he's religious but i do care that he has no control over the country or his administration. hes a puppet plain and simple and the man working the strings is an evil greedy little bastard
another thing-what the fuck ever happened to the seperation between church and state? fuck you and your worthless moral values. how can killing over a 1000 american troops be considered a moral thing to do?
you drunken coke snorting fuck!
fuck the american political machine
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
# posted by wyldshaman @ 11/04/2004 09:17:00 AM
So i feel depressed, angered, and defeated. But lets mention a few possitives and look to the future.
Looking at the Vote
With New Hampshire going Blue the democrates have a strong voting block from Deleware all the way to Maine, which i think completely off sets the southern Red Block. (if Nader had not run 4 years ago in NH that state would have went Gore and he would have won the election)
Bush won Ohio by only 137,000 which is close for this big state, and if things keep going poorly over the next 4 years they could be easily pulled Blue, maybe...
Bush won Nevada by 21,000 votes, not much, the other 6 or so canidates got 14,000 votes so with fewer canidates on the ticket and a little more Vegas influence this state could go Blue.
And Florida even with the Hurricans, the other Bush and those damnded touch screen voting machines was still close.
Looking at the next 4 years
Social Security is a very large problem within this country and as time goes by it gets bigger and bigger, currently we have a 45 trillion dollar fiscal gap (that which is promised to the people and that which we can realisticly raise in tax revenue), if this is not dealt with soon we(young people) are really screwed. It would have been political suicide to even talk about this before his last term but now he can work on it.
Also Improving the Tax Code. That would be nice. Like really making things easier, and closing loop holes and just revamping the whole damned thing.
Kerry is still a Senator for the next 4 years so i really think he will still keep working on anti-war and social issues there. Plus Bush and others knows he had 48% of the people behind him so i would assume that gives him at least some influence.
Sadly the US body count will continue to rise in Iraq with no real end in sight. Eventually the media will start reporting how poor things are really going in the Afghanistan operation. This will look bad for the President and his Neocons. If the Democrates continue with the anti-war rhetoric it will surely take hold. It might even bring some of the Southern states to start thinking more about the Bush Doctorine of Perpetual War, as they see more and more of their young men coming home in body bags, and Grandfathers in the National Guard and Reserves called up.
Things dont look good, but maybe all is not lost.......
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
ass packing created this country
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/03/2004 10:11:00 PM
don't ask me tyo explain this but its right. i'll come back right later. Robert M@^* came by tonight again. it was very good. i'll come back later .
i haven' t read any response to anything. i'm not a pussy democrate. infact, i think we shoud start kickinbg the shit out of conservitateves so liberals aren't looked upon as pussies.
fuck republicans. democrates are takling thge country back.
It seems Matthew that the Demacrats are not taking the country back, but instead being driven towards the oceans. My advice to all of you is to join the Republican party before the the purge of intellectuals (ala Stalin) begins.
i'm sorry, i can't explain that one, i was fucking shitfaced last night because thats really the only thing left to do. either move out of the country before the mccarthy style terror meetings are held or get so wasted that you kind of forget these next 4 years.
fuck you america
# posted by josh @ 11/03/2004 05:27:00 PM
what's left to say? i mean i knew americans were stupid, but i had no idea they were THIS stupid.
this is what happens when too many uninformed voters go to the polls. people CANNOT learn the issues by watching campaign commercials.
i think we need to revert to communism until we're responsible enough to make our own choices. fucking gun-toting, god-loving, gay-hating, middle class-screwing conservatives.
if i wasnt in school i'd be in fucking canada by next week
Be still, my aching Bush
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 11/03/2004 05:12:00 PM
I'd like to crown our re-elected King of Democracy with blows to the head and face. Crack the skull n' bones, nai'mean? Guess what the most popular joke will be in 4 years...
knock knock
who's there?
Orange who?
Orange Hueglad. It's 2008......
Because by that point our sense of humor will be extinguished. I used to look on the bright side and think that most of the fodder for joke material fell to the republicans, but I don't care anymore. I just don't like this.
I really don't like the Iraq invasion and counterinsurgency war either, but at least I understand the perspectives of those who are pulling the strings. We were just aching to spend the public sympathy we accrued from 9/11 on continuing the war from 10 years ago. It's interesting to think what Kerry would've done in a similar situation. Maybe he would've done the exact same thing and just not have sounded as idiotic about it. Perhaps. Presidential administrations usually don't deviate from the master plans of those up top. (declassified National Security Council documents from the 40's and 50's described the type of actions and methods to shape the post-WWII world in our image. We take the chances when we get them - trying to permeate our influence across an entire hemisphere if we can. Most of it is in the name of free-market capitalism, pushed by the dynamo of America. Not bad in itself...it's just funny how we complain about jobs moving overseas when that very same thing was supposed to happen once our beloved economic globalization thing started kicking in. I'm rambling.)
I just think we would've been better off staying benign. Now we're just more Empire than ever, euphemisims aside. It'll be interesting to see if there's any more prospective targets lined up in a few years. Not like more wars is a great option. I mean....you decapitate a ruling structure (even if it is a bad dictatorship) and you create a power vacuum. Every power-hungry faction there is going to assert their grab for power by saying "Death to the imperialists" and claiming they're going to purge our influence. Then they'll discredit the last ruling class by saying they were our pawns. The fact that technology has advanced doesn't change the way this works, people. We should've learned these lessons from Britain like a century ago. Fuck. I guess hindsight won't ever stop being 20/20, at least.
On another note, go get the Daily Show's America: the book. it's fucking awsome.
Fascism a.
# posted by wyldshaman @ 11/03/2004 07:44:00 AM
1. Totalitarianism marked by right-wing dictatorship and bellicose nationalism.
2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
bellicose adj.- war like in manner; pugnacious; belligerent.
-the American Heritage Dictionary
Today is a sad day for america. Fascism has taken hold. It is my feeling that we have not yet reached definition number 1, but we surely are on are way or have already reached definition number 2. My next section is taken from George Soros's book "The bubble of American Supremacy", and i give him much praise for writing and speaking out against the "Bush Doctorine".
Supremacist Ideology
The supremacist ideology of the Bush administration is in contradiction with the principles of an open society because it claims possession of an ultimate truth. It postulates that because we are stronger than others, we must know better and we must have right on our side. That is where religious fundamentalism comes together with market fundamentalism to form the ideology of American supremacy. . . Although influential, the advocates of American supremacy could not have their way until the terrorist struck on September 11. That is when American foreign policy entered what I call far-from-equilibrium territory.
The country is now in the grips of an extremist ideology that is changing not only America's role in the world but the very character of the country. I call it extremist because I do not believe that it corresponds to the beliefs and values of the majority of Americans( now i wonder). Both the executive and the legislative branches of government are dominated by the same attitude, and President Bush is mounting a campaign to impose it on the judiciary. Disagreement is not tolerated. Government is run in a more authoritarian and ruthless manner then ever before. The moderate core of the Republican Party is being progressively eviscerated. Criticism, which is essential to an open society, is stifled by being treated as unpatriotic. The policies of the Bush administration do not only affect America's posture in the world; domestically, they favor the rich to the detriment of the middle class and the poor and they reinforce the unholy alliance between the state and big business that was first identified by President Eisenhower as the military-industrial complex. . .
The war on terrorism as pursued by the Bush administration cannot be won, because it is based of false pretenses. The war on terrorism is more likely to bring about a permanent state of war. Terrorist are invisible; therefore, they will never disappear. They will continue to provide a convenient pretext for the pursuit of American supremacy by military means. That pursuit, in turn, will continue to generate resistance, setting up a vicious circle of escalating violence.
In this respect, there is a parallel between the war on terrorism and the war on drugs: The remedy is inappropriate to the disease.
Besides the loss of Kerry;
Republicans have a majority in the Senate - 53 to 44
(including the loss of Senate minority leader Tom Daschle)
Republicans have a majority in the House - 228 to 199
The majority of Governor's are Republican - 28 to 21
[funny fact: 90% of DC voted Kerry, do they know something?]
This really worries me! With the popular vote going strongly for Bush and other Republicans it will reinforce the Right-Wing Ideology within the administration to limits previously unseen!
I had really hoped, as i think most of you guys, that today id be writing a happy post. With many problems inside and outside of America to face, but knowing that with Kerry at the helm and a more balanced House and Senate possitive change was in the making. But as it stands this is not the case, and in this dark hour i sit and wonder what next ?
never again will i trust america
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/03/2004 01:41:00 AM
what else did the man have to do? he fucked over everyone. everyone. and they still voted.
america believes that the man who lied cheets and steal has more "moral values"
we're fucked, we're all fucked.
so its a big FUCK YOU AMERICA
your ignorance has finally become your downfall.
In Other Bad News: Same-sex marriage is now banned in 11 states including libral Oregon. Medical Marijuana falled to pass in Oregon. Prop 200 in AZ passed. Alaskan measure to legalize marijuana failed. And seems the California "Three Strikes" law will stand as is.
In Other Bad News: Same-sex marriage is now banned in 11 states including libral Oregon. Medical Marijuana falled to pass in Oregon. Prop 200 in AZ passed. Alaskan measure to legalize marijuana failed. And seems the California "Three Strikes" law will stand as is.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
# posted by Brancibeer @ 11/02/2004 01:01:00 PM
I was watching Letterman last night. Dave actually got red in the face after reading number 1.
Top Ten Punchlines To Dirty Election Jokes
10. "With a poll like that, I'm suprised he can gallup at all." 9. "She starts chanting, 'four more minutes! four more minutes!'" 8. "That's not the voting lever, but don't stop pulling." 7. "This isn't how it looks--I'm just joining a third party." 6. I prefer Bush, but I don't know who I'll vote for." 5. "So that's where Katherine Harris was hiding the Al Gore votes." 4. "Unfortunately, his margin of error was plus or minus three inches." 3. "Get used to it, honey--we live in a swing state." 2. "I thought you had trouble maintaining an election." 1. "I saw your sister with Mary Cheney--there was no sign of Dick."
11:19 PM; 197:188 Kerry down by nine. There still some time on the clock. It's the fourth quarter but the Dem's are coming from behind with a huge play in California.
In the stands; angry tree huggers, fat cat oil tycoons, useless drunks (like so many of us), the religous right, the communist left, ignorants are as common as those who claim to have "facts".
Every major election, everyone glued to their information spewers.
Except Mo, she had smoked herself retarded by 9:00, in the morning.
Anyways; Where are you; will you remember the last moments before the end? Tonight's out come could really be the beginning of a new era for our country, better or worse.
So my advice to you, as a professional financial thingy-majig is to buy a gun. And maybe a lotto ticket.
my apartment is free for partying
# posted by ron @ 11/02/2004 12:18:00 PM
but i dont have a TV. call me if interested. setback?
so election day. yea i'm not voting. i called haddam yesterday and it seems that i'm no longer regestered in haddam. called mansfield, not registered there either. should have called a few weeks ago. the haddam town clerk said i could vote for the presidential ballot but thats a wrap for CT anyway. plus i didnt feel it was worth the gas $$.
i wanted to write alot more but i decided i'd get the invite to my apartment out sooner than later.
Monday, November 01, 2004
A new point of view
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/01/2004 10:48:00 PM
I’ve been watching two very good political documentaries tonight . one on IFC and the other on Sundace. The one on IFC was called The War Room. Excellent. It follows James “Rage’n Cajun” Carville and George Stephanopoulus (who I first confused for Michael Ducockus (no way is thats the right spelling)) Carvile is awesome. Totally in control nad he’s seeing things that are only happeneing today. He was yelling at democates to start fighting back nad use the republicans own dirty tricks on them or they’ll loose. He was bashing Bush I like he was Bush II.
Part of what made the movie so great was seeing how politics really hasn’t changed much, I’ve just gotten a better understanding of them. Republicans tried the same dirty tricks against Clinton the first time around. Remember our sterotype that Clinton was controlled by hilary? That wasn’t true at all. It was equal to republicans saying Kerry never fought in Vietnam. Same type of destroy tactic. One of the scenes shows Carville trying to get his people excited to fight this. Its his second reference to using the republicans dirty tricks against them.
The kicker in the whole thing, Ross Peroit Perot was a rich republican from texas. All he did was throw money at the election cycle until he got some votes. Problem was he stole votes from Bush Sr. not good for republicans. So the next time bush Jr. ran, they used Nadder against Gore to steal votes. It worked, but not as well as they wanted. This time around they have been trowing large sums of money at nadder and trying to get himn on the ballot in many states to steal votes from kerry. Its not working because nadder and the green party have not beeen campaigning in democratic states. They are spending most of their time in the south and telling people ot vote for kerry. So the republicans have backed off their funbding.
At first I criticized nadder for taking “dirty money”. Now I realize he’s just smarter then me. Or came to the conclution that “fuck ‘um, I’ll take their money and use it to screw those dirty SOB’s” before I did.
Ythe other documentary was “Bush’s Brain” on the Sundance Channel. Sundance is very much for Kerry and very much against bush. They’ve shown a lot of anti-bush stuff and they broadcast Al Frankens’ Air America radio show.
The movie was about Carle Rove and all the dirty shit he’s done. The first segment was about the gubernatorial race in texas when bush actually won. Rove was the brains behind the operation from day one. He told bush Jr. what to do and where to be. Rove sort of showed the full potential of the “Attack and Destroy” type of campaining. The incumbent had a 35 point leed at the beginning of the campaign cycle. For the next 35 weeks, the Bush campaign gained 1 point a week. Eventually getting down to a tie in the last week of polling. The day before the election, Rove came out on public television (before he told the police) that he had found a bug in his office that was placed by “liberals democrats trying to steal information from george bush”. The impending scandle created such and over whelming flow of hatred for the incumbent that he was finished (I think his name was White, not sure, he wasn’t really that big a deal in it). Rove never let police or investigators see the device but he showed it on TV and used it in any way fit to hurt the democrate. Problem was, it was too close to the election for anyone to fix this allegation. The whole thing was proven false, and rove never actually pressed charges so there really wasn’t any evidence to be had. It was all a nicely timed allegation that had no merit. In fact, the whole thiong just blew over because bush won by such a wide margine. It really effected the outcome of the vote and stole bush the seat as governor of texas.
Fucking creepy. It happened again in 200.
What the hell is going to happen tonight or tomarrow morning?
i've also wondered on several occasions what bush was gonna pull out of his bag of tricks right before the election. it seems to late to whip out a captured bin laden, so who knows. maybe some giant ketchup scandal. or maybe he'll officially back mustard.
on a lighter note, anyone else catch the presidential snl thing last night? the new bush and kerry were pretty awful (the cast lost its last bit of credibility when jimmy fallon left, sorry tina fey you can't do it alone), but they showed clips from other ones back into the 70s. chevy chase, ackroid, carvey, and of course darell hammond and will ferrell. i had forgotten all about gore's lockbox and bush's strategery. i dont know where gore is these days, but bush certainly hasn't gotten too far.
i've also wondered on several occasions what bush was gonna pull out of his bag of tricks right before the election. it seems to late to whip out a captured bin laden, so who knows. maybe some giant ketchup scandal. or maybe he'll officially back mustard.
on a lighter note, anyone else catch the presidential snl thing last night? the new bush and kerry were pretty awful (the cast lost its last bit of credibility when jimmy fallon left, sorry tina fey you can't do it alone), but they showed clips from other ones back into the 70s. chevy chase, ackroid, carvey, and of course darell hammond and will ferrell. i had forgotten all about gore's lockbox and bush's strategery. i dont know where gore is these days, but bush certainly hasn't gotten too far.
i've also wondered on several occasions what bush was gonna pull out of his bag of tricks right before the election. it seems to late to whip out a captured bin laden, so who knows. maybe some giant ketchup scandal. or maybe he'll officially back mustard.
on a lighter note, anyone else catch the presidential snl thing last night? the new bush and kerry were pretty awful (the cast lost its last bit of credibility when jimmy fallon left, sorry tina fey you can't do it alone), but they showed clips from other ones back into the 70s. chevy chase, ackroid, carvey, and of course darell hammond and will ferrell. i had forgotten all about gore's lockbox and bush's strategery. i dont know where gore is these days, but bush certainly hasn't gotten too far.
i've also wondered on several occasions what bush was gonna pull out of his bag of tricks right before the election. it seems to late to whip out a captured bin laden, so who knows. maybe some giant ketchup scandal. or maybe he'll officially back mustard.
on a lighter note, anyone else catch the presidential snl thing last night? the new bush and kerry were pretty awful (the cast lost its last bit of credibility when jimmy fallon left, sorry tina fey you can't do it alone), but they showed clips from other ones back into the 70s. chevy chase, ackroid, carvey, and of course darell hammond and will ferrell. i had forgotten all about gore's lockbox and bush's strategery. i dont know where gore is these days, but bush certainly hasn't gotten too far.
alright josh, we got it. ha ha ha stupid blogger.
that was me. forgot to check the box
haha yeah it kept takin forever and doin nothing, basically freezing...so whatever
# posted by Brancibeer @ 11/01/2004 02:25:00 PM
 Opposites?
who wants a piece of MAD DOG LAROSE!!!!!! ha ha ha ha
Not for nothing, but that picture makes Ron look pretty gay (leather vest?).
of course it was leather. i had some chaps on too.
Pretty boss, if you ask me. But which is the dominant one in the sack with each other?
You guys better shut up or ill tear that picture right down.
# posted by Brancibeer @ 11/01/2004 12:36:00 PM
 Oh yeah