The Workermonkey


Monday, November 01, 2004

A new point of view 

I’ve been watching two very good political documentaries tonight . one on IFC and the other on Sundace. The one on IFC was called The War Room. Excellent. It follows James “Rage’n Cajun” Carville and George Stephanopoulus (who I first confused for Michael Ducockus (no way is thats the right spelling)) Carvile is awesome. Totally in control nad he’s seeing things that are only happeneing today. He was yelling at democates to start fighting back nad use the republicans own dirty tricks on them or they’ll loose. He was bashing Bush I like he was Bush II.
Part of what made the movie so great was seeing how politics really hasn’t changed much, I’ve just gotten a better understanding of them. Republicans tried the same dirty tricks against Clinton the first time around. Remember our sterotype that Clinton was controlled by hilary? That wasn’t true at all. It was equal to republicans saying Kerry never fought in Vietnam. Same type of destroy tactic. One of the scenes shows Carville trying to get his people excited to fight this. Its his second reference to using the republicans dirty tricks against them.
The kicker in the whole thing, Ross Peroit Perot was a rich republican from texas. All he did was throw money at the election cycle until he got some votes. Problem was he stole votes from Bush Sr. not good for republicans. So the next time bush Jr. ran, they used Nadder against Gore to steal votes. It worked, but not as well as they wanted. This time around they have been trowing large sums of money at nadder and trying to get himn on the ballot in many states to steal votes from kerry. Its not working because nadder and the green party have not beeen campaigning in democratic states. They are spending most of their time in the south and telling people ot vote for kerry. So the republicans have backed off their funbding.
At first I criticized nadder for taking “dirty money”. Now I realize he’s just smarter then me. Or came to the conclution that “fuck ‘um, I’ll take their money and use it to screw those dirty SOB’s” before I did.

Ythe other documentary was “Bush’s Brain” on the Sundance Channel. Sundance is very much for Kerry and very much against bush. They’ve shown a lot of anti-bush stuff and they broadcast Al Frankens’ Air America radio show.
The movie was about Carle Rove and all the dirty shit he’s done. The first segment was about the gubernatorial race in texas when bush actually won. Rove was the brains behind the operation from day one. He told bush Jr. what to do and where to be. Rove sort of showed the full potential of the “Attack and Destroy” type of campaining. The incumbent had a 35 point leed at the beginning of the campaign cycle. For the next 35 weeks, the Bush campaign gained 1 point a week. Eventually getting down to a tie in the last week of polling. The day before the election, Rove came out on public television (before he told the police) that he had found a bug in his office that was placed by “liberals democrats trying to steal information from george bush”. The impending scandle created such and over whelming flow of hatred for the incumbent that he was finished (I think his name was White, not sure, he wasn’t really that big a deal in it). Rove never let police or investigators see the device but he showed it on TV and used it in any way fit to hurt the democrate. Problem was, it was too close to the election for anyone to fix this allegation. The whole thing was proven false, and rove never actually pressed charges so there really wasn’t any evidence to be had. It was all a nicely timed allegation that had no merit. In fact, the whole thiong just blew over because bush won by such a wide margine. It really effected the outcome of the vote and stole bush the seat as governor of texas.

Fucking creepy. It happened again in 200.

What the hell is going to happen tonight or tomarrow morning?


i've also wondered on several occasions what bush was gonna pull out of his bag of tricks right before the election. it seems to late to whip out a captured bin laden, so who knows. maybe some giant ketchup scandal. or maybe he'll officially back mustard.

on a lighter note, anyone else catch the presidential snl thing last night? the new bush and kerry were pretty awful (the cast lost its last bit of credibility when jimmy fallon left, sorry tina fey you can't do it alone), but they showed clips from other ones back into the 70s. chevy chase, ackroid, carvey, and of course darell hammond and will ferrell. i had forgotten all about gore's lockbox and bush's strategery. i dont know where gore is these days, but bush certainly hasn't gotten too far.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, November 02, 2004 10:25:00 AM  

i've also wondered on several occasions what bush was gonna pull out of his bag of tricks right before the election. it seems to late to whip out a captured bin laden, so who knows. maybe some giant ketchup scandal. or maybe he'll officially back mustard.

on a lighter note, anyone else catch the presidential snl thing last night? the new bush and kerry were pretty awful (the cast lost its last bit of credibility when jimmy fallon left, sorry tina fey you can't do it alone), but they showed clips from other ones back into the 70s. chevy chase, ackroid, carvey, and of course darell hammond and will ferrell. i had forgotten all about gore's lockbox and bush's strategery. i dont know where gore is these days, but bush certainly hasn't gotten too far.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, November 02, 2004 10:25:00 AM  

i've also wondered on several occasions what bush was gonna pull out of his bag of tricks right before the election. it seems to late to whip out a captured bin laden, so who knows. maybe some giant ketchup scandal. or maybe he'll officially back mustard.

on a lighter note, anyone else catch the presidential snl thing last night? the new bush and kerry were pretty awful (the cast lost its last bit of credibility when jimmy fallon left, sorry tina fey you can't do it alone), but they showed clips from other ones back into the 70s. chevy chase, ackroid, carvey, and of course darell hammond and will ferrell. i had forgotten all about gore's lockbox and bush's strategery. i dont know where gore is these days, but bush certainly hasn't gotten too far.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, November 02, 2004 10:25:00 AM  

i've also wondered on several occasions what bush was gonna pull out of his bag of tricks right before the election. it seems to late to whip out a captured bin laden, so who knows. maybe some giant ketchup scandal. or maybe he'll officially back mustard.

on a lighter note, anyone else catch the presidential snl thing last night? the new bush and kerry were pretty awful (the cast lost its last bit of credibility when jimmy fallon left, sorry tina fey you can't do it alone), but they showed clips from other ones back into the 70s. chevy chase, ackroid, carvey, and of course darell hammond and will ferrell. i had forgotten all about gore's lockbox and bush's strategery. i dont know where gore is these days, but bush certainly hasn't gotten too far.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, November 02, 2004 10:25:00 AM  

alright josh, we got it. ha ha ha stupid blogger.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 02, 2004 12:39:00 PM  

that was me. forgot to check the box

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, November 02, 2004 12:41:00 PM  

haha yeah it kept takin forever and doin nothing, basically whatever

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, November 02, 2004 3:42:00 PM  

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