# posted by ron @ 11/28/2004 11:47:00 PM
No engineer can take a shower without wondering if some sort of Teflon coating would make showering unnecessary. To the engineer, the world is a toy box full of sub-optimized and feature-poor toys.
that right boys, i'm going to work on some new micro tech thin film to make cleaning ourselves a thing of the past. no, seriously its a quote from this stupid engineering humor thing. heres the link.
read it if your bored, otherwise i'd say its a waste of good time. unless of course, you have some time to waste. then read it.
hope everyones holiday was good. as for me i handled the situation with a little help from my booze. tuesday night started things out right with a campfire. tino and kolpak came over for some good old drinking by the fire. that was the best night. the newyork trip was strange and awkward. i did play some setback with the relatives but they play using the off-jack as a point. its fucking tought to get used too. i drank as much as i could without raising the eyebrows of the family. so it was me and my dad drinking next to the oven in the kitchen of my grandfathers. yea i talked with some cousins, but the conversation was something like "hey (any cousin's name), how's the (baby's name)" and the best part of it is that most of my cousins are my age, a year younger, or a year or two older. could you imagine having a kid? fuckin a, no fucking way. its a different life up there.
murphy, i feel your pain. hold fast and dont make any sudden movements. think!
new years, i was thinking that we could go up to barone's house in VT the day before, then get a room or two in montreal. hmmmm. come to think of it the 250$ montreal trip might be out of my budget plans. especially since the escort just got some custom body work done on it. fuck!
brancibeer if you are readin this i got the a-ok to take my dad's truck down over break. now who's riding shotgun? it does have a pocket rear seat but i seriously dont think anyone would enjoy a trip back their. murph, i know you'd like to, but my trip wont include a stop in atlanta. also josh, if you are in SC at the time of the trip i'd like to make a stop there.
ron over and out.
when's the trip?