# posted by wyldshaman @ 11/03/2004 07:44:00 AM
1. Totalitarianism marked by
right-wing dictatorship and bellicose nationalism.
2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
bellicose adj.- war like in manner; pugnacious; belligerent.
-the American Heritage Dictionary
Today is a sad day for america. Fascism has taken hold. It is my feeling that we have not yet reached definition number 1, but we surely are on are way or have already reached definition number 2. My next section is taken from George Soros's book "The bubble of American Supremacy", and i give him much praise for writing and speaking out against the "Bush Doctorine".
Supremacist Ideology
The supremacist ideology of the Bush administration is in contradiction with the principles of an open society because it claims possession of an ultimate truth. It postulates that because we are stronger than others, we must know better and we must have right on our side. That is where religious fundamentalism comes together with market fundamentalism to form the ideology of American supremacy. . . Although influential, the advocates of American supremacy could not have their way until the terrorist struck on September 11. That is when American foreign policy entered what I call far-from-equilibrium territory.
The country is now in the grips of an extremist ideology that is changing not only America's role in the world but the very character of the country. I call it extremist because I do not believe that it corresponds to the beliefs and values of the majority of Americans(
now i wonder). Both the executive and the legislative branches of government are dominated by the same attitude, and President Bush is mounting a campaign to impose it on the judiciary. Disagreement is not tolerated. Government is run in a more authoritarian and ruthless manner then ever before. The moderate core of the Republican Party is being progressively eviscerated. Criticism, which is essential to an open society, is stifled by being treated as unpatriotic. The policies of the Bush administration do not only affect America's posture in the world; domestically, they favor the rich to the detriment of the middle class and the poor and they reinforce the unholy alliance between the state and big business that was first identified by President Eisenhower as the military-industrial complex. . .
The war on terrorism as pursued by the Bush administration cannot be won, because it is based of false pretenses. The war on terrorism is more likely to bring about a permanent state of war. Terrorist are invisible; therefore, they will never disappear. They will continue to provide a convenient pretext for the pursuit of American supremacy by military means. That pursuit, in turn, will continue to generate resistance, setting up a vicious circle of escalating violence.
In this respect, there is a parallel between the war on terrorism and the war on drugs: The remedy is inappropriate to the disease.
Besides the loss of Kerry;
Republicans have a majority in the Senate - 53 to 44
(including the loss of Senate minority leader Tom Daschle)
Republicans have a majority in the House - 228 to 199
The majority of Governor's are Republican - 28 to 21
[funny fact: 90% of DC voted Kerry, do they know something?]
This really worries me! With the popular vote going strongly for Bush and other Republicans it will reinforce the Right-Wing Ideology within the administration to limits previously unseen!
I had really hoped, as i think most of you guys, that today id be writing a happy post. With many problems inside and outside of America to face, but knowing that with Kerry at the helm and a more balanced House and Senate possitive change was in the making. But as it stands this is not the case, and in this dark hour i sit and wonder what next