# posted by DJ Booze PiƱata @ 11/03/2004 05:12:00 PM
I'd like to crown our re-elected King of Democracy with blows to the head and face. Crack the skull n' bones, nai'mean? Guess what the most popular joke will be in 4 years...
knock knock
who's there?
Orange who?
Orange Hueglad. It's 2008......
Because by that point our sense of humor will be
extinguished. I used to look on the bright side and think that most of the fodder for joke material fell to the republicans, but I don't care anymore. I just don't like this.
I really don't like the Iraq invasion and counterinsurgency war either, but at least I understand the perspectives of those who are pulling the strings. We were just
aching to spend the public sympathy we accrued from 9/11 on continuing the war from 10 years ago. It's interesting to think what Kerry would've done in a similar situation. Maybe he would've done the exact same thing and just not have sounded as idiotic about it. Perhaps. Presidential administrations usually don't deviate from the master plans of those up top. (declassified National Security Council documents from the 40's and 50's described the type of actions and methods to shape the post-WWII world in our image. We take the chances when we get them - trying to permeate our influence across an entire hemisphere if we can. Most of it is in the name of free-market capitalism, pushed by the dynamo of America. Not bad in itself...it's just funny how we complain about jobs moving overseas when that very same thing was
supposed to happen once our beloved economic globalization thing started kicking in. I'm rambling.)
I just think we would've been better off staying benign. Now we're just more Empire than ever, euphemisims aside. It'll be interesting to see if there's any more prospective targets lined up in a few years. Not like more wars is a great option. I mean....you decapitate a ruling structure (even if it
is a bad dictatorship) and you create a power vacuum. Every power-hungry faction there is going to assert their grab for power by saying "Death to the imperialists" and claiming they're going to purge
our influence. Then they'll discredit the last ruling class by saying they were
our pawns. The fact that technology has advanced doesn't change the way this works, people. We should've learned these lessons from Britain like a century ago. Fuck. I guess hindsight won't ever
stop being 20/20, at least.
On another note, go get the Daily Show's
America: the book. it's fucking awsome.