# posted by DJ Booze PiƱata @ 11/19/2004 11:28:00 AM
Hey there. Matt and I just have to document our Thursday night here.
It begins with the usual wine shop stop (4 bottles for $10). As we begin to accumulate hostel visitors to go out that night, we meet a kid from southern Cali who's fresh from Amsterdam.
Score. We get more lifted than we were prepared for or accustomed to, and find ourselves enraptured by X-men 2 on the video screen. This gets everybody all into it, so it was fun.
We saw an Italian Beetles cover band at this one bar the previous night, and they were fucking interspectacular. Lots of energy and the funniest performance ive seen in quite awhile. So we decide we'll go back there for Thurday 'punk night'. That's where the night went awry, since we were already hammered.
This band
sucked and weren't even punk rock. Well, they played the strokes and red hot chili peppers and green day, good choices all, but they still sucked. So off we went (me matt and our roommate that night who's from Finland and used to serve in NATO in Bosnia (!)). We run into this kid we partied with back in Rome, and he tells us he can't go with us because we're walking in the direction of the bar he had to flee. The kid started a barfight when he just whaled some Italian in the back of the head. He was like Murphy size, but at least murph's got judgement. Don't randomly hit Italians. Don't hit the Italian.
So we end up at this other club (after drinking beer by the liter...), stumble around, and leave. This is where I get screwed. The three of us split into 3 different directions, with me and matt doing the whole bull-headed 'i know my goddamn geography' route but walking in exact opposite directions which both were wrong. The Fin was like 'guys! you're both going the wrong ways!' but we knew he was just a Fin.
Hostel curfew - 20 minutes.
So after wandering around Florence for about an hour i figure there's no way i'll get back in time, so i walk into a bar that's still open and order exactly 4 chicken wings. They were awsome.
Time - 3am.
So I run into an Italian who walks me in the right direction and we're having a conversation without either of us being able to translate a single word of each other. i guess it really wasn't a conversation. it was goddamn annoying actually. i thought i might be able to crash on his floor but that didn't happen.
I get back to the hostel and I'm locked out. you'll note that matt took the effective route, but that was an hour or so earlier. I scanned the block and tried scaleing some drainpipes, but immediately fell down. Every time.
So i pass a fenced-in municipal type of building and see a bush that'd be great for sleeping under. Both times i climbed the fence i damaged some part of myself. i caught my favorite pants in 2 places while going over the spikey fence, and they rip after letting me hang for a sec. I catnap under a bush or large shrub or something, and it was actually really nice. I dunno why i didn't stay there but i got up and continued on. I cut my hands in many spots over the fence this time and lost my camera. i actually removed the memory card and put it in my shoe, because i suspected my pockets wouldn't secure my camera very well when i was passed out. My lotus of intelligence amidst that whole swamp of botchups.
I shiver like a vagrant for an hour as i'm huddled at the nearby train station. I was looking pretty dodgy just sitting there with a pretty bloody hand and ripped pants, as if i'm waiting for the first train to escape town. So i go back to the hostel and only wait a short time before an early exiting kid opens the door. I'm in! At 6 in the morning.
Losses - bulky, almost obsolete digital camera.
Good sweatpants.
My health, pride.
Wins - memory card.
a somewhat-decent story.
I would call it a learning experience but I've experienced this kind of thing plural times by this point. I think i actually enjoy getting hopelessly lost like it's an adventure or something. It's usually a pretty stupid adventure, like ........bitten by rat. minus 5 hit points.........You find a colorful scrap of cloth! Plus 7 hit points. etc.
amazin you did not end up in jail or robbed by some bum/crak hed/ thug-
story: check plus
Ahh... Yes. This story brings back many a memory of the Old World for me. Thanks for telling it.