# posted by josh @ 11/29/2004 01:53:00 PM
got my first final tomorrow so maybe i'm just stressed, so bear with me...
i'm pretty upset right now. why? because americans seem to be able to make a mockery out of anything that has legitimate meaning. i'm thinking specifically of the livestrong bracelets. now this might hit home for me more than some, but all 3 of my grandparents who have passed have died of cancer. barring a cure, i've almost accepted it as an inevitability for me, though i don't really think about my own mortality enough to make it a difference at this point in time.
but now you've got people/entities like american eagle, coming out with their own bracelets. their website advertises if you give them a buck you'll "walk away wearing a cool bracelet." i'm sorry, when did it become about the "cool" bracelet?? livestrong actually
means something. and yes, i will concede the money ae collects will be going to charity. but last i checked ae is doing just fine for itself, since every acne sporting teen feels the need to own ae, a&f, j crew, etc so they won't be a social outcasts. the t-shirts cost like $20-30. i think if they want to show how charitable they are, ae can do it the good old fashioned way: DONATE. oh but of course, it's all about charity, really(read as: publicity; interpret as: $$$).
and today i went to the usc bookstore to buy blue books just as scratch paper and/or in case my computer decides to malfunction during exams. and there on the checkout counter was a basket full of black bracelets. they were identical to livestrong only black and instead of "livestrong" they said "black magic." i didn't ask about them (or inquire as to their price) but as best i could tell they were just to make money. there were no signs advertising it as charity or anything like that. if i saw someone in an ae one i'd probably chew them out, but if i saw someone in a black one, i'd kick their ass. chicks too. i don't discriminate. you want equal rights? then take my foot to your face bitch
today's just one of those days i hate people and want to use my law knowledge to screw them. someone tell me a story and get me back a little faith in humanity (for total faith in it is impossible), and show me that when it comes to the average person everything's not lost.
I feel your pain man. No feel good stories coming to mind though. what can you say other than greedy corporate america? One thing that always cheers me up... a big pair a titties. serious. go to the nudie bar if need b, or c or double d ahahaaaahhahaha
just be thankful you know an evil corporate marketing scheme when you see one
God Bless America and fuck the government
Okay, I got one for you, and it actually does involve a titty bar. Some of the boys already know this one.
In Amsterdam, me and Matt are in the Red Light District (modern day Sodom + Gomorrah) and the proprietor for a titty bar is coercing us like "Half price plus a free drink, fellas. What do you have to lose? Come on..." He pretty much took us in physically. So we pay the 15 or 20 euros and walk in. No joke, the first thing we see is an obese black woman harrassing some 30-something German guy and she's pulling out a bushel of bannanas like she's about to do tricks. The German covers his eyes and tells her to put her top back on. Me and Chump turn to each other like "GodDAMMIT"
So after a few dances this Latin lady comes out and walks right over to me like "Come with me." I do not hesitate. So I'm on stage and she gets my shirt off and tells me to lie down, then does a strip/grind dance on top of me the whole time. I just laughed my ass off because I was too stoned to actually have a libido at this point. Chump said he laughed alot too. Then I laughed some more. She then took out a marker and wrote Bad Boy on my chest. It wasn't her hands that she used to grip the marker. Bearing that in mind it was very good penmanship.
6 showers later: almost gone.
Also, some Arabic humor to brighen yer day.
person 1: "knock knock"
person 2: "No. It is you who are wrong."
A Priest, a Rabbi, and an Imam walk into a bar.
All are offended by what they see.
i've seen tons of people wearing the lance armstron braclets, most people don't know what they're for. its nice to see that people are trying to support cancer research, but at the same time its sad to see that this is just a fad and will be forgotten before anything really happens. caring about other people shouldn't be "cool", it should be normal.