Monday, May 31, 2004
Take a look around you
# posted by Brancibeer @ 5/31/2004 10:02:00 PM
Macunes et al. house hold hosted a party this memorial day. Apparently it started early afternoon. I showed up around 7.30 to the surprise of lots of people loitering about the premises. I thought to myself, this could be cool to see a bunch of people and converse. However, on the walk up to the house, i was quickly realizing that i didnt know a damn person there. I saw a few casual aquaintences (mostly hippie kids ive seen around due to macunes), but noone i really cared to say more than hi too. Fortunetly, Looney, Mo, jesse cjaza were there. Also good to see filthy rich, alan, sean flowers, and of course the pimp daddy himself mr. macunes (who was mostly busy in the clouds trying to sweet talk young ladys as always). But overall, i spent my time pondering how things have come to be like this. Im not the party hound i used to be. This has been the definitive year for me as far as changing lifestyles. I didnt feel confortable at this party. I dont like to see drunk ass kids chugging beer and chain smoking while obnoxious girls chat on their cell phones 2 feet in front of me. If it had been a closer crew, things prob would have been a different story. Yes, im growing up, i feel older and more mature and on a different level than most at the party. I have things going on in my life which would be hard to relate even to myself 2 years ago. These are crazy times- everything is moving so fast. I dont like to get blasted out of my mind anymore. Drinking, and smoking pot are no longer my priorities and main conversation topics. They seem to be in my past, much like an old high school story of the boyscout pond. Perhaps im finding my new place. And maybe you all are too.
Oh, and i told Cjaza about this website, he seemed interested. WEll see if he pops up in the side chat bar requesting the privelage to write.
Kim and i are applying to a job in Guam. Yes Guam. They need a team of Biologists to study the invasive brown tree snake. We are just applying though- not sure if anyting will come of it. Well see.
Friday, May 28, 2004
# posted by josh @ 5/28/2004 06:46:00 PM
chump i like the story and i like that marie's gettin into some golf. good stuff. and yeah, the guys at dicks probably sit around all day and wait for girls like amanda to come into the store. another good place is golfers warehouse, exit 27 off 91, go straight thru the light, the road curves around and the warehouse is on the right. that's where i go. also ebay is a good place to pickup cheap clubs/balls. often the shipping will be as much, if not more, than the item if it's small. also the golf wholesale lots are good to check out.
brancy, i have some stuff to do around here, but my guess would be that i will be home sometime around june 8 or 9. i just got a dog, so i'm workin on training him as quick as i can (he's 5 months) but as you know part of it is the dog. so i'm probably stickin around here another week or so tehn i'll be home, and very eager to help out w/ the book. we can meet at my house, or if chump doesnt care about the dog i'll bring him there (my worry is i dont wanna just go home and abandon him w/ my parents, tehy wouldnt like that too much). but yeah, i'll be home soon. ok, simpsons/dinner time. peace out, and viva the braves!
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Check in
# posted by Brancibeer @ 5/27/2004 09:24:00 PM
Hello all. Been working quite a bit lately (still at school for prof). My boss is such a freakin spaz, he drives me nuts sometimes. However, he treats his employees well and is a damn nice guy. I guess there will always be compromises. Been diong a little environmental consulting stuff- i go out and set up traps then check them, etc. I like it cause i get paid $20 an hour plus mileage, however, its few and far inbetween (not steady hours). Ill be moving home next weekend, and will be unemployed, but im looking.
Micheal Moore. I like him, i like what he does, somebody needs to do it. Yes, he can be a little extreme. But how many people are doing what hes doing? I like that he catches the little stuff, thats made to be little stuff by the rich fuckers, but in reality is very big stuff- like about how Bush stole the election in 2000- explained in the first chapters of "stupid white men". Hello? Bush should be in jail, but instead he has been running our country for the last 4 years. Its stuff like that Moore brings to the public eye. While it slips most peoples minds and is dismmissed by others, some (like us) get to think about it a little more. All that bullshit, just makes me want to rip my brain out of my head though, it can be very frustrating to know the truth. Anyway, i do want to see his new movie, and bowling for columbine was mostly good. There are some extremes (like blaming walmart) but theres also a lot of stuff that make you think. It was different and entertaining, and had a point. I also definetly recomend " Roger and Me", which is his first movie- its really good.
Well, in the last meeting minutes i think there was a mistake (or some took it wrong). We didnt mean to "start writing" now. That was a goal for next meeting. We need to brainstorm ideas first, talk about them, and then start writing. However, any kind of writing is defenity helpfull (chumps last post). Its like being in the on deck circle.
We need to meet again, this time with more people. Murphy and ron, im looking in your directions. Also Bergan said he might be interested. Kolpak said hes out cause of too much work. Sucks, but hey, if you cant do it , you cant do it. But kolpak i think you should really try to do this with us. This is going to take up time, it is going to be hard work, but it will be worth it!
Josh, i know this has been asked atleast 2x so far (and i asked one of those), but when are you going to be home? We should definetly all hang out too. That bar by chumps with the driving range is sweet (isolated, , local, not too crowed, pool)
Story time
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/27/2004 09:03:00 PM
It’s the end of a long day. Nothing out of the ordinary but the same usual shit. Wake-up, drive to work, zone out for a few hours and spit out drawings. Drive home, hit some golf balls grab a drink and watch the yanks try and sweep Baltimore.
The hum of a cheep import washing machine rumbles in the back ground as the occasional passing car can be heard in the back ground. I’m sitting on the back poach with a drink by my side and Derek jeter just hit a 2 run double. The light spring breeze moves across the leaves of my plants. I have them on the poach to get a little more light while I’m at work. The sun doesn’t really come through the windows of my dim little apartment. Some of my plants haven’t done so well here. On the other hand some have done very well.
The night sky is moving in quickly. The only light source I see is my computer screen in front of me and the soft flicker of the television in the background. Its hard to see my drink on the ground but that probably has more to do with my poor eyesight.
Golf went well today. I hit a bunch of balls at the driving range and learned that I need to keep my hips closed and stop rolling over my wrists. My sister has recently gotten enamored with the sport of golf herself. One o f her stoner hippie (this isn’t an insult, its just they’re from VT and smoke a lot of weed) friends has been bringing her to the driving range so she’s started to like it. When she came down I took her to dicks and bought her a pair of clubs to fool around with. The was a trip and a half.
The golf “pro” at dicks saw us coming a mile away and it didn’t take very long for him to figure out that we had no clue what we were doing. He was a nice old man, probably used to be an old course vet somewhere and this is his retirement job. Just stands around all day talking about golf.
He took it upon himself to see that Amanda was holding the club right. The old man asked her to step in front of him and take a few swings right there in the store. He pointed out a few simple mistakes she was making and she seemed to be enjoying it. This started to go on a little long and at times I wasn’t so sure he wasn’t doing this just to look at her chest. He was awfully friendly.
We finally settled on a 7 iron and a 5 iron for her. 25 bucks, a quick goodbye to the nice old man and we were gone. As soon as we stepped out the door Amanda turned and said to me; “I think he was looking at my chest”. A good laugh and we wrote him off as a creep.
Yesterday Amanda called me and said she was at Dicks in VT and buying more clubs. This time she wanted a driver so she could “hit it far”. Lacking a creepy old golf man, she decided to call me. Now she has a few clubs and is more excited about the fact that they make pink golf shoes. Today she called because she bought snazzy with glove. Congratulations golf, you’ve hooked my sister with fashion.
And now my battery is telling me to stop because its about to quit. You now all know the story of my sister and golf. Enjoy.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
my two cents
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/26/2004 03:11:00 PM
Michael Moore has done some good work but its also very dangerous. He presents things as being totally truthful when he's not always correct, bowling for columbine had some errors in it that were just helpful to the story. Its dangerous to place responsibilities on corporations like walmart becasue of gun sales. If people want something they are going to buy it anywhere. We just need to take responsibilities for our own actions and our own kids. Moores Fehrenheit 9/11 is supposed to show all the crap that bush tries to hide from everyone everyday. the connections to the saudi families is nothing comapred to the ties the bush family has going back to hitler, bush's fore fathers made thier fortune by being "business" partners with hitler. Not very american. its no surprise disney is trying to stop the distribution of the film since will eisner is the one whos head is going to roll for anything bad that happens to the company. the board of directors is trying to get him fired and i think he has ties to the bush family (i'm not positive about this but i know there's some kind of bush connection with disney).
The guy who ate mcdonalds for a month was making a movie to prove how bad fast food can be. here's a quick description of hte documentary:
Spurlock (the guy) hit on the idea after learning of lawsuit claiming that McDonald's food was endangering the lives of its customers. The judge in the case challenged the plaintiffs to show that a daily diet of McDonald's would dangerously affect one's health. Spurlock took up the challenge, choosing to eat three full meals of McDonald's food every day for 30 days. If McDonald's didn't sell it, he wouldn't eat it, including water and vitamins. He didn't cheat by eating just salad (which, with dressing would have actually contained more calories than the burgers); every item on the menu was eventually consumed, and if he was offered to Super Size the order, he had to accept.
So begins the project. The trim 185-pound, 6'2" ex-smoker visits three different doctors for a full exam. He's in perfect physical health, though his vegan-chef girlfriend thinks he's crazy. Spurlock doesn't detail his regular diet before the project, but he later admits to loving meat, and his nutritionist figures he should typically consume 2500 calories a day. Five days in, he's consuming an average of nearly 5000 calories a day, and has already gained 10 pounds. To make matters worse, he's chosen to act as 60% of Americans do by not exercising, and only walking 2500 steps per day.
The days drag on, and we're treated to shot after shot of Spurlock eating, and eating, and eating. His vital stats hit the stratosphere. He complains of headaches, depression, breathing problems, chest pains. Only half way through the month, his mother is offering organ donations, his girlfriend is complaining about his sexual performance, and his doctor is comparing his liver to Nic Cage's in "Leaving Las Vegas." Will Spurlock even survive the project?
The documentary has interviews with: the lawyer behind the fast food lawsuit, Samuel Hirsch; GW University's John Banzhaf, who claims McDonald's insidiously tries to hook kids on the McDiet; former Surgeon General David Satcher; a disillusioned family member of the Baskin Robbins ice cream clan; Jared of Subway fame; a Big Mac enthusiast working on his 19,000th burger; and a lobbyist for the Grocery Manufacturers fo America. He visits schools in Wisconsin and Massachusetts to see how we feed and exercise our children, and a hospital to observe how we're more likely to choose surgery and drugs as a quick fix to our health problems. That may sound dry, but the movie is highly entertaining, with humorous moments as well as great selection of songs put to the footage. McDonald's may be the name in the spotlight, but Spurlock addresses the whole fast food industry as well as our national attitude toward health.
ok not to quick but it proves my point. he did this to show the negative side of fast food to all the people out there who think its healthy to eat fast food everyday. our society has major problems and its mostly our own faults, we live fat, dumb and large, its that texas mentality that bigger is better and fuck anyone who tells me different. i my self can't say that i'm above all this since i've recently seen myself eating more crap foods at lunch and drinking more but i do see the need for more exercise and i'm not blaming anyone but my self.
Ron, i'd buy that book but people seem to like the fad diets, i was told today that my mom and sister are starting the South Beach Diet this week and the two women i work with have both done atkins and south beach. my only response is you would be able to eat anything you want if you just exercised. it seems that counting carbs, sugars and picking things out of your food is easier then just getting up and walking around.
A bit of creepy news today. i see celebrities selling their faces on ebay if this ever becomes a reality. This would also open up a whole can of crazy schemes. just killed some one? no problem, just steal their face and walk around as that person for awhile. weird.
michael moore and others further left than i thought possible
# posted by josh @ 5/26/2004 01:33:00 PM
yeah i agree ron, michael moore is a bit over the top, but i do like some of his work. i've only seen part of bowling for columbine, and i've meant to see the rest, just havent gotten around to it yet, figures. but i'm reading one of his books, "stupid white men," and i think there's some stuff that can be taken from it. absolutely, he is an extremely paranoid left winger who may even make pat buchanan look conservative. but not everything he says is without merit, even if its just to inform you of interesting things that oyu didnt know about. now obviously all the statistics in his book are chosen carefully and for a reason, but you can make statistics mean anything you want. i dont pay careful attention to them. like when he's talking about who bush made heads of some committees, and he criticizes bush appointing oil people to heads of energy/oil committees. to me, that makes sense . these people know about this. would you rather i head the committee, knowing nothing about oil or politics? didnt think so. but the book is an interesting read, and might be worth your while. if you dont believe me, lane's reading it too and thinks the same. so suck on that.
also, i completely agree about the people like the mcdonalds guy, what a fucking moron. people like that deserve to die. and i dont know how thesepeople become american icons, just cuz they eat shitty, are lazy, and therefore get fat. it kills me. every time someone like that becomes famous, or someone becomes the "american idol" a little [big] part of me dies. jesus christ, if people want reality why dont they pay more attention to THEIR REAL FUCKING LIVES. it doesnt get any more real than that people. but instead we have child abuse/neglect, divorce, alcoholism/drug abuse (more than just social), and homelessness cuz everyone's more interested in who the bachelor picked and what amateur the record labels is going to tell us to pray to for the next 6 months. give me a fucking break. those people should all die. i hope that giants qb who went on teh bachelor gets to play, and on the first play some linebacker comes in and breaks his legs and he has to get a real fucking job. i hope the next american idol gets too close to the microphone while performing and gets the herpes that teh singer before left behind. this is ridiculous. maybe if people focused on their own damn lives more, there wouldnt be so much stupid shit in our country. its not selfish to focus on yourself to make sure you're doing ok. there was once a really smart guy named charles darwin, who came up with the idea of survival of the fittest. well that ugly fuck jared, and his mcdonalds buddies are turning america into survival of the fattest who are then gonna whine about it and blame everyone but themselves. fuck that, die.
on a side note i'm gettin a dog on friday . retriever mix, black and brown, 5 months old. named santos, after the episode of the simpsons where bart uses santa's little helper to get a credit card, and it comes back santos l. halper.
all this ranting made me hungry. off to mcdonalds, but at least i wont complain about how fat i am...
just because you can, doesnt mean you should
# posted by ron @ 5/26/2004 10:11:00 AM
nice pics, a little odd, but nice. here is an example of something you can do but probably shouldnt. so doobies its been some time since talk of the book. has anyone been writing anything. i've been writing stuff but its pretty much a personal journal. i read a news story yestereday that was trashing moore's farenheight 9/11, they said it was let into the film festival because of its cinematography. yea fucking right. my opinion of michael moore is that he is just an annoying man who stirs up crap. he is probably right in what he says about bush's connections with a saudi family, but i'm darn sure this isnt the first president to have connections like that, and it wont be the last. and his bolwing for columbine movie sucked if you asked me. its not walmarts fault for selling guns, its your fault for fucking up raising your kids. there it is, take a bit of responsibility. another idiot making press is that guy who ate mccdonalds for a month. what a dumbass, did he actually think he was going to stay healthy. thats like wondering if you are going to live if you jump off a high bridge then jumping to find out. the food didnt make you fat, you did. i could get fat eating eggs and bacon every meal too you know its not too hard. here's the formula, eat alot of crap and dont work out. i should publish a book titled "dieting for dummies" but of course i'd get sued by the people who already own the rights to the ".... for dummies books". anyway it would be a few pages long with some pictures of fat people and it would say, "keep eating crap if you want to look like this" then it would have some pictures of nice looking people and say "eat less and exersise, dumbass". alright morning rant done. however i dont feel any better, i just wasted some time.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/25/2004 09:59:00 PM
 anything
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/25/2004 09:59:00 PM
 oh hello warren harding
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/25/2004 09:58:00 PM
 i can fucking post anything
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/25/2004 09:58:00 PM
 sweet robocop
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/25/2004 09:57:00 PM
 lame kiss fans
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/25/2004 09:57:00 PM
 some guy
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/25/2004 09:56:00 PM
 holy crap i can really post anything, like some random guy, or 4 lame KISS fans, robocop, even some apples, warren harding getting a blow job from his dog, Linden Johnson sticking his tumb up his dogs butt, or even bush looking like a chimp. ii love the new blogger!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/25/2004 09:22:00 PM
 SHAZZAM! Now posting with pictures!
Monday, May 24, 2004
I didn't mean for htis to happen
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/24/2004 11:56:00 PM
i didn't want to get drunk tonight, or set out for this to happen. i had actually wanted to stay sober because i was loaded last ngiht. Instead, justin, tino, justin/jenny came over, i drank to the presidential address and then we smoked too much and ened up at taco bell. good conversations tonight, i'm happy with that but i feel as though i'm going to regret this drinking in the mo6rning. minus murphy, me tino and kolpak put down a 30 pack+. right now its too late and i should be sleeping. but i'm not, i'm writing to you and explaining my night because i feel that peoipole shouldn't feel as though things don't happen if they don't happen drictly to them. Just because you aven't experienced the event or seen the person or made that connection or what not, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I've been watching sports center for 7 minutes and i've seen that fucking block of reggie milliers lay up 14 times. god dAMN, ESPN HAS GONE STRAIGHT DOWN HILL. my apartment has weed everywhere, its on the table, in the closet, on the kitchen counter, inside, outside, i can't escape it. i'll be happy when this experiment is over so i can reclaim the smell iof my apartment. someone find me a low light plant that will thrive in the corner of my living room. i'm statting to fuck up that plam fern and my giant fica is showing some lose of leaves, i don't know why. did anyone like Blade II? i wasn't aware that enough people liked it for them o tmake a sequal, but they are, and i've read that recently they've gone back to take extra shots to leave room for a fouth sequal. steuart scott isn't young and hip any more, now he;s old and creepy. josh, no one wants jeter. no one. i'll give you belliard back if you're interested. i think my thoughs are too random and i have trouble keeping to one theme, i'm all over the place.
So,.....I'm Drunk.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/24/2004 07:14:00 AM
the next time you see me don't expect me to be wearing pants, i've spent the last 24 hours not wearing pants and its been great. i see no reason to go back to wearing pants again, until work.
My WEED IS THE PHIZNIZZLE. Period. exclamation point. !.
I hink i would be a crooked cop,i really see no reason not to be. cops get great bribes all the time, they make nothigng and get subjected to the worst of everyday life each and eavry day. if it so happenes that the mob makes the best offer then so be it.
The great american dream is to make the most money and be able to have so much money that you can be left alone to spend it all. I want to live that dream. i'm an american, so it fits. Plus i want this chick. thats the dream. enough money for this island and any girl i want.
(this was finished the next day, please ignor everything that was said and move on, i was really drunk and apologize for everything. Over.)
Friday, May 21, 2004
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/21/2004 02:54:00 PM
maybe i am losing my mind
# posted by murphy @ 5/21/2004 12:35:00 PM
last night i was watching the sox with bb and the hammer, while simultaniously 'studying' for my final. I had been trying to get onto the website of my professor to get the questions on the final but his webpage sucks. so i called him. 845 pm on thursday and accidentally swore at his wife/lady friend.
i was in mid sentence cursing the sox as they blew some play and the woman said hello. i did not realize i was calling his home number but fuck him-lousy web site making motherfucker.
after the phone call i was no better off than i started. the next logical step was to go to macunas' and use the internet. the only problem with that is macunas' is also flores house.
bowl bowl blunt, bong bowl bowl bong CRACK, body shots, hookers hooka hookers, strip show and donkey punch.
yadah yadah yadah my alarm never went off this morning and i thought i had got their late but the exam was at 9. luckily some nice females in my class were studying in the lounge and i had a hour cram session.
thats all the brain of a genious needs. I AM THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE.
god damn italians
over and out good buddies
see you tonight para del Noche Fuego
Thursday, May 20, 2004
# posted by josh @ 5/20/2004 12:24:00 PM
happy birthday ron, you old bastard! and i'll take you up on that round of golf, it's fun! hit 1 good shot and you're addicted
so 10am isnt bad ... right?
# posted by ron @ 5/20/2004 10:03:00 AM
so i just got into the lab. ten isnt too bad right? i mean i'm taking off for lunch then meeting kelly at 3 at my house in haddam so i've pretty much wasted the day before it even starts. fuck!
so i'm living with my roomate's brother kevin, eric is in newport for the summer. hes about twice as negligent as eric. today he left to front door open when he left, again. come on! i'm laying in bed after noticing this and i just cant imagine why he cant close the door when he leaves. he's probably thinking "i'll just leave it open for ron when he leaves, its nice out anyway", nice though but there is one flaw, I'M STILL IN FUCKING BED! atleast eric will close the door when he leaves even if he does occasionally forget to eat his toast or leave a meal in the microwave. that one really makes me wonder. if you are cooking a meal you are hungry right? so how the hell do you forget it in the microwave? i dont know, these two brothers have brains that work totally different than any i've seen. they are nice people though, dont think i'm putting them down, but they just have severe scatter brain.
josh, i might be interested in a game of golf this summer, maybe i'll grab my clubs when i'm home. i tried to jog yesterday and my knees are having none of it so i need an old man's sport. i'll need a few weeks at the driving range, and maybe a kolpak lesson before i even think about stepping on a course.
for all those in haddam and storrs, see you friday at JJM's.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
catchin up
# posted by josh @ 5/19/2004 10:42:00 PM
chump, i talked to your family for like a half hour tonight. and we all came to one unanimous conclusion: your sister's hot. hahahahaha. just kidding. but i did talk to them, it'd been a while. its good to know they're all still doin well too.
so how's the harvest coming? also i heard you're gettin into golf. you, me, kolpak, and whoever else plays gotta get together this summer. i'm gettin really into it, and i'm gettin slightly better.
damnit thats all i got. off to watch the angels beat down the yanks. too bad jeter's not doin better, he's killin the belligerent ballers
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/19/2004 08:04:00 PM
I Got It!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/19/2004 06:15:00 PM
You know those long annoying trips home from work? I figured out how to make them easier. I just pay absolutely no attention to the road by watching DVD's on my laptop. Its brilliant, nothing bothers me and the trip goes smoothly because I'm not paying any attention to other people on the road. So far I see no flaws with this plan.
Anyone see this story? any celebration that involves shooting guns in the air for no reason should be bombed. Except of course the twelve gun salute of military funerals. there's always exceptions. But wat type of wedding takes place at 3 in the morning? this may be some kind of strange cult, even for those nuts.
I'm going to be adding a bunch of links on the side soon, i hope someone checks them out besides me.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Im Back Bitches
# posted by murphy @ 5/18/2004 02:25:00 PM
ahhhhhh yes!
Finally done with the papers. Fuck Vikings,Celts,Germans,Carl Sagan, the Colonial CT River and the Japanese military.
im done with all that bullshit. cooped up in my stinky apt all week crapping the bed and eating quesadilla suprise. the suprise is combined condiments in the fridge for a salami, steak sauced-blue cheesed pheonomenon known only as the diarea bomb.
sorry i missed sat. black ass is dead but hey 3 out of 4 cylinders aint bad right? FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
looks like ill be aplying for a motorcycle learner permit and drive some hunk a shit-thats right im gonna be a biker
Dep--i conceeded myself to another summer of the ANDY and any other dumbass that shows up.
-----seriously man get to the point----
fuck you buddy,
i figured since ronny's casino adventure fell through we should do something
whens the next meeting??
# posted by josh @ 5/18/2004 11:54:00 AM
wow brancy, good article. kidna makes me wanna go back and read slaughterhouse five again
Another good link
# posted by Brancibeer @ 5/18/2004 10:45:00 AM
An article by Kurt Vonnegut. Hes a bitter old man now... Shares our ideas.
Monday, May 17, 2004
Good story
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/17/2004 04:31:00 PM
Billionaires for Bush
Great artical, read down towards the bottom for the protesters part.
Also, johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway.com
look like some progress was made
# posted by ron @ 5/17/2004 10:50:00 AM
as a note to anyone typing a new blog dont hit the esc button, it erases the whole damn thing!! fock, i had like 1/2 a page of shit srittem now i got to restart.
so i'm glad a first meeting took place. i would like to have a few storrs meeting also. as practice i've been writing in a log book for the past week or so. these passages dont have much relevance outside my personal view of the world and surely wont see the light from your eyes but its practice nonetheless. i took a short story course a few summers ago and i'm going to try to dig out my notes on that course to review the aspects of the short story. i think the book should have a growing up theme. it can have things starting as far back as burr school football (looney as the line). it can span all the way to this summer when tim gets married also. this book has huge potential because we are still pretty close a friends. not too many people can say they still hang out with some of their elementary school friends, sorry mattb. but even middleschool on is quite impressive. this opportunity could pass us by if we dont watch it. for those of you that know the joke, dont let this book be like my garage door.
how to start is going to be a block as i see it.
we could try to just brainstorm a few story topics, get the main facts/timelines straight write stories and then try to arrange them to fit together.
try to make a storyline for the whole book.
making it as we go seems like an easy start but then there isnt a clear direction or end to it. more meetings will be needed. in the mean time write as much as possible, about anything i'm sure it will all help. and as branci said READ.
Saturday, May 15, 2004
good talk, mb/bb
# posted by josh @ 5/15/2004 08:11:00 PM
i like many of the ideas you guys came up w/. i also acknowledge the problem of a person like myself being involved, since as you say, i was not always there. however, perhaps stories of my focus could involve something in the last 4 years or so, cuz since hs i've been home every summer, and you guys are basically the only ones i've hung out w/. much different from hs, though i was in on a substantial bit then too of course. i blame blaha for bringing me down then, hahahahaha. but like brancy said, and oh so regrets, it looks as if i caught herin her prime, hahahahahahaha. i'll never forget that one brancy, thanks buddy.
one question: when you said something about everyone developing one other character (and i agree, character development is key here) were you saying something like i'd develop chump, and chump ron, and ron brancy, brancy murph and so on? i like that idea. however, it would be interesting to do that, and combine it w/ everyone's internal description of themselves; their thoughts, feelings, etc, for a true, internal AND external development of each character. just an idea.
one mroe thing i can think of right now. i think we need to make the central theme very apparent. writting by different people in different styles, the stories will be different, but i dont think they can be so different that it takes an english teacher to infer our theme, if you know what i mean. face it, the average american is stupid and hated english class. if there's not something right out there, tehy wont jump for it. this said, if we can make it entertaining with a shallow theme on its face, then somehow ingrain a much deeper theme to it as well (say, our collective life philosophy, or something like that), i think that would be fantastic. just thoughts, let me know how they rub you
The first great meeting of the minds
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/15/2004 07:19:00 PM
Meeting Minutes 5-14-2004
People in attendance- MB, BB
BB arrived much to the surprise of MB sister being present. BB was hesitant about the situation and eyed the two suspiciously, but MB sis proved to be of no consequence. MB suggested to talk outside due to the pleasant weather. BB concurred, and proceeded to retrieve a recently aquired lawn chair from his trunk. MB pulled a hard rocking chair out.
BB expressed that the group needed to have a goal. In other words, “What is it exactly we are going to create?” After a brief discussion, both agreed that the best approach would be for a book, and def not a movie for obvious reasons.
So what kind of book?
The general consensus was that a book of short stories would be appropriate. Advantages being 1) Multiple authors, 2) Lots of ideas = lots of stories 3) Flexability
Disadvantages being 1) Hard to have central theme 2) Different writing styles might cause probs
However, MB and BB agreed that the different writing styles could prove to be interesting.
The book needs a central focal theme throughout all of the stories. Some ideas suggested were:
Growing up/ coming of age
General life lessons
Small town angle
It was pointed out that we have a unique situation. This being that weve all know each other for a long time and continue to be friends. We can build on this and make it work.
Central theme cannot be drugs and alcohol (lots of stories about that) These can be in it, but not as the main entertainment.
Different stories by different authors (who are in stories) is a good angle. Bias’s will arise from our own perspectives, but we can play with this and make it entertaining. BB will have a different bias toward MB, than JM, RPL, etc would have. Need to find a way to make it work though. Crucial to have central theme to have in common throughout stories
Character development is key. MB said that characters can be more entertaining than stories themselves. BB agreed with a long spacey nod.
BB suggested each author pick a character and write about them in detail. Again, bias will show through, but this will could further the development of the writer himself towards the overall theme.
The first thing we need to do is figure out who is truly seroius about this and whos not. The people involved are going to be the ones telling the stories. After a debate between MB and BB, this seemed to be the only way this is going to work. But, it was recognized that some people may have difficulty fitting into the big picture even if they want to be involved. Example = Josh. Hes been away for college, and was not always present as much as others in HS. However, we need to brainstorm about it, perhaps some kind of outside perspecitve/ angle could be taken.
Several stories could be written, and then we can examine all and select the best ones. Again, they need a central theme to pull them all together, and that is entertaining and catchy to outside readers. Each story tells its own tale but they each help to establish the overall story/theme.
We should all be sober for the first meeting but we should also have a “wasted” meeting. This could prove to bring out some good ideas.
For next meeting:
Need to find out who is in and who is not
Brainstorm ideas
Pick central theme
Chose ideas to write about
Develop system of sharing ideas / get stories straight
Start writing
cue our next ingenious scam...
# posted by josh @ 5/15/2004 07:08:00 PM
here it is my friends
that's right, a blackjack strategy table. i've also acquired the hi-lo card counting skill, though i'm still mastering it. while i/we dont have all the knowledge or skills, this would certainly increase our odds. foxwoods anyone? i need to make back my money from speeding tickets.
chump, if it'd be possible to save some of the harvest for a few weeks, i'd like to indulge. however, if tha's not possible i totally understand. my own damn fault for havin shit to take care of here before i get home.
i would still like to be in on the book, that's soemthing that i have on my life list as well, though i realize that again my distance is a problem. but i'll contribute all i can in the summer.
yeah chump you gotta get used to that keyboard, haha. aight that's all i got, i mainly wanted to tell you about my new found desire to hit up foxwoods. lets get ourselves a room comped, huh
Friday, May 14, 2004
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/14/2004 11:59:00 PM
this is it ladies and gentalmen, time to cut ties with tthe old and begin a new. time to cut back and tighten the belt. I'm going to take down the kids and put my clothes back in the closet. Tomarrow will be the harvest. it'll take a week for them to dry and then its party time. i'm going to share the bountiful fiest of spectacular specimens wih everyone whos around, so we should have some type of harvest party. sort of like the old farmers uses to have.
OK i've got alot to say here so bare with me.
Today i bought a new computer. anice laptop, very sweet. i'll be doing most of htge work on heer and i plan on using it ti type a little so i'm still getting used to the keyboard. plus i'm drunk. so fuck you. its a wide screen laptop, state of the art, i'm happy with it and i dropped my recently recieved tax return on it. the hardest part of hte day the tthe dealings with thebank trying to get the credit card to tclear. i have plent of money in the account but it was the daily card limit tthat killed me today. fuck citizens, i hate that bank. they screw me at every corner and tomarrow, i'm going to switch,.... to liberty, any objections? anyone have a horror story they would liuke to share?
Brian, i think it is going to be you and me, but fuck them, a book is another check off on my list of life goals. anyone who wants a say will call. I'll take the lead on this since i'm one of the few pushing for it. for some reason or another i seem to have a way with people anda n ability to bring them togeather, ( OK hold the laugher, i've done it a few times) part of the reason i bought a laptop was so that i could write more and in diferent places. If you've read the " transmetropolitan" comics i have you would see the sililarities in them with me. i've recently bought more trades of it and began to think that way again.
Josh, Day ten of that cycle i herd of JOB IN Hmden where my dads old hippy friend worked. now, 8 months later, i'm giving my bosses orders, mKING CHanges and drWING HEt exchnGERS FOR a living. i havent bought a house YET so that only gives me an out if i want to quit. i've been cutting out early the last few days and no one seems to care. i'm on a salary so i'm going to start acting like it. they take hours a day off (although they do own the place) and no one complains, hte bosses son, TJ, has beeen a total waste so far and i just dumped A BUNCH OF WORK ON HIM. (its become PPrent that i can't hit the "A" key on this new keyboard, so it may end up as a "caps lock" sopme times.) the guys ib the shop hagve alread turned on him and its his time to sink of swim.
Joe girEDIE SEEMS TOT BE THE NEW PHIL RISUTTO, (fuck) hes telling rediculous stories and getting away iwth it. the poll? i haven't put it up yet so its non-existent. it'll come back as soon as i have the motivation to fix it and the links.
this lap top is more than twice as fast as my 5 year old dell, the progress is amazing. AS for my IBS, i've gotten a good grip on the physical parts of it, so i've moved on tot the mental. One of the best things i've foud so far is when takeing a dump, close your eyes and think of happy thoughts. i've been using hot chichks which usually gives me a boner while taking a dump. no complaints here.
congrats brancy!
# posted by josh @ 5/14/2004 05:11:00 PM
congrats on graduating! take a week or so off and do whatever you want. i'm currently in day 6 of that week. almost time to get things moving again
# posted by Brancibeer @ 5/14/2004 04:35:00 PM
Well, ill be there tommorrow @ 2. It might be me and chump, but whatever, well get some stuff figured out. Rons to Jersey, and Murphy and the blackass are having relationship problems. Kolpak, Macunes? Dont count on it i guess. We all know this is going to take unequal effort within the group, and those who truly want to start something will go on and the others who are half-ass will be weeded out (pun intended). I dont mind spearheading the operation cause Ive always wanted to write a book (its one of my life goals), and i see this as a fine opportunity. I will be taking notes at the meeting and then posting the minutes on this site for everyone to see (if you dont know what minutes are, youll find out in a couple of days). Hopefully this can be done properly at every meeting. Chump- can you call Bergan tonight or tommorrow and see if he wants to come? I think he could dig it, he has a great mind. But who knows with Bergan.
Enough business. I graduated and school is over. I come away limping from the previous semester- it was the most challenging ever. Hopefully over time I will heal over and be the better for it. Unfortunetly in ended on a sour note cause i had some altercations with some profs. This one guy is a real arrogant, authoritative dick. Its his way or nothing. I had a problem, and he totally turned it around and twisted it. He even got his kicks in. Im done with it, and am trying to let it go. Ive come to the conclusion that some people are just pricks. Theres nothing you can do about it, and you shouldnt beat yourself up about it. Hell get whats coming to him sooner or later, karma baby.
Now im just working part time at school unitil june, until which i will move back home for a while. Its been nice being able to relax and do other stuff. Ron and i played foosball wedn nite and i beat his ass 4 games to 1. It was an absolute slaughter, and it felt damn good too. Then we played some wiffle home run derby thursday afternoon in which RPL won 2 to 1 (all HRs in first inning) Good times. My place is perfect for HR derby, i suspect more play in the future. You lazy bastards should try to get out more in this beutiful weather.
So i will mostly likely not be moving to Tampa anymore. In short, Kims boss is a flake and now has told her she cant have that contract anymore but that she can have one in Panama city (FL panhandle) or New Jersy somewhere. She might take the other FL one or she might tell her boss fuck you. It was really shitty what happened. In the mean time, i have begun looking for jobs again (all over country).
Its been nice to relax some (have I said that yet?). Somebody should have a party soon. I was thinking about having a day one at my place, that might be cool.
Work ends at 2:00 on fridays
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/14/2004 03:21:00 PM
i've been playing risk for an hour now. i should just leave. nothing is getting done but i guess i have to keep up appearances. Posada got nailed, too bad, but he didn't complain, didn't argue, just stood up and walked away. he did take it like a man even though the media and everyone else cried foul.
Stern has been funny this week. they took the show to vegas for the week and they've all been drunk the whole time. artie has been out of control, he drinks like crazy and then makes an ass of himself. good stuff.
I won a bet with my boss yesterday. We bet on wether or not one of the guys in the shop who we sent into the field to repair a HX would bring it back with him. I had faith in the guy and it payed off. Joe tried to ignor the subject this morning acting as if nothing happened, but i didn't let him forget that easily. he's buying coffee and lunch for the next three days. I WIN!
Who can make it on saturday? i know ron, justin and tino are out. wait, who the hell is even in on this?
ok fuck this, i'm leaving.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
jorge needed a nose job anyway
# posted by josh @ 5/13/2004 06:12:00 PM
such a big deal's been made about the guy hitting posada in the face w/ the ball while trying to turn the double play. did the angels guy violate some code of ethics/morals? no, the answer is no. if you look at the replay, posada was sliding AT the player, like 3ft right of 2nd base. and in baseball, you're taught to complete the play. it's the runner's responsibility to slide andget out of the way. in fact, technically you're out if you slide out of the baseline and at the fielder rather than the base to intentionally take the fielder out. what happened was nothing short of fair and rule-abiding. no one complained about this in the old days when baseball players had sub-million dollar contracts and were actually athletes, rather than high paid pretty boys who get injured every week because they dont run and stretch like they hsould, instead they just lift. so all the yankees fans need to shut up and stop complaining about this. maybe next time posada will think twice about sliding outside the baseline to take out a shortstop.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
what day is saturday?
# posted by josh @ 5/12/2004 10:50:00 PM
well i've graduated, and everyday feels like sunday so far. today we went tubing on some river around here. good stuff. i still have some loose ends to tie up here so i wont be home for a couple weeks, but if you could keep me updated on what's goin on that'd be great
so how youboys been? i do enjoy all the posts regarding the book/movie, but i also miss all the political talk and stuff like that. i just bought this book yesterday "stupid white men" by michael moore, the guywho did "bowling for columbine." it discusses greed, hypocrisy, and corruption in goverment andsociety. i'm very excited to read ti, probably will start either tonight or tomorrow. i feel like it could be something alot of you would like. i'll let youknow my feelings. also picked up a grisham book. i like that guy.
and now my token rant regarding ignorance. so i took this geography class this semester. the entire grade was based on 3 tests. my avg for the 3 tests was an 86.3 but the scale for each test was 80+ was an A, 75-79 a B, 69-74 a C, and so on. the main point is all the tests had the same scale. so when my average comes out to an 86.3 and i get a B in the course i'm wondering what teh hell is goin on here. it's one thing if the grade scales for the tests were different and so they were weighted differently, but tha'ts not the case. so i emailed him and no response. emailed him again, and it's been a couple days, still nothing. but that's ok, the tests are all scantron and the results get emailed to us, along w/the grading scales, so i have all of them. i will print them out and bring them to the dean. what do i care if this guy takes shit for it? hell, i'd prefer it. i hate most people as it is anyways. haha oh well. catch ya soon
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/12/2004 10:20:00 PM
I'll bring beer. For the after-party of course.
Saturday @ 2 @ chumps
# posted by Brancibeer @ 5/12/2004 07:16:00 PM
Thats when the meeting is. Ron wont be able to make it, but someone is always not going to be able to make it. Sound good?
Lets Get Down To Business
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/12/2004 02:54:00 PM
Ok, this book thing. I'm taking control. Saturday, meeting. Any time, any where. Make some room on your schedule for Saturday. We need to get together and just talk about this. Get things rolling and get focused. I like the little stories I've been seeing so far but they also show the need to meet about this. So I'm taking action. Saturday. If you can't make it, call someone and phone it in. We need opinions and to decide on something. Anything. Once we get a direction to head in we'll be all set and each of us can go in our own direction and run with it.
I like the new look of blogger. The updated interface is smooth. tino, you should be able to rejoin the fun now. If those template were around a few weeks ago this little page could look a lot more like one of them.
This whole Iraqi prisoner thing is kind of stupid. Why is it news? Who thought this wasn't happening? Isn't that what you do to prisoners? They don't just give up information willingly. That's what they do to our prisoners. The only good that could come of this is if it helps to get bush un-elected.
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
twas the day before school....
# posted by ron @ 5/11/2004 10:14:00 AM
there was talk about getting in good with the administration our senior year. so the plan was to go and steal principal doonan's mail box and plant it at the school for all to see in the morning. especially with a fresh new principal in town, starting off the school year with a prank was just the thing.
with this idea we set off to execute it. my parents were home and the chances of getting a shovel without questioning was next to impossible. we said we were going to get som ice cream. next to macanuas's house. there we distracted him with some nonsense and stole a shovel out of his garage when he wasnt looking. there wasnt any room in the car for him anyway. matt had already printed directions to doonan's house so off we went to north branford. before going to his house we stopped at the local firehouse, drove around back and removed the rear lisence plate for good measure. with no tools in the car it was done with a keychain i believe. we found the house no problem on a dead end road and quickly got out to steal the box.
i have this vivid menory of ski just wresteling with this goddamn mailbox because it had one of those huge metal stakes on the bottomm of it and we were just bending it back and forth. finally got it out, it took 45 seconds or so. 30 too many by my book. the plan was nearly abandon because of the difficulty in getting it out of the ground and the fact that is was just about dusk and this neighbor hood was pretty densely populated. anyone looking out their window would have seen us clearly. the funniest part is when we were rusing to put it in the car that huge metal stake put an enormous scratch dont the side of matt's parents car. as soon at the mailbox was in the cabin some lights went on in the drive way. headlights that is. matt floored it and we drove about 70mph down this short dead end developement road to the main road, took a few random turns and lost the pursuer. everyone had this look of awe on their faces including mine. we had just stolen the pricipal's mailbox and we chased us down the road with his blazer. removal of the plate paid off.
after we deemed it safe to drive on major roads again we stopped, remounted the plate and went off to the school with our prize.
we got to the school and it was still a little light left in the day and there were some people playing tennis on the nearby courts. we got out dug a quick hole and buried the the thing. we attached a piece of paper to the front of it saying "principal doonan's mailbox". then we all took turns pissing on it and left to go to mcdonalds to get an aliby.
the next day we come to school and the mail box is still standing for a bit. it turns out that i think we got his neighbor's mail box instead of his. either way the prank was a success. can you imagine the conversation between doonan and his neighbor? "um, sorry about your mailbox, some kids from my new school stole it thinking it was mine". we broke the administration that year, and the mail box was the first step.
thats all i got. not too embelished. i dont remember all the small details either. i'm sure alot of these stories could be better written if we meet and talk about them. i'm sure someone will say something like. "oh yea then .... happened" and i or whoever forgot about it when they were writing it. like i dont remember if we got the shovel after or before. i'm sure someone remembers.
one thing i noticed after writing this, people reading this arent going to realize just how sketchy this prank was. it was pretty much still light out and there were people at the school when we put the thing up. this writing thing is going to take some practice before anythign good comes out of it.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
ma y 8 bithces
# posted by josh @ 5/08/2004 09:12:00 PM
dear diary,
i love you. today i gradumataded. and it was fun. we walked, we talked we drank we balked we stalked we talked...oh i already said that. anyhow graduation was at 1130 and then we iikcked off th epary at 1 or so , so its been over 8 hours an e'll go strong into the night. 4 kegs down 3 to go, plus the other partie s we will attend. good things, good things. and i got my dad to play beer pong and heis a ringer. we were undefeareed . and ouside its hard zxuc of the wind and shit but we make it thru. i'm a n indoor player myself, dome if you will but i play retractivble dome when i have to. so all was good and my winining record stays in tact, unlike jeter that takin it up the ass basteard damn it. anyhow, beer is good and i think things will turn out ok. i love my family an d my hair is nice. love always
doogie howser, md
# posted by josh @ 5/08/2004 01:26:00 AM
housr til i graduate bitches. seriously someone mustvbe done and fucked up if they're letting me graduate. but the glithce in the system is good for me and i can fucking belive it. law school here i fucking come. for better or owrse, i'm gonna be rich, BITCH. or at least thats teh plan. i wil lbuy and sell you like a little fuckin porcelin doll, or something else that is bought and sold liek that!
speaking of shiwch jeter fucking sucks and takes it in the ufcking ass
and when i make me speech tomorrow i wil ltalk about how gay jeter and the yankees are, except thati dont get to make a supeeech but i will anyway. cuz speechers are what i'm about. and whens joe gonnna get marired so i can talk about the time i poured beer on nicoles head...man that was wone of my crowining achievemnts. stupudi ho. but whatever, nany more good times to come. like this summer
ok i feel you cant read most of this, as my typing skills are subpar. speaking of subpar, my golf game. or not. but kolpak i'll kick you ass aon the couse bitch! or i 'll just play a round w/ you.
ok i only got 9 hours and 48 mins so i beerter finish gettin drunk and i only wanted to wear boxers a tshirt and lfip flops tomorrow ubt the damn slit in the gown comes up to fiching high so i have to wear patns. if only girls slits came up that high. on that note i'm out
Friday, May 07, 2004
uh huh, thats right
# posted by josh @ 5/07/2004 02:44:00 AM
seis de mayo, even better than cinco de mayo . ok not quite but still
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Cross Country: Part 1
# posted by murphy @ 5/06/2004 11:55:00 AM
Flying down Interstate 70, in South Dakota at 85 miles per hour I was half way through the 36 hour drive from Atlanta, GA to Gardner MT. You may be thinking at this point if a trip of that distance could be made in such a sort period of time. Can it? Can a 20 year old man make the trip at such a tremendous speed for such an extension of time? Yes, God damnit yes!
When you've spent the last 3 months living with your father, a man who puts the fear of god into anyone who crosses his path, two sisters, a little brother that steals your drugs and money, than yes. If theres any truth to the notion that you become more like your father as the years pass, then im in trouble. apparently my family gets crazier as they age.
For example, before my time, My grandfather Bill, and his sons were re-shingling the roof of one their homes. the sons, having being instructed by Bill, tie themselves off to the chimney for saftey. He of course fails to do so, falls off the roof to the ground below. the drop of the roof was about 20 feet to the ground and Bill, was to say the least, a senior citizen.
no hospital. no cuts, bruises, scrapes or anything. Not only is the old man not hurt, he demands to go back on the roof. you see as he fell off he implied the tried and true, 'tuck and roll' method. He would have been fine, but as his roll came to its end his head found the wooden leg of one Mr. Sundell. other than being dazed, bill was fine, but the sons obviously would not let him back up top. Hence forth Bill was known as Wild Bill Murphy.
So you can see how i can feel disheartened about my saftey, not only for myself but for my future wife and kids. I love my family and I love my father, but it was time to go. So i packed up my things told my job i was taking a vacation to pick up my brother in Montana and then come back. This was, as you might have guessed only half true.
Back to the Highway. I am stoned, really really high, and making unprecidented time and its the middle of the night. One thing i have realized in my travels is that driving at night gives you one of two advantages. The cops arent out-you can smoke freely and if you want have a beer or two. Secondly all the people are off-- at home in there little beds nuzzled up under the covers and out of the way of the gearjammin road hog known to some as a Chevy, but its true name is BLACK ASS!
I had stopped to sleep at five in the morning in Illinois or Michigan. Reclined the seat and put on my blanket. Sleep did not come. Rarely does it when you are 6'6 and sleeping in a two door 4 cylinder. Fuck it! I was back on the road and before the end of the day i was in Gardner, Montana but my brothers were no where to be found? I had picked up a couple of hitchhikers as i came through the park and out of the mountains. Gardener MT is a small mountain town that borders Yellowstone National Park. Tourist kind of town but still hole in the wall with weirdoes lurking at every turn. the law of the town was as you'd expect. Sheriff. For the purposes of this story we'll call him Rosco. the Yellowstone river ran out of the park and through the town and rafting was big business. My brothers had at the time worked for the Yellowstone Raft Company, which catered to the needs of such celebrities as the Dude himself-thats right Jeff Bridges. The company did very well for itself, my brothers had worked for them for over 2 years, as well as could be expected for a shithole town like Gardiner MT.
Strung out from the road, dirty, hungry and in a general state of disaray, the weed was begining to wear off. Dropped off the hitchhikers in town, stocked up at the local convenience ,and proceeded to drive out to mile marker 5, the home of the Electric Ranch. This is where the story takes a pivital turn.
wow. good historical recounting, K
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 5/06/2004 11:15:00 AM
A modest proposal:
a fourth installation of the H-boys trilogy be adopted; one in which it is set in the future tense and resembles The Deer Hunter. Only the lucky or agile fellas would survive, while the rest of us have our bodies dragged around Khandahar or Fallujah by jubillant mobs.
But lets not made them TOO jubillant....we are the protagonists of the story.
That was the dumbest idea yet, so far.
If it's adopted, however, then I would be willing to be one of the dragees.
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
possibligh, possibligh nigh
# posted by murphy @ 5/05/2004 09:04:00 AM
so me and kolpak met last night at my place. Chappelle show was on, i forgot they changed it to tuesday. Or i forgot it was tuesday. whatever the reason it was a rerun anyway.
First meeting. Involved only two of the prospective group of minds. We did everthing i wanted to leave out. Bongs booze and the women. how can we be expected to focus when jenny and lauren are talking about Trading Spaces and shit. I dont mind being drunk but whiskey was involved and that led to Risk.
As far as actually talking about 'Project 52' nothing was doing--i thought that would be a cool name for the company--we talked about using that story about my brothers friend crapping his pants and a couple of other ideas but no major plot lines formed.
on the bright side of things, i beat kolpak at Risk. the sox lost five in a row and im pissed-i blame Daubauch that fucking bum.
anyway if nothing else we came away with a couple of things.
One-no girls allowed-unless they are their for that reason only-no bystanders
Two- i think substances should be decide by the person-if it 'expands your mind' then by all means, but we dont want to get beligerent.
Three- No tv- maybe we could do this at bb or rpl's place, or even macunas'--or at least turn the tv off.
lets meet soon
Fuck school
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/05/2004 08:44:00 AM
thats what life has tought me so far. if i'm not going to be a doctor or a lawyer or something that actually takes training, then all i really need is that piece of paper saying "I R (insert general degree here)".
nope. what i need to do is put my money where my mouth is and fucking do it.
and the only thing keeping me awake right now is gallon of coffee i have sitting in front of me. i expect to crash at about noon.
do it to it chump
# posted by josh @ 5/05/2004 12:04:00 AM
chump, my advice to you is short and sweet. if you're unsatisfied with your job and you have any desire whatsoever to go back to school and get another degree or something, do it now. this is precisely why i'm going to law school right away next fall. if i dont, and i get an apartment, a job, and get settled, i know i will be happy and never go back to school. if i dont like my job i'll look for another, but it will be very hard to go back to school after living alone and not having school work to do. so if you're considering, do it, and do it soon. it's gonna be 3 more years of my life in school right away, but i'll tell you what, when i graduate at 26, i'll be a hell of a lot better off than i ever would've been if i just stop now.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
I'm either 45 or I chose the wrong profession
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/04/2004 10:27:00 PM
i ifind myself sucking down red stripe and smoking a cuban while writing. and i just spit on the carpet.
The chosing a wrong profession thing has come up in my mind before. when i first got my job i figured i had acheived the hight of my profession. i had gotten a job that used my degree to some extent and it paid well for a fresh piece of meat out of college. then what? labor for three years until something better came along? or quit now and start over. That was the biggest feeling pulling me. i had done it. i had achieved the point of the last 12 years of schooling and now what. i'm still young, why not go back and get another degree? i'm a diffferent person now and maybe i'm better prepared to find a subject matter that would get me a job that i felt satisfied with. At 17 how was i suppose to find a career that was best suited for the rest of my life?
you know how i got the first one? i started in Electrical Engineering w/ a focus in Computers. i didn't like that so i switched to mechanical after the first semester. I was at RIT where there were tirmesters and it was only 3 months in to my first year as a college student. now what? i'm a master of the serialized story. i love my comics. i like my sitcoms. i'm big into a certain cop drama (the shield). I've made a turn towards the artistic and the degrgee i've spent the last 4 years getting seems like an after thought. its are areason to pay the bills. i'm looking at buying a house. John bergan had the best line. " ...so that ties you down with what? like a morgage?" yeah a morgage. at 22. But its a good investment at my age. i have the job to back it up. i have the means, now all i need is the desire. but i can live with that. zone out for 8 hours a day. no problem. i'm in. i've been doing it for 8 months and its flown by. Now i'm reaching towards other desires. fulfilling other goals. we're going to write something. something great. theres no stopping us now. once there is the motivation there is a way. there is also no where to go but up. the first script fails. fine. we learn why it fails and then fix it. and move on. writing isn't somethign that happens over night. it takes time. and at 22, time is all we have. so far i think i'm the only one with a real commitment towards a career. (macunas, i'm still that guy if you need it).
I see the state the world is in and can't help but feel anything but a need to fix it. i have answers and they make more sense then whats actually happening. i spent more than an hour arguing with my bosses today about the war in iraq and why or why we shoudn't have gone there. i've changed the minds at least one boss, and i shot so many holes in the arguments of the other that i even got his son on my side. I'm having an effect on the people around me. if i can convert joe, or show him the true way (geeze, i sound religous) then i'll have made a diffence in the world. but all bets will be off if i don't g et my raise at the end of the month. i'm ready to say "fuck you, here's my two weeks" and i'm more than willing to start over. thats the ultimate sacrifice. start over. re-enact the last 4 years and get another degree. a new career. a new beginning. its not just a threat. make it worth my while to stay with JFD, show me you can make money on a heat exchanger. let me teach you instead of letting me show you your faults. my track record proves itself. i'm right, weather anyone listenes to me or not, my logic and rational speaks for itself. today Joe told me that maybe i should be president. maybe i should, maybe i should.
cuatro de mayo
# posted by josh @ 5/04/2004 12:09:00 PM
hahahahhahahahahahahahaha...the eu needs this like i need aids
religion is so great. it provides me with so much enjoyment, none of that spiritual mind you. i love how they're all so accepting, except if you dont believe the same thing then you're going to hell. maybe the pope wouldnt be so pale and decrepit if he spent more time outside exercising or something.
it also appears as though griffey has pulled his vagina again. surprise surprise.
well, tomorrow night i will officially be done, except of course for the graduation ceremonies on sat. which reminds me, i of course wont be abel to go to that 5yr reunion thing, but last night out of nowhere lindsay cammarota im'd me and asked me if i was gonna be there. how random isthat??? i havent talked to her in over a year. and it usually consisted of "hey we should get together over break" "yeah we should" then we never do. oh well. apparently her, quinn, termini, fenton, janice, lindsey lieb, maybe 1 or 2 others will be there if you guys are interested. speaking of some names i havent thought about in 5 years. the reunion couldnt have come soon enough. oh right, im' not going.
good times
# posted by murphy @ 5/04/2004 12:05:00 PM
thats the bottom line
ronny, i agree with you that the topic should be somewhat universal, but at the same time you cant make everyone like the story and people are bound to get offended no matter what we come up with.
I want to make something clear. I want to do this. Seriously. I not having a post college crisis, im not worried about what is going happen to me next year. Im not worried about growing up, old or apart from each other cause that shit is bound to happen. I assume that we will continue to be friends no matter what are particular location is.
You guys are like brothers to me.
With that said, I agree with you Brian about having material or stories with us before we meet so that we could get a reaction about how good they are. sometimes shit is funny in your head and then when you tell it, everyone looks at you like your crazy.-well get to that later.
Chapelle show night sounds like a good plan as long as were not hitting the bong and playing risk.
if we have to have a target audience why dont we make it people who have half a brain. lets not start filling the story with bo and luke duke jumpin' over boss hog and cletus or rosco or enus. coots coots coots i love it i love it.
maybe not-i do love a good stupid movie but one thats cleverly done
I think were all in agreement that meeting together is good as long as we limit the amount of substances involved at first anyway.
Josh, we could work out some sort of instant messanger thing were you could be present-maybe even a video phone on the computer if anyone has anything like that.
Keep on Rocking boys
I almost forgot. i assure you that i am in the soundest state of mind and if you seriously concerned for me thank you but it is unnecessary.
there has been no losing of the murphy mind,
for control to be lost, one asumes control was once had,
bouncing in and out of consciousness is not so bad,
for the thoughts and ideas that control his motions,
are controled by something of which no one has any notions,
these word not meant to scare nor define,
only for you to ponder while the tensions unwind,
the undefinable workings of the murphy mind.
i love you all
thank you and good night
Monday, May 03, 2004
so whats the deal?
# posted by ron @ 5/03/2004 11:59:00 PM
i'm still confused on what the hell we are talking about doing? as far as i can tell we are going to try to do something. sound right? this needs a think session. booze invited, gin usually stimulates my thinking. Leave the setback at the door.
so I think the next two weeks may be my hardest ever. I cant ride my bike. My injuries require that I not ride for about two weeks. Dude, what the hell am I doing to do? I got nothing. Maybe its time I attack the three month old pile of dishes in the sink and clean up the mud on the floor of my apartment. That's no typo, three months, I've been using one knife for my peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches and paper plates. I drink water from one cup and beer from the cans. guinness is no exception.
so this great thing you guys want to develop. how about we just write. it seems we are all wrestling with the growing up thing in some way or another. each one of us has our own story. some of us are at different stages, matt has a job, i'm in school. you know things like that. we are all just trying to reach our own small or large goals on a day by day hour by hour basis. in hope someday we may make it. but as time wears on our goals change also.
in high school I though I was going to go to the coast guard academy. I was all set, passed all the tests but was rejected on the last approval for some reason. all the sudden I was at uconn, it was my next best option. same thing happened this last summer. all set to go to drexel, my advisor down there didnt get his grant to fund me, I couldnt afford it so I got back into uconn grad. along that whole ride I had some major girl issues too. I think I could write a book on that one alone. That's life.
this great thing. life. the desire to find meaning(for some people), to meet your personal goals, whatever you find in it to keep going. I cant believe I just wrote that crap. you just got to find something that will relate to the average joe who goes to work at the factory, grabs some beer on the way home for a night of boozing ang TV, and also relate to the other office type people about their life, or the outdoors people. you know some excellent times have been when I've hiked or biked out to a rock or overlook here at uconn and sat for like an hour or two alone. just taking it in. I've also had similar experiences on the couch watching tv. yea I see it, but i'm not thinking about any of it. same with music in the car as I said in a previous post. got to relate to all types of people. describe something special about human nature. there's a winner.
some quick points
# posted by josh @ 5/03/2004 04:25:00 PM
i agree w/ chump, murphy, brancy that it could be hard to work as a group. and though i wont be home til june i would like to participate as best is possible.
so far i do like the idea of our stories, as well as ron's idea of the multiple points of view on the same events. keep the ideas comin boys, we got some good ones out there
one consideration. who is our target audience?? males, 15-30? cuz some of our stories may not be funny to certain groups. also, we need to make sure there's enough background so all the funny things arent just inside jokes that no one else gets. movies like "american pie" did so well cuz all kids in high school and college could relate to it. we need to make sure we're including our viewers.
i think that's all i got. shot a 41 today for 9 holes. ties a personal best. time for apple pie. i'm out
# posted by Brancibeer @ 5/03/2004 03:31:00 PM
Things are happening
Murphys sanity is in question
Kolpak hits a base single
Macunes is still on drugs
I took a long shower today. Cause i was thinking. Thats what i do when im thinking. Im doubting the movie idea. I guess we could write a script, but did i hear something....boring! One thing we have to think about here is that we are working in a group. Thats hard. Hard to stay organized, sober, focused, and its hard to delegate- everyone wants to do there own thing. Back to the shower- Kolpak listed a lot of good story ideas. How about we narrow those down and pick like the 10 best. Then each of us writes about that one event. Integrate and combine into 1 story, or a book of a bunch of short stories. I think we should start with a book, cause we can always sell the book to make a movie. Anyway, just another idea.
Lets plan a time in May to have a meeting. No drugs, a little beer. Distant ones can stay in touch through meeting minutes.
Im excited about this.
Courtney i saw your dad in Hollywood video this weekend. I was waiting to talk to him, but he was having a confrontation with an employee about something. So i waited for like 2 minutes, but it didnt seem to be ending so i left. He was dressed nice. I dont think he saw me, but if you talk to him, tell him i wanted to say hi.
things are moving along nicely...
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/03/2004 11:19:00 AM
Funny Ebay listing
Ok, our best option would be to write a clever script and then sell it. If we made the movie ourselves it would only be to help sell the script. I like the idea of using our own stories but i'd like to avoid the trap of writing another "American Pie" series. we could easily do the same thing and make a trilogy out of it, high school years, college, and then post graduation. Just for fun i started wrting a little bit of a movie like that and it seemed pretty easy. the diolog was the harest part but everything else sould be easy.
another problem i see is that we really only need one or two writers since or we run into too many cooks in the kitchen. but the ideas need to flow. maybe one sober session and one where none of us are sober. then integrate it. but getting togeather should happen soon. while we're all still motivated. and focused.
glad to see your all on board
# posted by murphy @ 5/03/2004 09:48:00 AM
i havent look at this sight since wednesday and look whats happened.
This is what im talking about. Before, everyone was randomly airing thier grevances to each other barely getting a response, but feeling better to get it off their respective chests. Now we have focus, people are writing almost everyday and their is a genuine excitement in the tone instead of a depressing self pitying one.
dont get me wrong, i support expression of emotion as much as you, but now everyone seems to be on the same page
Ronny, first of all your absolutely right, a group meeting would be good to get ideas out there and pool the resource. Ive heard some interesting ideas already.
i like the 52 idea and using our lives but im not sure we should make 'another teen movie'?
however there are some hilarious stories:
snowballs off the overpass
snowballs thrown at cars from woods-ronny and the van
mooning the barge
bb campsite
various dep stories-or made up stories
bonfires anywhere
barone in the drain-rt 81
chinese buffet-hk football
mailbox missions-or Mission
buckleys 'cat' shit on computer table
247b and willington oaks 15/108
jesus rules
also we could do other things that havent happen like have us all go on a camping trip/road trip. i dont know what the story would be but who cares
i like stories were everyones doing different things and they come together in the end.
the point is, we should seriously set aside a night a week just for this. And maybe we should be sober during it. its a radical idea i know but just maybe.
alright maybe a little booze but no wiskey. that would just lead to caos.
the topic of the 'green' will be decided as a group-some will tend to think it enhances the creative process, others disagree, myself included, think it will lead to laziness and lack of motivation.
Anyways, I dont apoint myself as the head of this operation. you all seem to have ideas that are good. i agree that we should make up interesting characters and then find a connecting plot for them insted of just writing a story.
We needn't worry about making money on this movie because if its good it will sell, and how could it not be good? We are smart, intelligent, funny people and now we have something new. WERE MOTIVATED. Look at Broken Lizard(super troopers), those are just a bunch of regular guys that are funny, got together and made it happen.
I dont mean to sound like Tony Robbins here but i think i do. So in conclusion
'if you believe in the power of you than no one can stop you. You can do anything that you put you mind to,' no watch as i walk 50 feet on a dumpster full of broken glass
You boys like Mexico?!!!
ps branciteam i may have lost my mind but ive found yours and be careful what you do and what you think, because as we speak little miniature murphy electronic impulses are controlling your every move, thought and gesture. Eventually i will take over altogther and become your conscious and subconscious mind. all will be lost, your mind will be come clouded with thoughts of the Rackbody. you will lose complete control and be a discarded piece of MY consciousness and all you will experience is the sound of Kolpak hammering away at your sister!
Now that is trash talk-i assume anymore remarks about the state of my mind will be stifled-kolpak no offence meant and i hope none taken, branciteam i bid you safe travels and hope that this message reaches you in good spirits and that the contents of this message doesnt change you normal personable demeanor
thank you and good night
Sunday, May 02, 2004
So i've been spending some time on the internet today...
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/02/2004 05:01:00 PM
mostly checking out what other blogs have to offer and so far its been quite the wild ride. I've found blogs about master/slave relationships, both sexual and discrimitory, blogs about hating everyone, blogs that provide services for just about everything, many japaneese pop culture blogs, blogs in just about every language, i've read phrases i'd like to rip off like "inspire the fire", "if oxford had a scene, we'd cover it", forign language blogs where the forign language is english with cool images like this one

with cool pics.
Holy Shit! Its Almost "No Pants Day"!!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/02/2004 04:11:00 PM
No Pants Day Sweet.
plus the coolest pic i've sen in a while
i thought of some ideas at 2:30 in the morning
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/02/2004 02:40:00 AM
the whole movie is just the story of one night out on the town. starting with getting ready
and the excitment of getting out of work. ending with something tragic, or just everyone
getting some.
a golf movie, causing trouble at a course a la caddyshack. it’ll be caddyshack for a new
generation, like Old School was a new Animal House. we’ll call it caddyshack 3
how about a movie where we hunt down ryan seacrest and kick his ass. the whole movie is
about us trying to find him and kick his ass. i bet we could even lie to him and get him to
be in it. ask him to star in an “independant film”. and then really kick his ass.
how about a comedy about a man who tries to give up pants. first he starts with just
wearing sweatpants but problems arise when he gets a boner or maybe they still just don’t
cut it. one mans journy to rid the world of pants. he could get arrested a bunch of times
for indecent exposure.
or use rons idea about the crossing stories and make the two people the man looking to
give up pants and a woman looking to do away with bras. the few times they cross paths
they scoff at each other and have the same adverse reaction most people do. in the end
they fall in love and just become nudists. we could call it “Freeball; The Movie”. Now
that could be a comic masterpiece. the tag line could be "pants are for suckers"
corporate espionage thriller. welcome to the new world of business, where market
information is worth fighting for. we could shoot it all in hartford in big buildings and
make it about the lavish lifestyles of corporate execs. The main charactor will be working
for a simple marketing firm that tried to get a leg up by spying on the competition. they
get him a new job with their rival firm and he steals secrets by gaining trust and working
his way up the ladder. hell, josh could be a smooth talking lawyer who sleeps his way to
the top.( there ya go buddy, your first porno)
Saturday, May 01, 2004
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 5/01/2004 10:06:00 PM
Ron, you've got that Jurassic 5 video in the back of your head and i know it....good. Genius isn't born out of a vacuum; it arises from deviations in a previous pattern.
You'll all notice that the lengths of my blogs are unabashedly short, and yes, this is a corrolary to the fact I smoke way too often and play video games as much as a Jap. In fact, you guys might as well make a mental note to disregard the first few ideas I come up with - they'll probably have the ridiculously unreal problems and solutions that I've become accustomed to. Most likely: a combination of cheech & chong + final fantasy. ugh.
And let's not forget that I also have a digital camcorder I never use - if 2 short films were to be shot in tandem. AND a sick computer that could edit shit together. Going out for the night - be back w/ ideas
the problem
# posted by ron @ 5/01/2004 02:31:00 PM
alright, every problem that needs to be solved needs an engineering approach. the thought that one of us is going come up with something spectacular is slim. all minds combined is greater odds. so , we all need to hang out some night and brain storm about ideas for the movie or whatever. no idea at this stage can be turned down, and no idea is stupid. that part is to be debated later. we then catagorize the ideas and grade them on a scale that we make up to favote the characteristics that we like. then the ideas are graded and the best one emerges. of course designing machine parts and suff like that is a bit different that creative thinking but i think it should work. or atleast give us a good starting point.
one other thing to keep in mind. is the goal to strike it rich or to make a good film. sometimes these two go hand in hand but sometimes they dont. also what is the goal? make a film? about what? and why?
heres one of my ideas. it stems from my long car rides alone. i always wonder, usually stoned out of my mind, about the perspective of things. like how i view things Vs. other peoples views. i havent smoked in a month now so i havent had one of these rides in awhile, but having not smoked in a month my mind is quickening up a bit. and i'm much more aware that my view of things is sometimes only relevent in my mind. like i think things are right, they make perfect sense to me. but others dont agree. maybe its just my lack of good comunication skills. (eh, somethings got to give to know so much math)
all right lets get back on track here. make two movies. make them both short. in these two movies the main thing thats going to be focused on is an interaction between two characters, any two. movie #1 will follow character number 1 and his/her thoughts, views, everything, or enought to make the viewer see it their way. now enter movie number two. it will be shot in the same time as movie number 1 but from the view of character #2. get it?
example: in movie #1 character 1 sees #2 walk across the street and look over at them for a second. now when movie #2 is shot is will be from a different angle and clearly show character #2 glance over and see #1 and keep going on what he/she is doing. get it? same movie, two different views.
now to get this to work we have to have some interaction between the two and each movie has to convince the audience that their view/actions are right.
more ideas to come. i got to go outside.
Building on josh's foundation....
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/01/2004 02:07:00 PM
I think a story fron our past could fit in to that same idea. Replace the dinner conversations with our own drunken debatchery at Area 52 and make the killing, me and kolpak deciding to kill the jogger. That type of event could be at the mid point of the movie and be the basis for a lot of other events. Ever see "In the Bedroom"? the turning point is when the ex-boyfriend kills the new boyfriend. its how the family reacts and how the girl handles it. a very "real" feeling movie. very down to earth. Plus we could come up with some of the funniest party scenes ever at 52. humm......