# posted by murphy @ 5/21/2004 12:35:00 PM
last night i was watching the sox with bb and the hammer, while simultaniously 'studying' for my final. I had been trying to get onto the website of my professor to get the questions on the final but his webpage sucks. so i called him. 845 pm on thursday and accidentally swore at his wife/lady friend.
i was in mid sentence cursing the sox as they blew some play and the woman said hello. i did not realize i was calling his home number but fuck him-lousy web site making motherfucker.
after the phone call i was no better off than i started. the next logical step was to go to macunas' and use the internet. the only problem with that is macunas' is also flores house.
bowl bowl blunt, bong bowl bowl bong CRACK, body shots, hookers hooka hookers, strip show and donkey punch.
yadah yadah yadah my alarm never went off this morning and i thought i had got their late but the exam was at 9. luckily some nice females in my class were studying in the lounge and i had a hour cram session.
thats all the brain of a genious needs. I AM THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE.
god damn italians
over and out good buddies
see you tonight para del Noche Fuego