# posted by ron @ 5/17/2004 10:50:00 AM
as a note to anyone typing a new blog dont hit the esc button, it erases the whole damn thing!! fock, i had like 1/2 a page of shit srittem now i got to restart.
so i'm glad a first meeting took place. i would like to have a few storrs meeting also. as practice i've been writing in a log book for the past week or so. these passages dont have much relevance outside my personal view of the world and surely wont see the light from your eyes but its practice nonetheless. i took a short story course a few summers ago and i'm going to try to dig out my notes on that course to review the aspects of the short story. i think the book should have a growing up theme. it can have things starting as far back as burr school football (looney as the line). it can span all the way to this summer when tim gets married also. this book has huge potential because we are still pretty close a friends. not too many people can say they still hang out with some of their elementary school friends, sorry mattb. but even middleschool on is quite impressive. this opportunity could pass us by if we dont watch it. for those of you that know the joke, dont let this book be like my garage door.
how to start is going to be a block as i see it.
we could try to just brainstorm a few story topics, get the main facts/timelines straight write stories and then try to arrange them to fit together.
try to make a storyline for the whole book.
making it as we go seems like an easy start but then there isnt a clear direction or end to it. more meetings will be needed. in the mean time write as much as possible, about anything i'm sure it will all help. and as branci said READ.