# posted by josh @ 5/15/2004 08:11:00 PM
i like many of the ideas you guys came up w/. i also acknowledge the problem of a person like myself being involved, since as you say, i was not always there. however, perhaps stories of my focus could involve something in the last 4 years or so, cuz since hs i've been home every summer, and you guys are basically the only ones i've hung out w/. much different from hs, though i was in on a substantial bit then too of course. i blame blaha for bringing me down then, hahahahaha. but like brancy said, and oh so regrets, it looks as if i caught herin her prime, hahahahahahaha. i'll never forget that one brancy, thanks buddy.
one question: when you said something about everyone developing one other character (and i agree, character development is key here) were you saying something like i'd develop chump, and chump ron, and ron brancy, brancy murph and so on? i like that idea. however, it would be interesting to do that, and combine it w/ everyone's internal description of themselves; their thoughts, feelings, etc, for a true, internal AND external development of each character. just an idea.
one mroe thing i can think of right now. i think we need to make the central theme very apparent. writting by different people in different styles, the stories will be different, but i dont think they can be so different that it takes an english teacher to infer our theme, if you know what i mean. face it, the average american is stupid and hated english class. if there's not something right out there, tehy wont jump for it. this said, if we can make it entertaining with a shallow theme on its face, then somehow ingrain a much deeper theme to it as well (say, our collective life philosophy, or something like that), i think that would be fantastic. just thoughts, let me know how they rub you