# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/14/2004 11:59:00 PM
this is it ladies and gentalmen, time to cut ties with tthe old and begin a new. time to cut back and tighten the belt. I'm going to take down the kids and put my clothes back in the closet. Tomarrow will be the harvest. it'll take a week for them to dry and then its party time. i'm going to share the bountiful fiest of spectacular specimens wih everyone whos around, so we should have some type of harvest party. sort of like the old farmers uses to have.
OK i've got alot to say here so bare with me.
Today i bought a new computer. anice laptop, very sweet. i'll be doing most of htge work on heer and i plan on using it ti type a little so i'm still getting used to the keyboard. plus i'm drunk. so fuck you. its a wide screen laptop, state of the art, i'm happy with it and i dropped my recently recieved tax return on it. the hardest part of hte day the tthe dealings with thebank trying to get the credit card to tclear. i have plent of money in the account but it was the daily card limit tthat killed me today. fuck citizens, i hate that bank. they screw me at every corner and tomarrow, i'm going to switch,.... to liberty, any objections? anyone have a horror story they would liuke to share?
Brian, i think it is going to be you and me, but fuck them, a book is another check off on my list of life goals. anyone who wants a say will call. I'll take the lead on this since i'm one of the few pushing for it. for some reason or another i seem to have a way with people anda n ability to bring them togeather, ( OK hold the laugher, i've done it a few times) part of the reason i bought a laptop was so that i could write more and in diferent places. If you've read the "
transmetropolitan" comics i have you would see the sililarities in them with me. i've recently bought more trades of it and began to think that way again.
Josh, Day ten of that cycle i herd of JOB IN Hmden where my dads old hippy friend worked. now, 8 months later, i'm giving my bosses orders, mKING CHanges and drWING HEt exchnGERS FOR a living. i havent bought a house
YET so that only gives me an out if i want to quit. i've been cutting out early the last few days and no one seems to care. i'm on a salary so i'm going to start acting like it. they take hours a day off (although they do own the place) and no one complains, hte bosses son, TJ, has beeen a total waste so far and i just dumped A BUNCH OF WORK ON HIM. (its become PPrent that i can't hit the "A" key on this new keyboard, so it may end up as a "caps lock" sopme times.) the guys ib the shop hagve alread turned on him and its his time to sink of swim.
Joe girEDIE SEEMS TOT BE THE NEW PHIL RISUTTO, (fuck) hes telling rediculous stories and getting away iwth it. the poll? i haven't put it up yet so its non-existent. it'll come back as soon as i have the motivation to fix it and the links.
this lap top is more than twice as fast as my 5 year old dell, the progress is amazing. AS for my IBS, i've gotten a good grip on the physical parts of it, so i've moved on tot the mental. One of the best things i've foud so far is when takeing a dump, close your eyes and think of happy thoughts. i've been using hot chichks which usually gives me a boner while taking a dump. no complaints here.