# posted by ron @ 5/03/2004 11:59:00 PM
i'm still confused on what the hell we are talking about doing? as far as i can tell we are going to try to do something. sound right? this needs a think session. booze invited, gin usually stimulates my thinking. Leave the setback at the door.
so I think the next two weeks may be my hardest ever. I cant ride my bike. My injuries require that I not ride for about two weeks. Dude, what the hell am I doing to do? I got nothing. Maybe its time I attack the three month old pile of dishes in the sink and clean up the mud on the floor of my apartment. That's no typo, three months, I've been using one knife for my peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches and paper plates. I drink water from one cup and beer from the cans. guinness is no exception.
so this great thing you guys want to develop. how about we just write. it seems we are all wrestling with the growing up thing in some way or another. each one of us has our own story. some of us are at different stages, matt has a job, i'm in school. you know things like that. we are all just trying to reach our own small or large goals on a day by day hour by hour basis. in hope someday we may make it. but as time wears on our goals change also.
in high school I though I was going to go to the coast guard academy. I was all set, passed all the tests but was rejected on the last approval for some reason. all the sudden I was at uconn, it was my next best option. same thing happened this last summer. all set to go to drexel, my advisor down there didnt get his grant to fund me, I couldnt afford it so I got back into uconn grad. along that whole ride I had some major girl issues too. I think I could write a book on that one alone. That's life.
this great thing. life. the desire to find meaning(for some people), to meet your personal goals, whatever you find in it to keep going. I cant believe I just wrote that crap. you just got to find something that will relate to the average joe who goes to work at the factory, grabs some beer on the way home for a night of boozing ang TV, and also relate to the other office type people about their life, or the outdoors people. you know some excellent times have been when I've hiked or biked out to a rock or overlook here at uconn and sat for like an hour or two alone. just taking it in. I've also had similar experiences on the couch watching tv. yea I see it, but i'm not thinking about any of it. same with music in the car as I said in a previous post. got to relate to all types of people. describe something special about human nature. there's a winner.