# posted by josh @ 5/12/2004 10:50:00 PM
well i've graduated, and everyday feels like sunday so far. today we went tubing on some river around here. good stuff. i still have some loose ends to tie up here so i wont be home for a couple weeks, but if you could keep me updated on what's goin on that'd be great
so how youboys been? i do enjoy all the posts regarding the book/movie, but i also miss all the political talk and stuff like that. i just bought this book yesterday "stupid white men" by michael moore, the guywho did "bowling for columbine." it discusses greed, hypocrisy, and corruption in goverment andsociety. i'm very excited to read ti, probably will start either tonight or tomorrow. i feel like it could be something alot of you would like. i'll let youknow my feelings. also picked up a grisham book. i like that guy.
and now my token rant regarding ignorance. so i took this geography class this semester. the entire grade was based on 3 tests. my avg for the 3 tests was an 86.3 but the scale for each test was 80+ was an A, 75-79 a B, 69-74 a C, and so on. the main point is all the tests had the same scale. so when my average comes out to an 86.3 and i get a B in the course i'm wondering what teh hell is goin on here. it's one thing if the grade scales for the tests were different and so they were weighted differently, but tha'ts not the case. so i emailed him and no response. emailed him again, and it's been a couple days, still nothing. but that's ok, the tests are all scantron and the results get emailed to us, along w/the grading scales, so i have all of them. i will print them out and bring them to the dean. what do i care if this guy takes shit for it? hell, i'd prefer it. i hate most people as it is anyways. haha oh well. catch ya soon