The Workermonkey


Thursday, April 28, 2005

fess up fools! 

alright who's got my CD's:

millencolin- 4 monkeys
millencolin- pennybridge pioneers
onyx- onxy 98
rob zombie- sinister urge
red man- muddy waters
M.O.P- warriorz
tom petty- greatest hit
tom petty- wild flowers
lost boyz- peace love and nappiness
beck- mellow gold
the cure- galore
the who- tommy
crystal method- vegas
prince paul- a prince among theives
rakwon- immobilarity
nas- i am
wu-tang- forever

if i gots one of yours then we can work a trade. macunas, ever hear of swollen members? i've heard a few songs they seem pretty tight. tight like a young wet bitch. oh yea, you heard it. you even just said it quietly to yourself. "young wet bitch"

enter rant: nothing particular that i'm going to rant about tonight but i'll just say that i'm pissed. its alot of things. i'll tell you what set it off though. so in the department grads, have to attend seminars and attendance is taken. i missed one in feb because of some family stuff, its legit. so i get an email 2 days ago sayin i missed one, and i have to make it up. so i have to print out this form online and take it to the make up seminar and have a faculty sign it. how fucking embarassing is that? "excuse me, the ME dept requires me to make up a seminar and i need you to sign this note" . fuckers. so the only seminar left in all of uconn that had anything to do with sciences was today at 4. I went, but i had to re-schedual some shit for work and i was late to class at 5. half way through class i realized i re-scheduled the trainning session for the time i'm suppost to give a presentation tomorrow. FUCK! so i email the people i'm going to train and said chill out for like 15 minutes while i blow through my presentation, which i havent even made yet. how professional. next on the plate is i'm slightly disgruntled that finals are next week. now let me explain that i dont have any finals, presentatino tomorrow, but that means that all the skirts are going home. there have only been about 10 or so good skirt days. 2, 3 years ago when the semester ended in mid may there was a goood week or two. oh well, not like there was anything on the plate for me anyway. i'll have to skim the bars this summer for desperate bitches. c.o. jones here i come.

i lost my steam. maybe tomorrow y'all get a gem.


Yeah I know the Swollen Members - don't have much of thier stuff. They usually run in the same circles as J5 and Dilated Peoples.
I may be guilty of The Cure disc - it may be shot to hell by this point but whatever. I'll burn you something.
Onyx 98 and Redman may in Kolpak's posession thru weird transactions. I know Maria gave those to me and said they belonged to a friend of mine but said it was Klopik. Think I passed them to him.
Oh yeah and I think I have MOP too. I was wondering where that came from

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Friday, April 29, 2005 7:43:00 PM  

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while i was supposed to be studying, i was thinking. part of the problem with democrats, green, etc is that we lose the elections, then go around cleaning up after what the republicans do. why? clearly, we do it because of our ideology, and belief that we should help out others, protect the planet, etc. well i've got an idea.

why dont we just stop? let those who make the mess either wallow in it or clean it up. sure, i realize this will also affect us, as many of the problems are nationwide or global. but we need somethign to get the country on the right track again. with all our efforts, the damage gets minimalized. while this is good in one respect, it's bad in another. people think, oh, global warming isnt really happening. there's no scientific evidence to back it up. it's a nice theory. if it is happening it's minimal. so then what happens? well, people in the middle or those with no strong views think, oh well i dont need to vote. things are fine as they are. or they think, why are democrats making a big deal about something thats not a big deal? so they vote republican.
democrats spread themselves thin trying to solve problems, and it weakens their arguments and platforms.

so screw 'em. and when all the horrible stories about soldiers at war come back, just say, well i was against the war. i'd love to feel bad, but i dont. it's the disease of over-activism. the longer the republicans have office, the stronger it makes them.


you calling me rational? huh. huh. you wanna fight!

somebody get johnny weed an invite so he can post. i'm looking straight at you barone.....

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:24:00 PM  

I cant beleive you brought up Al Gore.

We have had this debate before about the gov't role in technology. I disagree with you. The gov't HAS to play an active role in directing and guiding science and technology. Thats why its there. If there were no regulations, it would be a free-for-all dump, pollute fest. The ball has to be pushed before it can start rolling. You say individuals, i say govt and individuals.

Sad thing is- there are no venture capitalists that are environmentalists. Thats part of the problem. Its almost an oxymoron. Drill whereever we can in the US?! Ok, lets also shoot first and ask questions later.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, May 02, 2005 1:00:00 PM  

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I Got Fired 

Yes, that's right. My probationary period just ended, and now my tenure at the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce will end effective Friday. I technically don't have to come in anymore, but fuck it - I need to tutor the other young'n there on how to do my work now. Gee how fun it'll be to try and carry on with poise and dignity in the face of everyone trying to listen for my Freudian slips that betray how I really feel or whatever. Let's see if a pink slip loosens my tongue with regards to lots of swear words haha.

I suppose I'm not a great data jockey. Anyone who knows me could pretty much tell that my talents and abilities are not geared towards memory and thoroughness. It's been on me to keep tracking all the data for the Connecticut Career Choices program - a statewide initiative to eventually increase the number of tech-oriented workers in CT so that all the high-end industry doesn't all move to California or something. So I would be working with a number of databases making sure everything is in there and accurate. I wasn't very great at that. I could bore y'all with the details of this stuff, but it mostly comes down to keeping track of every teacher, student, and business professional that's come in contact with each other at each and every CCC-related event, which includes classroom mentoring, guest speaking, company tours, internships, externships, technology expos, and guests at our monthly breakfast seminar meetings. It's kind of daunting, but my boss was good at figuring how best to organize that kind of stuff.

This month (due to budgetary concerns this time of the fiscal year) our oversight group, the Office for Workforce Competitiveness, needed lots of numbers and specifics. I let my bosses know that the data was all set a few weeks ago, but unfortunately was definitely not all set. It was actually much more incomplete and disorganized that I thought it was. Thus they went to the State folks with thier reportables and lo and behold got a little embarrassed. I might still be there except for a couple things:
The CCC budget was at the end of its 3 year grant and thus became a line-item recently. Its budget went from over a million bucks to around $800,000. Blows. Not my fault, but still - someone with better organizational skills might've been able to get the numbers out faster. Fuck itall

Number two - I also worked with a community grant in middletown to help residents find jobs. The Chamber Prez said he would've kept me on to work under that, but its budget also just got halved. Christ almighty.

So that's the way that goes. Not to generalize, but everyone there tends to like my company. High-caliber company ain't the same as high-caliber administrative skills though. HOLY SHIT it just occured to me I got fired on national Administrative Assistant's Day ahahahaha wow. that's kind of messed up. Or apt. Either/or.

I told them "I'm not feeling well so I'll be an hour late tomorrow". If they ask why, I'll say ovaries or something.

On the bright side, I can get recommendations there from both the CCC director and the Chamber President, which is really cool. He's got some major sway in the state, and his letter would be worth its weight in gold. Actually more like the weight of a whole ream of paper, since one letter doesn't weigh very much. I'm not too worried about finding another job, but it just really sucks. There were some amazing advantages to being employed where I was, and I probably won't ever find those again. Networking. Benefits. Informtion. Gahhhh my parents are gonna shit themselves when they realize I lost a job that pays benefits.

I have the option of working at the DEP, of course. Mashamoquet Brook Park in Pomfret sent me a letter saying they'd make me Campground Manager if I went back. Tempting, but I would have to take up some residence up near UConn or beyond, and that's kind of whack right now. Plus I don't want to go anywhere outside the Middletown area because I'd either have to stop KungFu or be inconvenienced by it. Right now I'm accepting neither of those options, because I got too good a deal on the long-term payment plan.

I would love to get a job just doing some ditch-digging or the like (*ahem*...D.E.P.), but it might be a great idea to keep following up where I left off now that I've got a bunch of office skills too and the recommendations to push me to wherever. Ugh this sucks. I'm glad I waited until I came up for review before I purchased any new dress clothes. At least now I'm not poor yet.
So the real question is: what do I do with a bunch of obsolete business cards? So far I'm kind of leaning towards dropping the box of them off the top of that Middlesex Mutual highrise, but that might not be the most positive way to get my name out. Quickest, yes. I'd be well known to the municipal street cleaners, that's for sure.


join the club buddy

don't foget unemployment either, that could keep you happy.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:55:00 PM  

drop all your b-cards into one of those raffle things. if you have enough, good chance you'll win the trip!

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:17:00 PM  

sorry to hear. just say no to DEP, its time to move on i say.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:35:00 AM  

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

another interview this way cometh 

i got the call today for interview number two. some sort of project manager position at CUNO in meridan, CT. they make water filters or something. my dad says they're sort of his competition so i shouldn't mention he works for GE while i'm there. what the fuck kind of interview asks what my parents do? who cares, this isn't politics. its friday so i have time to cut my hair. damn. oh well, we'll see how it goes.

anyone catch any of "Justice Sunday"? creepy shit. they make claims about how they are so right because god is on thier side, and the bible says this or that. then they turn around and tell us how its the christians are the ones being persicuted because thier views aren't being made law, oh but don't make connections to them and the taliban. thats blasphemy! some how the use of philibuster is anti-christian. ummm.... huh? if the philibuster is ever taken away our entire government is fucked. and republicans won't be in power forever, so watch what you wish for.

arod, 3 home runs, 10 RBI, fuck yeah. Kolpak and I were lucky enough to get tickets from his step uncle sunday to see that yankee game. fucking sweet, a great day to be at the ball park. johnson pitched great, they played good in the field and i got to see jeter hit a home run. plus andy philips got his first start and hit a 3 run shot with a double chaser. good day, good win.

anyone notice some of my predictions are already coming true for the baseball season? things are going right for the white sox and they're winning a few games. baltimore has been a serious pain in the ass for the yanks and sox. oakland isn't hitting but the kids have been great. zito isn't doing that bad. One thing i have to say before the season gets too old is that anyone having a good start is going to cool off, and any team off to a slow start will heat up. part of each teams hot or cold start is the schedual. look who the white sox have played before you talk to me about a good start. how many times have the dodgers played the rockies to start the season? toronto has played the devil rays 6 times already. wait a few weeks until the scheduals even out. This year though, the playing field is much more level then years past. no one is really going to run away with any division. there are a few teams already out of it, but not as many as before. more teams will be in competition down the streach then before. this will make for good baseball and not too many trades. the price for any part needed later in the season will be much higher.


matt, you better do your research for CUNO. you know they arent just going to hand you a gift on a plate. this aint no mom and pop company like JFD.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:17:00 AM  

No man, you should just waltz in there and annouce, "I got fired from my last job not too far from here becuase im am a left wing liberal who stirrred things up. I milked unemployment for as long as possilbe while marinating my brains in a fine stew of smoke and alcohol. I live with my parents and yell at TV news shows late i night. Hire me and pay me lots of money."

That ought to do it!

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:31:00 PM  

sometimes the most direct approach is the best

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:33:00 PM  

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Matt ponders the meaning of life under the Florida sun while remembering his childhood fancys


thats a fucking gem!

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:56:00 PM  

one said minivan at location A in said picture does not belong, nor at any time belonged to one j murphy. All claims otherwise are false and will be treated as slander and punished accordingly

Dr. Klopaclious
Attorney at Law

By Blogger murphy, at Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:48:00 PM  

Don't let children with Down's Syndrome play alone.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Tuesday, April 26, 2005 7:12:00 PM  

i can't help but be reminded of the Faith+1 cover pic, maybe this could be the cover of my first album?

at least i'm not wearing mittens.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, April 27, 2005 12:18:00 AM  

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Monday, April 25, 2005

spring weekend re-cap 

thursday night "kill-a-keg"
- worked in the lab until around 11:30 then went home and had a few beers

friday night "celeron party"
- working in the lab until around 10 then went home and had a few beers, played gran turismo and worked on my bikes

saturday night "x-lot"
- ran errands all day, lost 5$ playing poker poorly (paid too much to see cards after the flop and didnt catch shit!), went home and took a nap until 9:30, pouring rain, fuck x-lot, got stoned and..... hmm what the fuck did i do all night?

took a bike ride and got owned by some bmx kids, got pizzia w/ the sister, had some beers at woodhaven and watched drunken master.


work done: 2 out of 5 pages of thesis (friday night and saturday afternoon in the lab?, thats a 2)

partying: 2 out of 5 keystone lights, (hey i hung out a bit)

slacking: 5 out of 5 late night burritos after smoking some doobie, (motivation is dropping like a rock)


sounds semi-productive.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, April 27, 2005 12:20:00 AM  

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Friday, April 22, 2005

why that's popetastic! 

well, one thing this new age of technology brings is the ability to contact just about anyone. got any papal grievances or compliments? then i have something for you. email the pope! i kid you not. why be another face in the crowd when you can now rise high! here it is, the much awaited:

took a final today, so got some downtime tonight. last time til next fri. i watched most of the bob dylan biography on the biography channel. it was excellent.

ok well i had some more stuff but i got distracted. some random girl im'd me to tell me i was a celebrity then sign off. still got it, baby!


goddamn you guys even check this thing anymore? i check like 20 times a day

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, April 23, 2005 9:06:00 PM  

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

News and notes: 

you can now be buried showing how much you support your team.

hey it's new pope time! i think the daily show had some good coverage showing how all the different news channels couldn't figure out if the smoke was white or not. of course, fox news declared "WE HAVE A NEW POPE". good old non partisan journalism. i happened to be listening to the al franken show while they were naming the new pope. al had a "correspondent" at the vatican to cover the event, it was some catholic priest from the states. when they announced the name he, sighed. he was really disappointed in who the next pope was. he then cracked a few jokes at the church's expense. i have to say i kind of feel the same way about the new pope, i'm dissapointed. it would have been nice to see the black guy from africa or south america get it, or even one of the more progressive popes win. Instead they picked an even more hardline guy who used to be a Hitler youth. and come on, just look at him, if he hasn't abused he share of alter boys then who has? I can’t say this is a step back for the church, but it certainly isn’t a step forward either.

I’ve seen a lot of movies lately, saw Amityville horror last night. It wasn’t bad. Much better then I expected. I can’t say it was scary as much as it was jumpy. Who ever made it was very good at keeping you guessing at when the jumpy part was going to happen and cueing the music to jump too. There were many points at which I was expecting something to happen and it didn’t. I can say that the ending was a bit of a cop out but it didn’t feel that why while I was watching it. I also saw sin city not too long ago. Awesome, if you haven’t seen it yet, go do. I watched sideways for the second time today, another very good movie. I also saw dawn of the dead for the first time a few days ago. If you liked 28 days later, you’ll like it, it was done in much the same way. It was just good old zombie fun too. I’m also playing resident Evil 4 at the moment so I’m seeing a lot of zombie stuff. RE4 is fucking incredible too, best graphics yet on gamecube but its also a sweet game. If you play it, don’t take your fingers off the buttons during ANY cut scene. You usually have to press buttons during the short movie to dodge, run, swim or do some other simple command. It’s really cool.

Dennis miller was on the daily show tonight. He’s a good guest but he totally hijacked the show with his own monolog. And he’s a dirty republican. Tom delay won’t be ousted until his next election cycle because if he goes down, bush goes down, and that isn’t going to happen. Bobby flay is the worst iron chef ever. It’s still the first month of the baseball season, there is no reason to get worried about any team out there, but there are plenty of reasons to be happy for every team this time of year. The Shield is in the middle of another sweet season. I spent the day with my sister yesterday, and one of her hot friends. It was free cone day at ben & jerry’s, the line was amazing. Josh, apparently your parents are coming up this weekend, I’m also planning on being in CT for the weekend. They always seem to pick the times when I’m not here. Today was 4-20, and I couldn’t smoke, ugh.. UVM really cracked down this year. There was an article in the paper today saying how they weren’t going to let people from other schools be involved, apparently they forgot to mention they weren’t going to let UVM students be involved either. The president got a bunch of cops to clear out the green and stop any sort of group of people from ever forming. God damn Nazi’s.


yeah i also saw the daily show and all the pope stuff. i just never cared. i dont care what kind of pope they have. just like a rich fat white guy is the symbol of the republican party, so is an old decrepit white guy who swears he's good but really gives little boys the reach around the symbol of the catholic church. we should be reminded that 6 = 1/2 dozen.

i also saw dennis miller and i was very disappointed. what he said would've been ok if this was the dennis miller stand up comedy hour, but he didn't let stewart get a word in. and it was so scripted. i mean i know it always is to an extent, but this was ridiculous. it made it physically painful. probably the worst interview i've ever seen on the daily show.

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:32:00 AM  

hey, keep your tree hugging hippie ass pot smoking rag hair no shower for 3 days and stink like butt comments to yourself. ha ha ha ha ha. dirty weed heads.

By Blogger ron, at Friday, April 22, 2005 12:16:00 PM  

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Exclusive 1 day offer 

Some freak sale is going on with Dell right now for FL state employees. Basically i can get $700 off a computer costing $1400 or more. So if any of you were about to buy a computer, get in touch with me by 5 am tommorrow morning (its only good for today). Just figured id throw that out there.

Happy 420 everyone!

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At a meeting 

I look at the time on the out-of-focus projected screen. 2pm. Only 3 more hours of sitting through this meeting then I can head home. I’m at a expert workshop that will take part in defining the future conservation priorities for the state of Florida for the next 10 years. You would think I would want to be here. In a way I do though. I think back to being completely unappreciated at my old jobs, and realize that now I'm actually in somewhat of a position where I matter. This is what I wanted.

I didn’t really belong there anyway. I’m no expert on marine systems. I gave my presentation about my job early in the morning, now I’ve just had to sit through the rest. I find some things interesting and pay attention at times. Others are not so. Mostly just people talking to be heard. Everyone’s trying to sound intelligent. I speak up about a few actions to take toward global climate change, for that’s something I can contribute too. “What can Florida do?”, I say. “Its not Florida, it’s the nation, even the world”. Everyone agrees because I state something that’s probably already on everyone's mind. Some side conversations sprout out about the “current administration” and how much it sucks for the environment. I feel a sense of belonging with the other participants in the room. Its warming and hopeful. We are one in ideals. Then a minute later the feeling of helplessness creeps in and we all realize theres nothing we really can do and that warm feeling is replaced by actuality. Climate change is too big of an issue for a group of 12 people in one state. Even if Florida did everything perfect, it wouldn’t even dent the problem. Our talk turns to more retroactive discussion about preventive measures. More like bracing for the storm.

Coastal development is another issue. Some joke about population control. Our tasks seem impossible at times but we struggle through it. County ordinances, landowner incentives, public education - we suggest, but we all know we are fighting an uphill battle. 95% of the population doesn’t think like we do. They don’t care or even want to know the truth of their actions. Staying positive in this field is as hard as finding solutions to it. Hope dives in and out of reality. 2 more hours to go. I get up and grab another piece of cake and some coffee. The only time I ever drink coffee is at these damn meetings. The stimulant in my body gives me an easy feeling and I try to think hard about the issues. Ok, we need practical solutions and strategies. “Well, how about tying climate change into other well known issues. For instance every time gas prices shoot up to $ 1.20 something you hear all this talk on the radio or tv about sustainability and renewable energy. Its all the same thing. If we can get the people to realize its all the same issues (i.e.- climate change is caused by green house gasses which is created from emissions, which is created from buring gas). Promoting renewable energy will avert many problems at once. It just gives us more ammo to shoot at the people”. An older lady across the table smiles a nice smile at me, and the conversation moves on. I didn’t really get my point across, but I said something, and that’s good enough for me. At this point in my career I'm still getting used to talking at meetings. I lose myself when I start to talk, and do not convey my thoughts clearly. Frustrating, but understandable, I’m the youngest person in the room by far. “What we are really talking about here is public education”, the facilitator clarifies. Yup, we have to get the public to care more. Another thought passes through my head but this time I do not voice it. What we really need is to change the politics by changing the legislation. And that’s done by voting- again back to the public. The caffeine begins to wear off and I drift a little out of it. How do you get people to care? And more importantly- how do you get people to care, before its too late? Five o’clock, time to drive the 2 hours home. I’m skipping out of the meeting a day early. I gave my presentation, I'm no longer needed. Now on to more urgent issues, what’s for dinner? I think about irony on the road home.


keep at it bud, the public/semipublic speaking will come. it was hard, in classes of 80 here to participate at first cuz you dont want to sound like an ass. but it gets easier. every little time helps. and the more you say, perhaps the more people will listen.

i heard an interesting theory the other night: that the majority of america is really in the independents, but that they are lost because independents generally don't have a strong platform as a party and dont voice their opinions as much, and that's why america seems so polarized. and maybe these people dont vote. further, democrats need to stop being so damn reactive, and must start being proactive. face it, you're not going to win an election when the only platform people recognize is that you're anti-republican. one thing republicans have is a clear platform: our religion is the right one and we're going to use it to decide morals and rule you. this is horrible, but a simple reactionary plan won't help either. that's why we need voices, and new opinions. start a conversation, don't respond to one.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:10:00 PM  

"and the more you say, perhaps the more people will listen."

Thats part of the problem though. I hate when people just go on and on just so they can be heard. Say your point and move on is my fashion. I do notice that alot of these prominent people (like professors,Phd's, directors)talk alot and listen less. I hope that is not a quality i have to aquire in order to become successfull. I want to be able to talk my point with the fewest words possible.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:38:00 PM  

true, though for me it's more of talking more in different venues, and therefore exposing your ideas to different people. i agree repeating the same info to the same people becomes monotonous and pointless.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:07:00 PM  

isn't that the point of advertising? repeating your point until people listen and buy your product?

the irony isn't lost me, i know exactly what you're talking about.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:23:00 AM  

At 1:23 am, i would hope you you know what im talking about.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:49:00 PM  

johnny weed, putting the piss & vinegar back into the workermonkey! i love it.

i got to side with neutral here. i've looked into this arguement before. the world hasnt warmed up enough yet to get out of the error range of the computer models. conculsion is inconclusive any fucking way you look at it. i dont care what the data says, its about the error anaylsis that really says anything about the data.

besides, we dont have to worry about shite. in a few years china, india and the rest of the asian countries are going to make the US look like an angel when it comes to pollution.

on another note, computer models are tweaked to shit! trust me i know. example: my model exhibits some 'bad' behavior in certian areas so i simply turn off the parts that make it go bad and turn them back on when i'm in the good area. its justified by physics, its simple and the data looks great! ha ha ha.

By Blogger ron, at Monday, April 25, 2005 12:16:00 PM  

Comeon Johnny Weed! Who are you trying to fool- Others or your own common sense? The models are good (although none are perfect i'll admit), but the evidence is staring us in the face. I dont know where you got that info, but the majority of the credible scientific community will tell you that human release of greenhouse gasses has a negative effect on global climate change. We are unaturally pumping billions of tons of CO2 and methane into the atmosphere at an alarming rate. Common sense tells us that this will fuck up the earths natural carbon cycle, therebye having an effect on warming. Who needs stats to make you realize that?

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:03:00 AM  

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Monday, April 18, 2005

AL West 

AL West:

Anahiem Angels: ( i refuse to call them the LA angels of anahiem, that’s total bull shit, and why? Because its all about marketing. They can make more money by associating themselves with LA rather then anahiem. Fucked up.) they have the most compleat team in the devision. they can hit pitch and run. they have young talent, old talent and vlad. vlad didn't just win the AL MVP last year, he took it. he had a monster week to put the angels into the playoffs and surpass all other MVP canidates. they still have garret anderson, anyone forget about him? f-rod (fransisco rodriguez) is the next mariano rivera. crazy speed with rediculous stuff. the only limit on him his weather his elbow can hold up. phyisical health is his only concern at this point. getting rid of eckstien was a great move, signing orlando cabrerra to a huge contract was not. he'll be an upgrade over eckstien though. which is a good thing for them, now if they could only manage to cut tim salmon loose they'd be on to something. if chone figgins starts off hot, they would be smart to trade him for someing useful. his career will follow scott posednics, one or two years of being a good utility man and then utter failure for ever. dump him while he's hot. the brothers molina should be good behind the plate. a good cather who can hit is hard to come by, so most of hte time you just look for some one to handle the pitching staff. well, they are brothers, they hav esome sort of super crazy secret language betwen them and they seem to be able to handle the staff and hit a little too. getting paul byrd was smart. not trading ramon ortiz before the deadline was dumb. adam kennedy is a good guy to have at second base but they should look to upgrade to someone who may stay healthy for a full year. this team will win the devision but won't go anywhere in the playoffs unless they find a front line starter.

Oakland Athletics: (They will win the wildcard if baltimore forgets how to pitch and the yanks and soxs knock each other off, but either way it’s going to be close) they can pitch, flat out. Zito is the ace but he may also be the weak point in the rotation. Blanton is a hard throwing ace in the making, haren is better then the guy he was traded for and hardon can throw hard, slow, and junk. Its not the big three this year, it’s the new three and a man named zito. This team can pitch. And that is awsome. They’ve managed to put togeather 4 great pitchers who will be awsome togeather, the only problem is they can’t fucking hit. Crosby is out for a while, and that hurts. Chavez, durazo and byrnes have to step up and hit like the all stars they are. Swisher can be a star, he can hit too, plus he’s the prototypical oakland guy. This team also has an awsome bullpen. There is more then one hard throwing young kid coming out of the pen. Jasone kendal can handle any staff and is going to hit much better then any catcher oakland has in a while. This team is going to cause havok on anygiven day in the AL. the problem is they may not hit to complement dominate starting pitching. I see them making some sort of great move around the all start break to get a bat. They have a few “parts” on offense like kotsay (who seems to be able to hit) ginter, and hatteberg. When a team’s only weakness is finding a good bat to throw into the line up, well, it’s a good problem to have. Watch for them to fight anyone who trys to get the wildcard bid.

Texas Rangers: some teams look to one player to give them an idenity. Some teams look to a pitching staff to carry them through a year, this team looks to its manager for every wright decision. Buck showalter is going to make this team run whether they like it or not. They have good young hitting in texas, like soriano, blalock, teixeira, young and adrian gonzalez. They can hit, but can their pitching staff really make it by with smoke and mirrors two years in a row? Seriously, how long can kenny rodgers really pitch? Chang ho park is a joke, not a single person alive belives her can have any sort fo some back. Just cut him now and save yourself the embarassing losses. A long year with no pitching in texas. Gee, doesen’t this sound like the last few years all over again? Wait, their isn’t any bullpen to talk of? That’s OK, it’ll be rejects from the starting rotation. Ugh.

Seattle Mariners: enjoy ichi while it lasts. Richi sexon, good: adrian belttre, very, very, very bad. Beltre; 6 mediocre years in LA followed by one decent year. Sure, lets give him 5 years at 12 million per. Why not!?! Any fan of this franchise shold look past the decent start and try hireing a hit man by the all star break. What happens when he hits .250 at the all star break? He’s the next chan ho park contract and it’s a shame. Tell nintendo to stick to video games and not baseball contracts. At least ryan franklin gets a few starts this year. There is some youth moving into seatle, its just not very good. Freeagents are the only way to success for this franchise. Sexson will hit a million home runs as a mariner, but some one has to pitch and play the field. When texas looks decient, seattle will look bad. This will be a long year for starbucks. Pokey reese gained the most from the sox winning the world series, one year at 1.2 million, that’s awsome for an average middle infielder who can’t hit. There will be a ton of arbitration guys who benefit from this. They all owe pokey a steak dinner. Its disturbing to run down this teams roster. Just wair till next year and hope for the best. Listen to pear jam and try to remember nirvana. Baseball will be all apologies in seatle this year.



ha ha hah ah a
oh blogger, you're my only friend.

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, April 19, 2005 3:41:00 PM  

I second that. (the boring part). Chump if you spent half the time you do on baseball on...blah blah

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:33:00 PM  

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By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:33:00 PM  

if only i could get people to pay me to talk baseball. i need to learn more web programming to make my own web sites, then i can just advertise and spend time getting traffic.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:26:00 AM  

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

professional party crashers 

thats right, those who were there already know the story but its pretty good. so matt's friend maria is having a party for her 2-year old son and we got invited. so matt invites kolpak, murphy and me. she'd been to my house so i felt cool. bergan was also invited and he brough his own small posse of an alan tomazewski look-alike, polish mike and two other skate hooligans. all very professionally and politely we make our way into this party meeting and greeting everyone we dont know, shooting a little shit when it comes. we even brough about 30 beers. not bad for party crashers right? so we are all in the kitchen next to the keg, suprise suprise, shooting the shit with the parents and the older guys. old enough to be our dads. these guys were fucking in the bag and it was about 9:30. i didnt see it but one of them slipped pretty good on the stairs. so i ask them what they do as i'm hitting the job market and here's a spot to make a few contacts. its a bust, a software engineer and the other guy didnt say, must be in between jobs like barone here.
so we leave the party after drinking everything in sight and saying goodbyes. successful party crash completed! so murphy has to get up for work and hes off to bed once we get over to the east side. kolpak and i have plans in the kitchen. burgers and dogs. no ketchup, we searched for 20 mins the night before. after eating kolpak heads to bed. i get a second wind and go for the peanut butter and jelly. who calls? branciteam 2am, slightly inebriated, or atleast much soberer than I. we chatted for about 20 minutes. about what i have no recollection. brian, fill me in. woke up in the guest bed as usual excect justin was yelling something about fixing the chain in the the shitter. damnit justin, fix your own shitter! over breakfast i told kolpak i had a crazy dream with kelly in it. he also mentioned erotic dreams. must have been the pussy in the air last night (married, engaged or otherwise).

party rating: 3 out of 5 busted ho's (a 1/2 barreld instead of the 1/4 might have warranted a 4/5)

other notes on the weekend:
1) i picked up my fourth bike. a freebie on the side of the road turned out to be a gem. an old specialized mtb bike with no suspension. perfect for my road commuter. so today i re greased all the cables and got it going to my liking and did a little test run to campus and back. 15 mins from front door to the lab, not too shabby eh?. i'll post my weekly gas savings. now all i need is a cycle computer to keep track of my mileage and another lock for it.
2) sold to escort, 370$ i really sold it for 350$ but he gave me 20 bones for delivering it. ha ha ha sucker!!! well, i didnt lie one bit about it, i let him drive it and feel the 'rattle-box' in full effect. that was my pet name for the car, rattle box. he liked what he saw and handed me the cash, no haggling. he even got a free bike rack thrown in the deal.


Ron's got that big dick that the erotic dreams just chase after.
Yeah that was a very fun night, by the way. Kudos to anyone who avoided stepping on a small child. Which reminds me....Maria's little sister (like 10 years old) got clocked right in the face with a frisbee. The thing richoteted like 10 feet backwards. Murphy can also attest to this. Me him and this hippie kid just covered our mouths and tried not to double over. (it was the 4th guy that scored off her nose - not us.) She's fine. Funniest part of the night though

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, April 18, 2005 8:21:00 PM  

in my dreams i'm as long as i am tall.

i did step on a small child. she was fine.

By Blogger ron, at Monday, April 18, 2005 10:01:00 PM  

i'd love to say a night like that shows signs of maturity but i know better. it really means we're just getting better at covering up what we are really doing. maybe that's life's big joke, the whole concept of maturity is just learning how to better get away with stuff.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, April 18, 2005 11:54:00 PM  

Yes, the part about me calling ron at 2 am is correct. Although we talked for an hour and 20 mins (not 20, check your call history). What we talked about is also a mystery to me. I just remember the conversation ending when I was preaching something and ron says, "What? What the fuck are you talking about? Its getting late, i have to go". From which i agreed and hung up.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, April 19, 2005 1:12:00 PM  

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part III 

when i got to my mom's doctors, she was kind of scared and still not thinking right. the doctor and i agreed that she had a good little concussion on her hands and we should go to the ER. so i drove mom a few more miles to the ER where she recieved a CT scan. after that the sent us home. an hour of so later we got a call form the doctor telling us everything came back normal. fantastic.

friday she woke up and still felt a little stupid. her head hurt and so did her teeth, (her teeth hurt because one of your first natural instincts is to mash your teeth togeather when your head gets hits. that why football players wear mouth guards. well she managed to bite her teeth togeather real hard and make them ache.

friday was better then thursday after it happened and saturady was better then friday. she was still a little loopy and not all quite there. saturday she had agreed tp show some land in northern bumfuck VT to an out-of-state client who only come to town once in a while ot seem land like this. so i got delegated to spend hte morning driving up to nowhere to show this land.

ok i had this really awsome pst earlier, i blogger fucked it all up and hte new recover post thing only recovered 1/4 of it. basically, mom got a concussion, she'll be OK but its been a rought couple of days until she's not a little outthere any more.

more on this tomarrow, i'm a little loaded to retype what was already said and lost. any questions just ask.


What the fuck chump? Glad to hear your mom is ok, but you could have posted it better. By the looks of your writing it seems as though you got a concussion also.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:35:00 PM  

glad to hear she's alright. my latest concussion took over a week for the cobwebs to clear. its usual to be foggy for a few days. tell her its all part of the game, she'll feel like new come tues or thursday.

By Blogger ron, at Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:27:00 PM  

You're on housewife detail from now on

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, April 18, 2005 8:06:00 PM  

i don't care what the task is, i'll get it done, be it designing a space station or doing the grocery shoping, i'm your man.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, April 18, 2005 11:49:00 PM  

stick with the grocery shopping for now, alice. aaaaaaahahahahaha

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:50:00 PM  

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oh shit, i really lost a lot of stuff, read the last post first 

ok, to pick up where i left off... any time we have any sort of family medical emergency we call my grandmother on my mom's side. she used to be an ER nrse for like a million years. she's seen it all. sp i called her on the way to the doctors office and asked what to do. "get ot hte doctors and then go to the ER". my mom's doctor agreed. i left the office and took her straight to the ER where she got a CT scan. after that they sent us home. an hour of so later my mom's doctors office called with the results of the CT scan and everything seemed normal.

i had a great long post written before, right now, i'm a little drunk so if things don't seem all that good blame them on bloggers poor posting pattern, not my intoxication.

i spent the day getting mom too and from the doctors and calling about a million people. i had to call the ladies she works with twice, once to tell them we woudn't be back to pick up her car and once to tell them she wouldn't be into work tomarrow. apparently the word spread because i got about a million calls that night asking how she was and what happened and all sorts of other bullshit.

friday, mom still wasn't feeling so hot. she was still a little loopy and definately not quite with it. that hardest part was getting her to sit still and not do anything. since i'm a jobless bum, i've had to pick up hte slack. friday i spent the day watcihng over mom and doing normal housewife stuff. i did some dishes, a little house work, and some grocery shopping.

friday i waited until dad came home around 2:30 because i didn't want to leave mom unattented. she was still a little fruity and not totally in synch with reality at this point. so i did the grocery shopping. i've been doing a lot of cooking lately, thursdayi made a killer meat loaf, friday i make this sweet cheesty, chicken pasta thing and today i made a nasty chilie. friday afternoon at the P&C was a totally different story. i had a list of about 15 different things. i spent over 2 hours at the grocery store trying to find everything and come out with a decent bounty. it took 20 minutes for me and a store employee to find white wine vinegar, and an other 15 minutes to find canned artichoke harts. i ended up spending 180 dollars in over two hours a the grocery store. i had broken a sweat by the time i reached the counter and started bagging stuff. i walked out of there with two carts and what felt like a hangover. it was awaful, i'm not used to buying fod for this many people. the grocery store is an awful place. everything is designed to get you to buy it. its advertising at its worst.

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oh the week i've had 

long story short: mom gave herself a nice little concussion

long story: thursday i was done at hte lake with my mom putting up insulation at the new house. i was on one side of the room and she was on the other, i heard an odd thump and turned to se what happened. she was laying on the floor not moving "OH SHIT!" right?!? i got over to her and she was a bit out of it and crying, "FUCK THATS BETTER THEN MY FIRST THOUGHT", i get her to sit up and she's a little woozy and her head is killing her. she's kind of scared and not really talking in or making any sense, but i figured out that she must have stood up too fast an knocked her head against a part of the ceiling that kind of sticks out. it's a very solid piece of wood so her head lost this one. i got her on her feet but it was obvious somehting wasn't right. i took her straight to the doctor who sent us to the ER for a CT scan. from where we were, her doctor was on the way to the ER so i called ahead and said i was stopping there. Her doc checked her out real quick and said she had given herself a very good mild concussion. she called ahead to the ER where the doc wanted a CT scan done to make sure something else wasn't wrong. during this little "check up" my mom was definetly scared, she wasn't feeling right, her head and teeth hurt (her teeth hurt because she managed to insticually snap her jaw shut and mash her teeth togeather) and she was feeling scared and a little stupid. i think the doctor and myself came to the same conclution of concussion and then i took ma over to the ER. there we got her a CT scan an were sent home. an hour or so later we got a call from the doctors office telling us that the CT scan came back negative and everything should be fine.

during the traveling and rushing to doctors/ERs i had to make half a doxen phone calls and think a million other things.

on our way down to the lake, i picked my mother up at her office and we left her car there. i had to call one of the ladies she works with that we wouldn't be back that day to pick up the car and that my mom wouldn't be in for a few days with a concussion.

my first instinct when any sort of medical emergency pops up is to call my grandmother on my moms side.

i had a huge post typed out but i was lost to server error, fucking internet, i'll try to retype most of it.

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Saturday, April 16, 2005

ahhh nintendo 

you guys will appreciate this

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Friday, April 15, 2005

remember when sports used to be a game? 

it's getting ridiculous.

as you may have heard this latin american association brought coffins (or a coffin) to bud selig's office cuz they dont think there's strict enough drug testing in latin america and the coffin(s) represented 2 players who died from injecting themselves with animal steroids to make the major leagues. sorry, but if you inject yourself with ANIMAL steroids, you deserve to die. from stupidity. all steroids have risks, but animal steroids? honestly.

and i dislike bud selig as much as the next guy, but what can he do? he can't go above laws in those countries and test when they say mlb cant. and where's the personal responsibility? this group blames mlb for young kids being harmed by steroids. hey how about this: dont take steroids! i understand that playing mlb in some of those countries is the best way out, but how about things like education?? and i know education isnt always good in these places, but if you take the risk and take somethign that could be life threatening, then that's YOUR decision. mlb did not force these people to take steroids. fucking morons.

and i realize this may be paternalistic, but maybe the leagues like the nfl are onto something with the minimum age limits. cuz young kids dont know how to run their lives, and they will chase money wherever. they dont know what they're getting into. there shouldnt be any freddy adu's, michelle wie's, or yes, dare i say it, even lebron james'. all this breeds is a culture of young people who think if i just play sports i can make more money than 3/4 of the country, and i dont need an education. it breeds stupidity, and i for one think we have enough of that already.

and finally we get to T.O. greedy bastard is trying to milk more money from the eagles cuz he's "not paid in proportion to his performance compared with other receivers in the league." but he insists he's not being greedy. give me a fuckin break. he said he's gotta worry about his future. listen you prick, you've already made more money by the age of 31 than 90% of americans ever will, so shut the fuck up. you could stop playing today and be set for life. you're making millions to play a goddamn GAME.

i absolutely love sports, but lately they've really been pissing me off. the players are just a bunch of uneducated fucking whiners who dont realize how good they have it and just want more money. they're doing the best possible thing: making money, way too much money, to play a game. games are supposed to be fun. and when these "pros" just whine about everything and hold out for more money, it not only makes them look stupid, but it ruins the game for some of the fans.


wow, that was rant-tastic. sorry, i saw a bunch of this stuff on sportscenter while eating breakfast this morning...guess it got to me.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, April 15, 2005 2:31:00 PM  

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mostly in response to ron 

but maybe too much for a comment, so alas, a new post.

1) the new green day album is excellent. i dig how they broke song #2 into 5 parts.

2) i did happen to hear about the pharmacists because i check out the bill maher real time website each week after his show (i'm too poor for hbo to watch it). it's ridiculous. imagine if everyone expressed their "morals" in doing their job. nothing would ever get done. there would be little, if any, consistency. that's why many professions (e.g. lawyers, doctors) have separate codes of ethics and/or oaths; so there's a standardized ethics scheme (i wont quibble here about the difference b/w ethics and morals, i dont think it particularly relevant here). of course there is some stretch room w/in these schemes, which allows for some discretion by people. and we need this discretion. but unbridled discretion making power would just lead to chaos. there wouldn't be checks in many systems. imagine if courts could just overrule each other if they didnt like what the other one said. say one state just doesnt like the supreme court's decision so their courts just ignore it in cases with the same issue. that wouldn't work.

as it is now, legislatures will pass laws to get around decisions, but these laws may subsequently be challenged. and they wont be, unless they actually create a problem. but if someone is injured by them, then they will have their day in court. ok i got off on a legal rant, but you get the point. everyone expressing their individual morals at the workplace = chaos.

3. the gay thing. funny you should bring it up today. last night my closest "friend" here calls me, and tells me he's playing this joke on our other friend. what's the joke? he told the other guy that i was gay. who knows where he came up w/ it, that's not important. and i thought it was kinda funny. now the other guy is a conservative. now the first guy was telling me about when he was convincing the 2nd, and he said the 2nd guy was like, wow, now i'm going to feel uncomfortable around him and all. now, why is a gay person any different?

and i think i can actually say this, cuz a kid i was friends w/ at colby came out. great guy. i still talk tohim now and then. but i was friends w/ him for a while before i found out. and it didnt matter. i mean who cares? he didn't come on to me. he knew i was straight (to bring this back to our little joke, the 2nd guy is married, so i would have reason to know he's straight, if i were really gay). if he came onto me that might've changed things, but not even necessarily. i mean hell, i've hooked up w/ girls and gone on to be friends w/ them w/o it being weird. anyway, i just dont see it. damn homophobic people.

4. i've also thought about running for some sort of office if the whole law thing didnt turn out to be all i imagined it. if i started locally i migth be ok, cuz my dad's done some board, planning and zoning, etc. got the name out there to be recognizable in the community at least. but i htink i might be too liberal on some issues. i might just get too frustrated w/ people and say that we should abolish social classes. i mean, the proletariat, come on. people dont deserve to be able to govern themselves, they're too stupid.

enough communism for one night. although, i have recently obtained a books on tape version of the manifesto and look forward to listening. might have a print copy somewhere as well from my poly sci days.

long live ussr.

signing off


disclaimer: the above writing may not be attributable to the author "josh" as this work has been produced under conditions of delirium and general fatigue. private property is bs. hey--who said that?

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

i've really been diggin the latest green day album lately 

josh, that exactly what the blogger is for. our nonsense.

anyone catch this story

now i wont say much about the content but what really amazes me is that it seems like this country is going back to the stone ages. i fi ever hear of a local pharmacist who wont fill birth control i'm going to go to them if i get a prescribtion and ask them to sub in some oxycotton instead of whatever i got because you know, they can do what they want behind the counter.

then right on the same news page i see something about nullifying oregon gay marraiges. come on, some people are gay, get over it. fucking seriously who the fuck is congress? they voice our opinions? really?

i've considered getting into politics here and there. i've done some heavy drugs and been arrested so i probably wouldnt get too far without some cover-ups but i could do local stuff.sotries like this encourage me.


I am also counting on future cover-ups.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Friday, April 15, 2005 5:08:00 PM  

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see ya classes, bring on the [temporary] pain! 

ahhhhhhhhhh had my last 1st year class today. that was nice. almost a feeling of accomplishment, if it weren't for the two weeks of exams upcoming. nonetheless, nice.

my eta in ct is the end of the first week in may or early in the second. ideally, the first cuz i have a thing in boston on the 7th if i'm home by then, but we'll see.

i thought i had more, but i'm really jsut dry now. unless you want to talk about property, civ pro, con law, contracts, or torts. yeah, didnt think so.

this post is pointless.



How about golf? When you get up here we should organize a trip to the links

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:47:00 PM  

ooooooh tim, we will absolutely hit the links

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, April 14, 2005 8:45:00 PM  

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AL Central 

Minnesota Twins: this team lives and dies with its health. Justin morneau is already on the DL after getting hit in the head with a pitch, his health concerns don’t come from that. Joe mays is for real but he may not be their catcher by the end of the year the way his knee is holding up. Silva is hurt too, he’s an innings eater who will be missed, what helps is they have a young guy to replace him. If they can get full years from most of their starters is going to be good. Radke is a pro and he can pitch, johan santanna could win the cy young again. Joe mays may turn out to be serviceable. The line up is quality. Jaque jones, tori hunter, joe mays, justin morneau, shannon stewart. These guys can hit, they have the minor league system to fill any holes that may arise during the season. Minnesota has been building toward something for a while and this year it may happen. They are going to win the central, there really isn’t much competition. Once they get into October they have the parts to go far. They have the front line ace, they have the top hitters, they have some other guys who could breakout and drive them farther. Think UVM in the big dance this year, people are going to over look them and if anyone looks past the twins they are going to be surprised by an early exit.

Cleveland Indians: its year three of the big restructuring and results are expected. Hafner is signed, victor martinez is signed, juan gone is on the DL. Things are looking good. CC sabathia needs to step up and fight for a cy young award. Some other pitcher need to step up. This team is helped by a lack of competition, and the void is going to give them the extra year they need to finish rebuilding. Coco crisp is a stud in the making, he’s funny, he can hit, run and play defense. One of the spring games I saw was against the indians and coco was a star at yankee stadium. He had some PR guy following him around and trying to stop him from telling jokes and signing autographs and get back to warming up. They’ve built their good young core and they have them all lined up for a few years. The run in looking set and its time to get some role guys in there. They aren’t going to topple the twins this year but watch out in 2006.

Chicago White Sox: this team could be an Apollo or a challenger, flourish or fail. I see fail. Frank thomas could come back and hit a million home runs, jose contraras could win 17 games, el duke could win 15, freddy garcia could pitch great. The only problem is it’s more likely they could loose just as many games and fail. Their manager (I know his name but can’t for the life of my spell it right now) is going to be under fire this year. If they win he’s a hero, when they fail he’ll be fired. Letting maglio ordonez go last year was smart, not trading him at the deadline was dumb. Taking a chance on orlando hernandez and jose contrars was smart, trading your future for freddy garcia was dumb. Paul konerko, scott pesdnic and carl evertt are all guys who’ve gotten it done in the past, the y could theoretically do it again, but its not likely. These are the same guys who own the bulls and look how that’s gone recently, it took an obscene amount of first round picks to turn things around. Joe crede should be fine. Juan urbe is OK. There are a few young kids around who should make things interesting at the least. If everything goes right for this team they will be dangerous, they’ll hit and pitch like crazy and shut down some good teams. Their only problem is that it’s not going to happen. Everything won’t go right, even if a few things go right, it won’t be enough. Another tough season in chi-town. If everything goes prefect, look for the twins to feel some pressure but still win in the end.

Detroit Tigers: hey look, day light. It’s out of the basement time for these motor city miracles. Expect improvement, but it may only be a flash in the pan. The white sox smart move was the tiger’s giant chunk of retardation. Magglio ordonez for 5 years? Are you that desperate? No one offered him more then a one year contract, so you step in and offer 5? There were many better free agents to throw money at this year them him. The thing is they’ve thrown enough money at borderline people that they may make a decent year out of it. Rondel white in right field, I-rod behind the plate, demiti young may even play himself on to another team. This team actually has a bullpen and that may bring some young talent later in the season in the form of good trades. Percival and urbina could be atractive to someone down the streach. They’ve done a good job at simply collecting tallent, they haven’t exactly given the mthe best contracts (bobby higgenson) but this is a start. There is help on the way. Cecil fielders’ (never thought you’d hear his name again) son prince is going to be in the line up before september and is going to mash. This kid can hit like a drunken Hispanic husband (sorry for the intentional racial sterio type). Jeremy bonderman will look good this year, he never should have been in the majors before now but they let him get his licks at the major league level rather then in the minors. This is the year it pays off. they could move into third if the white sox suffer a total collapse. they'll be fun, but its not really going anywhere.

Kansas City: hello consistent failure. For KC its not wait till next year, its wait until the team is sold. This management group has failed so many times its borderline criminal. How about a starting outfield of beltran, damon, and dye. How about joe randa still at third. How about a million other guys anywhere on the field other then what they have. This year is going to be ugly. Peter gammons likes to give them a lot of credit but I just don’t see it. A good young pitcher here, a good out fielder there, and a tradable commodity in the infield here… it doesn’t add up. This develop and trade philosophy isn’t working, and won’t until someone else is calling the shots. Signing mike sweeny was OK but you’re either rebuilding or not, you can’t hold on to one or two parts here and there while letting everything else go. They got nothing in return for beltran, tehan may be ok but won’t make up for anything and you should always be weary of a guy billy bean gave up on. See: carlos pena. Things won’t be any better until someone else is calling the shots. Zack grenkie will be fine, he’s got great stuff and is young. Expect KC to use him for what he’s worth and then trade him. Please don’t yell when it gets ugly here.

Has anyone seen the new comedy central show “Con”? Fucking awesome, this guy lives a life most of us envy. And it’s so wrong. It sends a totally wrong message to so many people, but it’s fucking funny and crazy cool.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

come on, i heard about this from a comic book site

republicans are funny.

in response ot the question of what i've been doing, i also have ot add that i've been building a house. house on the lake? anyone? kolpak, you've actually seen it. it will be sweet, even though i've had no say in it's construction, it will be nice. one day there will be a wind mill in the back but it may take some time to convert the idiots. i haven't been listened to at any point in this process yet so why should they start now? i've on;y been right 95% of the time so i must be clueless. no i was wrong about the kitchen being too small. i was wong about there not being enough space above the bedrooms. i was also wrong in doing a special projects engineering class on how solar power would be great for this project. naw, i was stupid to think that solar power was actually reasonable. it could only reduce power consumption, and lead to reduced power costs. not a biggie.

they ingor me at every step and insist i'm wrong, then it cost more. at what point do people start listneing to my observation and at what point do they just become retards? i'm losing a battle with incompetence. its ugly. when does common sense lose to idiots? its disturbing.

fuck um, i'm out.


I always wondered what happened to the ultimate warrior. What a tool. Those Uconn republicans are a bunch of dooches anyway. PIRG had a couple of clashes with them when i was involved.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:40:00 AM  

its hard to convince your parents that you know anything and they value your opinion as muchas they did when you were 16

start yelling loudly and maybe that will work

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:37:00 AM  

Wow. Warrior angry, Warrior smash if you not like 'get a towel you tent city trash,!!


By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:16:00 AM  

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AL Central coming soon 

i'm working on the Al central write up. it will be along soon. until then, i have other things to say.
this is the next site design. ok, i get it, you want the poll and talkback thing to come back. well its not going to happen until we get a site layout finalized. so fuck off. theses are experiments. take it as nothing more. thing of it as the american idole of websites. vote off what you don't want and leave creative feedback for what you do. i don't know shit about HTML, so i'm trying to find an easy way out. the last site took a ton of time to fix/configure. the comments showing up like they did was not intended. in fact, i was trying to get them to pop up like they do now but i fucked it up nad couldn't get it to work right, thats why they showed up. and i couldn't fix it. i had no clue what the problem was and didn't know where to start or care about fixing it. it was fuction-able, bottom line. damon, i'm looking at you to help here because you havethe most website design knowledge out of any of us. i went to a tech school but i wouldn't trust any of htose kids to code a website much less design anything. seriously, geeks are hard to work with.

i love blogger. it's simple, it's honest and it is still young, much like most of the internet. blogger gives me something for nothing, which rocks. if i ever make a ton of money from this website thing they are going to get a ton of credit. i'd love to become one of the advertised sites/ featured sites, i think we are one of only a few "team" blogs that actually gets used. that's our niche. all we need is a solid site design, and adds. working....working.....working........

i see people are wondering what i'm up too since i don't have a job. number one... enjoying not having a job. i have no schedual, no routine, no commitments, no anything. and i like it. i'm not in any rush to get back to the working world. it will happen eventually, but why rush it. i've had a million people tell me they would do the same thing in my position, so i'm doing it. i relax, i play video games, i vacation and i enjoy life as it comes to me. now be envious. biatch. i'll get a job, it will be serviceable. it will kill time until something better comes along or i save aenough money to do what i want. i approach this with an open mond and with nothing to lose. i'm smart, i'm young and i have good experience. i've been telling recruiters to fuck off on a regular basis.

today i had an indian guy call me from a recruiter in india. he started his conversation by appoligising for waking me up and saying "you live in Vermont? no .. wait ... Burlington?"

"no, i live near burlington, in vermont."

"oh, i have a job opening for an outside vendor who works with IBM, they need a technician to run tests and work at the IBM plant."

"i'm not a technician, i have an engineering degree."


"i went to college, i have a real degree, i'm not a technician, i'm over qualified. who are you?"

"i work for XXXXXX, i'm sorry" NEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........

fucking outsourceing. i get a bunch of calls like this because i posted my resume on the only hits i get from it are recruiters looking for something i'm either over qualified for or trying to make a profit off of my employment. they are dusch bags through and through. i got calls once a week from them while working at JFD looking for people i might have known at college or myself. just head hunters looking for the right keyword on a resume.

everyone seems more worried about me getting a job then i do. i'm not worried. i'll find something. at this point, i'd rather wait for something i want rather then settle for a shit job i willl hate in 6 months. i'm also open to just getting some crap job in the right industry. i'm smart, i'll work my way up. i'd also rather work for a company that i like, or is doing something good for the world rather then a place like energizer who is looking ot dump more murcury and create more waste. that doens't help anyone.

fuck jobs, if they don't come to me, i'll create them on my own. i'm smart, creative and when i want to be, motivated. fuck the system. i'll be just fine.



By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 6:39:00 PM  

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

If you come to FL, you too can ride with brancibeer in a sweet boat


haha hahahaha, try this movie, i hope nothing like this happened.

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:43:00 PM  

linky no worky

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:54:00 PM  

is that fire in the background?

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, April 12, 2005 4:44:00 PM  

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:47:00 AM  

boy, does this look like three pathetic bastards or what?

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:48:00 AM  

Fire? No no, we didnt start any fires while we were out there. But really, i think its just fog off of the water.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:26:00 AM  

yea right, i bet you guys were making smoke signals that could be seen a mile away.

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 4:38:00 PM  

Yeah dude that's a sweet fuckin boat

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 6:37:00 PM  

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there is something to be said about an outside job 

as i sit here in my lab i can see through the blinds outside. i can see that it is sunny and that there doesnt seem to be a cloud in the sky. it was a bit chilly on the walk in but i know that by noon it will be t-shirt and skirt weather and the girls will be sportin' their shit today for sure. the spring time on a college campus is truly a beautiful thing. the only problem is me turning 24 this year makes these girls a little too immature for me (menatlly). when am i ever going to meet the physics major mountian bike chick of my dreams? enough dreaming

so focker #3 is a no show at seeing my car. you know, i'd appreciate some honesty from the buyers. i tell them its a beater (i'm being honest) and they say i'll give you 200$, i say deal and they focking no show? if you dont want it then fucking say so and dont waste my time. assholes!

branciteam, that cat is not fat. i'll get a picture of calvin when i'm home. he's a fat bastard, bigger than tunsis.

barone, you got to go back to the old style comments. we all would like the site to be more discussion friendly and this style of commenting doesnt promote that idea (by hiding the comments). its nice and clean in its own way but i think it sucks. give me back the poll. comeon you cant be that busy, no job. how is the job hunt by the way? i dont think you will be happy in a manufacturing environment but sometimes you have to get some experience the tough way. you cant expect to land a dream job or career your first time out and i think last time you basically took what was thrown your way, right? take something interesting with good people to work with, stay 2 years, make a ton of contacts and move on.

hey, i need dates of weekends that you guys are busy so i can plan the pig roast.


Couple things:
The cat is fat. I think its a genetic abnormality. When we first got him he had this huge belly that we thought was worms. Well its not worms because we gave him enough dewormer to sterilize a corps. His stomach sticks out on both sides and he waddles when he walks. Hes small but stout. Ask Murphy/ chump.

Yeah, chump, what the hell are you doing? You dont have a job and havnt had one for 7 months now. I kind of like the comments this way though (pop up window). Is there any way to have the popup writing but still see them under every post?

Ron, im planning to come to CT for a week or so in either june or july. Maybe it could correspond to the pigroast.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:13:00 PM  

maybe if we had a fucking poll we could vote on the comment style!

i still say calvin wins. he's by far the biggest car i've seen.

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:40:00 PM  

ron, it's lookin like i'd be free most weekends this summer. good times.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, April 12, 2005 6:54:00 PM  

i can vouche for the cat being fat. its not fat in the sense that it weighs a ton, but the fact that it has an amazing pot-belly for it's size. the cat really looks bloated at times.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:51:00 AM  

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Monday, April 11, 2005

The fat cat


Also, sorry for posting up a cheesy cat picture, but i thought it complemented my story a bit with a visual. And you have to admit its a good picture

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, April 11, 2005 5:00:00 PM  

good pic, it's on the patio right? the only problem is it doesn't really show the potbellyness of the cat. get one where he's bloated and on his back. thats when he looks fat,

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:53:00 AM  

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Im behind by a day 

4-10-05 11:30am

The fat cat bothers me for attention while I struggle to think of something to write about. He gets somewhat on my nerves for being too damn needy as he shoves his thick purring head into my typing hands. Cant help being a little amused as well as annoyed. Conflicting emotions can be a bitch. Its not always black and white. Nothing is exactly polar. You can be happy and sad, dying and alive, free yet chained. You get what I mean. Theres something wrong with me. Whenever I sit down to write for real, (by real I mean for a book or school) I lock up and feel somewhat pressured or restricted. But when I write to blog I can just let loose. Theres no feeling of pressure or criticism. Its when I write the best. I’ve been trying to avoid this by not writing seriously. I try to tell my self its only notes or a first draft, getting ideas down, and that ill go back to them later and clean them up. But even then I still can function normally. I procrastinate and shy away from writing. How can I not do something I desperately want to do? I want to, but when it comes down to actually doing it, I don’t. It’s a problem. Perhaps baby steps would help.

Jen my sis is down here for a couple days. She’s mostly enjoying the sun. I think Kim really likes having her down here. She misses having someone to be “girly” around. They are out shopping. I guess I miss having friends to be “manly” around too. Kinda sucks at times. Friends are a hard commodity to come by. You can meet lots of people, but most of them just don’t fit the bill that you want. Makes me think. Did we mold to eachother, or were we that much of a fit? I think we molded. You guys are great for some things, but I remember wanting more/ something different at times. I remember in middle school I didn’t really fit in anywhere. This is something I don’t really want to get into right now. Enough about me.

Chump. Your post about the energizer plant was funny. I especially liked the generic engineer description who were “spouting out the usual company jargon”. You complain about the place being static, boring, non-progressive, etc. As I remember, Isn’t this why you got fired from your first job? Your too talented with too many ideas to be drilled into one of them. You fight being the monkey they want you to be. Do you think your going to find what you are looking for in a job? I urge and hope that you will do something great one day.

Damon. Come back. I wasn’t here when you were posting so I don’t know the past but this is whole thing is stupid. (I also find it coincidental that you starting writing when I left and stopped when I came back). It was nobody’s intent for you to leave the site. I’ve gotten into tiffs in previous post for the very same reasons. It’s like what ron said, we should keep eachother in check and if we insult one another, say it. I don’t think you were trying to insult anybody but somehow it happened. We are all individuals with individual styles. Misinterpreting them can be dangerous. We all have to suck it up sometimes, and except eachother for who we are.

Murphy. You’re an asshole and you know it (just a general comment). I appreciate your efforts to keep in touch with me at times. I think you have the right attitude with this Jenny thing and you will be fine. No matter where you are in life these things suck. Glad to here that your new job is going well.

Josh. You are my brother in the dirty south. I feel for your injustice. Hold yourself to a higher principle. You are better and you will prove it. Fucking rednecks.

Macunas. We should talk sometime. I want to share views on the working life.

Ron. You need to get out of storrs. You are doing very cool things for grad school, but you need to get out of storrs. Know when it is your time. Get your shit done, write some papers and get out of storrs. You have one fucked up schedule I must say. I don’t understand how you do it. But you do have a good attitude about it and are doing great things. Its going to be a big transition.

Kolpak. Hello kolpak (british accent).

Well, I'm going to enjoy the rest of this Sunday. I don’t know how, but part of it includes a doobie and a rented copy of fear and loathing in las Vegas. Perhaps I’ll try to write a little bit more too. My new ambition is a childrens book. I’m writing and kim is illustrating. Seems like a good idea right?


always good to hear from brancy. i certainly appreciate your optimistic outlook on things. i think you certainly balance me out at times, as i tend to lean the other way.

with any luck, i may not be your brother in the south for long (or at least not this far south). it has nothing to do with getting farther from you. rather, getting closer to home/people i know in general. i can certainly relate with trouble of meeting people, and i'm in school. you do 2 things in school: 1) learn, 2) meet people. i think its mostly my situation though. so i'm trying to rectify it..

another tangent. happening a lot lately. oh well, good hearin from you brancy.

By Blogger josh, at Monday, April 11, 2005 4:53:00 PM  

i love the compliments, keep them coming.

i'm never going to fond the right job for until someone gives me a ton of money and lets me get creative. i'm going to have to start my own company that makes millions and can comply with my every crazy need. i'd be a great CEO of some multinational corporation but you can't really start out a that position.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:56:00 AM  

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Saturday, April 09, 2005

that's life, or something like it 

hey i have a question: how late does mcdonalds breakfast go? 1030 right? i remember when it used to be 11. those were the days. so i show up at the drive thru at 1022 today and they tell me bfast is over. what the hell? either mcdonalds is phasing out its bfast, or my theory that people down here are just fucking retards is correct. either way, i want my damn sausage mcmuffin.

chump, i share in your excitement over journalism. if i didnt pursue law school, that was up there on my list. you may remember my stint as sports reporter for the clinton recorder. then last week the interview on carolinatv. hmmmmm.

but i admire your searching about your interests to figure out what you want to do. i also encourage you to keep doing it. one of the best ways to be happy is to enjoy your job. i sometimes wonder what i'll do if i dont end up liking law (i obviously think i will like it, at least to some extent, otherwise i wouldnt be doing it, but i have to be realistic). with an advanced degree i could teach at a university. there's always lobbying. and there's probably a bunch of other things i could do with a law degree that i dont even know about. i could run for office i suppose. who knows. but seeing as much of your week will be consumed by your job, it should be something that brings you some sort of happiness. i kinda forget where i was going with this, i'm off on a tangent...

but i must admit, i'm somewhat concerned about the direction of my life as well. but only as to transferring. see, lately i've bene real interested in property law. but property law in sc, for whatever reason, is vastly different from property law in most other states. i'm worried about not getting in anywhere on transfer. because not only does successful transfer rely on my grades and class rank and recommendations being good enough, but there must also be space for me at the other schools. if seats arent open, there's nothing to get into. so part of the game is luck. so if i were stuck down here, and eventually did property law, i'd pretty much have to get a job down here, at least for a few years. and that would be my own personal hell.

so the question is, if i dont get in anywhere, what the hell do i do?? do i hang it up? i dont want to, especially after all the work i've put into this year. and what else would i do? when i talk to some people they're just like "oh well, cross that bridge when it comes." not only is that cliche, but also stupid. cuz sometimes you just need to plan ahead so you're not fucked later. and right now i have no idea what i'd do if it came down to it. i guess stay here at usc, and just settle for 2 more miserable years, then try desperately to find a job elsewhere. besides the potential property problem, if you're not at a top 15 school, it's much harder to get a job outside the region of your school. double the challenge, sweet.

maybe its the pressure of finals in a week, the pressure of having to find a summer job, or something else, but i'm feelign the heat these days. had i realized what i'd be getting into by going to usc, everything might be different.

it's a chaotic, crazy, fucked up world we live in


so, you're in the REAL deep south now and its not what you expected? you'll be fine, dude, you're a lawyer, it'll be alright. my biggest concern is you getting a good internshp this summer. find a lawyer/politician who could be a good contact. thats my best advice.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 1:00:00 AM  

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Lewis Black in Burlington may 14 

don't want to steal murphys thunder or anything but lewis black is coming to burlington the 14 of may and i'm going to buy tickets tomarrow. they went on sale today and you can still get front row seats, let me know if anyone is interested in coming north for it. its at the Flynn theatre which i haven't been to since i was in elementary school, it was a sweet old school theater then and still should be. come on, lewis black in front of a bunch of hippies, what could be better.

murph, i'm in for J5

i'm likeing the responses to the new design topic. personally i like hte old way comments worked, it was easier to see new ones and there was no clicking involved. but i'm glad people like the pop up window so i may have to stick with that. keep the feedback coming. i'd like to find a way to get more content higher up on hte page or at least have some sort of feature/spotlight post. the gears are turning.....

i have to give josh credit for something he said awhile back. bill mahars new HBO show is pretty good. i was a fan of PI when it was on comedy central for years, it took a big hit moving to ABC because all the top name actors/celebrities just wanted to fight, kick and scream for more camera time. it wasn't civilized debate, it broke down into idiots fighting for face time, every day. the HBO one is a little better, he's still funny and he's gotten back to older style guests, politicians, authors and intelects. not idiots, celebrities and anyone riding 15 minutes of fame. of course whoopie goldburg was on the other night and stole as much face time as she could. just one more reason to hate her.

right now i find my job search isn't motivated by the fact that i need a job, or even that i want some more money, but that i want to smoke again. i'm getting antsy, and i don't like it. i find my self looking at other career paths anf thinking they would be easier. i wrote a letter to the burlington free press today asking if i could write some kind of story for them, be it baseball, movies or politics. basically thier paper sucks and i'm asking if i can use them for reference sake. maybe i could be a journalist, i always shyed away from stuff like this because i thought it was too easy. business, marketing, and writing always came easy to me so i went witht something else. maybe its time to try it out. i'm a little disapointed in the engineering jobs i'm actually qualifyed for. i know i could go into any field, but there aren't that many jobs where i'd actually be helping people rather then propagating the harmful stuff. thats what bothered me about energizer, it wasn't a good company, they dump mercury and don't want to get into renewable stuff. that doesn't help anyone. damon gets double credit for advancing in renewable energy and having hte balls to keep moving foward in that field. i don't know, maybe i'm just not trying enough, that usually seems ot be the problem. i'll figure this out, don't worry. i just like ot vent a little here. thanks for listening.

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Friday, April 08, 2005

Toads Place 

Jurassic 5 will be playing at toads on May 3rd i believe. I think its a tuesday or wednesday night show. Im gonna get some tickets if you want to go let me know.

Go sox, yanks got spanked by the o's, foulke almost blew another.

In other news, job going well so far, couple of good lookin females floatin round the halls, and their going to let me substitute teach.

Lord loves the working man, dont trust whitey and see a doctor and get rid of it



Here's my RSVP for J5

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Saturday, April 09, 2005 3:43:00 PM  

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AL East 

AL East: In order of predicted finish.

NY Yankees: its hard to improve upon lasts years performance. A-rod will hit better, so will Matsui. The offense is going to score more runs this year then last. Better years from those two guys with a full year of jeter, another solid performance from sheffield (he’s a fucking professional, bottomline) and a better season out of giambi all mean more runs. Remember last year when tony clark, enrique wilson and miguel ciro got a ton of playing time? Gues not, now replace them with tino martinez, tony womack and rey sanchez (yeah I know, he can’t hit, but neither could wilson, and he’s not going to play anywhere near as much). Womack bating ninth brings a great dimension to the lineup; he can get on base, still has some speed and will give jeter a bunch of RBI opportunities. A-rod will also benefit from this batting in the two hole. Bernie williams is the problem. His black hole status is no secret. He’s lost two steps, made up for by the fact that he’s finally learned how to get a good jump on the ball, and he can’t seem to hit the ball hard any more. He should never hit higher then eighth in the lineup. I was amazed to see him hit three fly balls this week after I didn’t see one all spring. One thing I can say about a-rod, after each spring training game, after he was taken out in the 7th or so, he could be seen running wind sprints on the adjacent practice field. One of the games I saw jeter was running with him but left early. A-rod was definitely putting more work in then other people. Giambi was also taking extra batting practice early in the morning when no one was paying attention. I also saw him hit bombs in games, so it wasn’t all steroids.

The pitching will be solid. Johnson, pavano, mussina, and wright will all have great seasons and win 15 games. Brown is another story. Every year someone seems to think brown will stay healthy all season and give them 30+ starts. Well, this hasn’t happened in quite some time and the dodgers/yanks/padres have all been burned. The yanks will need a fifth starter to fill half the games he’s supposed to start. The bull pen gets a B this year. Gordon, quantril and rivera were all over used last year and there will be some hangover. Rivera is still a great pitcher, but Boston has his number, just like the yanks got Pedro’s number. Torre needs to learn this and either not put him in or have the balls to pull him. I like Felix Rodriguez, I love mike Stanton but he’s going to suck. We dumped him two years ago because we burned him out, so lat year the mets burned him even more and we pick him up. Fucking fantastic. The bullpen is better, but its going to take a more ensemble cast this year. Don’t count out tanyon sturtz.

Boston Red Sox: (wildcard, unless a lot of things go wrong, then watch out for Oakland and the white sox!)The offense will be the same. Renteria will hit better then Cabrera and Reese combined and make up for belhorns drop-off in production. Many is the same, ortiz will be a little better, but he can’t win the MVP until he plays the field, which won’t happen. If Mueller and millar falter, the offense will take a hit. If this happens, youkilis may se some playing time. Johnny damon may play himself into the yanks starting center fielder next year, something I don’t want to see. Nixon is the wildcard here, he missed most of last year and that hurt, he’ll be back strong this season and will provide any missing umph to the line up. They are sill going to score a ton a runs.

Their pitching is where the fault is. Shilling is going to be fine, but his missing the start of the season will give the division to the yanks. Wells isn’t going to be great but he’s a solid pitcher and will fill lowes shoes well. Clement is the unknown here, he got no run support from the cubs last year but he’s never really been a good pitcher beyond that. This spring wasn’t anything great either. Wakefield will pitch until he’s 60 or that knuckle ball stops fluttering, which ever happens first. Bronson arroyo will be a solid pitcher and give the team a lot of quality innings. Wade miller was the steal of the off-season, he may not be back anytime soon but he’s a front line #2 guy and will be better then a midseason trade. The problem with the starters is no one can really fill Pedro’s shoes and this is going to hurt come October. Last year schilling and Pedro were a great pair of aces to put teams away, now its going to have to be more of a group effort. This is where the bullpen comes in….and fails. Foulk isn’t the same pitcher he used to be and they’ve added no good arms back there. Meyers? Embree? Come on, timlin still has it but they will struggle late. If miller comes back strong, barring any injuries, arroyo will be pushed back to the pen, maybe wakefield, and that may be the help they need.

Baltimore Orioles: if the red sox trip and fall, or even the yanks for that matter, watch the O’s to reap the rewards. They can flat out hit. Sosa is going to hit at least 50 at Camden yard and drive the O’s like he used to drive Chicago. Plamero is always good for at least 35 homers. Javey Lopez, well, it looks like I was wrong last year and he didn’t fall apart. I guess you can get another 30 from him too. Anyone notice what melvin mora hit last year? How about he finished 4th in the AL in batting average? A full year of brian roberts is the benefit of moving jerry mathews jr to chi-town. Who else thought BJ surhofff was dead? I just saw him play left field tonight, must have been a typo. They a few holes but 1-6 can hit.

Their pitching is an interesting subject. They have a solid pen with a bunch of lefties. Almost too many, watch one of them get spun off for a starter somewhere down the line. Starting pitching is the problem. The other Lopez started opening day and looked good. He did well last year and this could be a breakout season for him. I watched another youngster named Eric bedard pitch for them and he was solid. Good stuff and he got guys out. Yesterday I watched cordero (or cordova, maybe cervesze, I can’t remember) and he looked good at times, but he wasted a lot of pitches. This is a problem that can be fixed and he could be good. They have their highest paid pitcher down in the forth slot in Sydney ponsone. He’s a fat bastard of a pitcher but he has done good in the past, maybe he can reclaim that, who knows. If they can steal a front line starter at the trade dead line then they could conceivably take down boston. Injuries to the sox will be the key for this teams success. Remember they do have to play each other 19 times. If they can steal some games from the yanks and sox, tampa and toronto could lay down in front of them and hand over some wins.

Toronto Blue Jays: it’s going to be a long year. JP ricardi is one of the billy bean disciples whose move on to better things but maybe he should have stayed a little longer. They’ve managed to get a few young players into the line u pand they look good, but where oh where is the pitching? Alex rios and vernon wells are going to have to lead this team. Eric hinski needs to prove he isn’t a bust and someone needs to play first. Roy halliday needs to bounce back from throwing too many pitches the last few years and a young starter needs to take a spot in the rotation. The bullpen is a mess and will make it hard of any starter. I’m not sure what their farm system looks like but it may be awhile before help arrives. My best advice is let the kids play and look at nothing but the future this year. If haliday isn’t looking good or just doesn’t have it, shut him down and wait till next year. Get some young help and maybe trade a guy like hinski for future help. Wells and rios and I think they have another great young outfielder shouldn’t go anywhere. Wait til next year.

Tampa Bay Devil Rays: whats going to make this team fun to watch are three things. 1) scott kazmir, great young lefty who’s still developing but can still beat any team. 2) the development of good young players like crawford, huff, brazelton, hall and until he tore his ACL baldelli. Watch for some awesome young talent to be called up before September like BJ upton and the other guy, I can’t remember his name. 3) lou pinella going absolutely apeshit. Its going to be a long year with some growing pains but next year it will be worth it. With baldelli out and not real offense to speak of its going to be a year of the more then ocational blowout and not enough runs. If pinella doesn’t blow a gasket this year it will be because he has some sort of heart ailment and his doctor put him on prozac or something to keep him calm. The east will be interesting next year, the devil rays will be decent and on the right track. The yanks and sox will still rule but their reign is coming to an end if the O’s have anything to say about it. The rays are building for the long run and have finally gotten it right after a few years of failing miserably. They will be forced to spend some money, if not in the rotation then in the bullpen or for a quality bat. Pinella may bolt if they don’t and it would be a shame, because they’ve build something good here and it would be a dishonor to the sport if they let it get away. It may also be a long time before they get this type of chance again.


the REAL standings:

kevin brown will be a trouble spot for the yanks, but the big unit was huge. schilling's supposed to be back apr 13, so i dont think it'll hurt the sox too much. if a-rod learns how to field and rivera to close, then the yanks may make a run. bernie will be a liability. he's no julio franco, that's for sure. giambi's gonna cry like the little vagina he is when he goes on the road and gets booed, at least up until the all-star break (which will be a break for him this year).

sosa will be too busy corking bats to be working on hitting mechanics. but lopez will help and watch out for melvin mora. their staff will hurt them though.

i dont know a damn thing about the jays. probably cuz there's nothing to know. i only have them above the rays cuz hey, the rays.

but chump i think you're right, the rays are up and coming. they have a lot of young talent, which could help them, if they dont trade it all away in the coming years.

bottom line: red sox division winners, yanks wild card

By Blogger josh, at Friday, April 08, 2005 2:41:00 PM  

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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Well? what do you think? 

this certainly isn't a finished product so don't look at it that way. this is one of hte simple blogger templates that i had to widen a little so thats why its a bit off. i'll throw a few up here in the coming weeks so that we can all get a feel for some different stuff. i kind of have to say that the forum idea isn't going to work with-in bloggers capabilities. in order to do it we'd have to host our own site, maybe pay a few bucks each month and actually put some effort into a site design.

i can already say that i don't like the way comments work on most templates like this one, i don't like having to read the comments in the comments post section thing. i just don't like it. the poll and the small talk thing aren't gone forever so don't panic, when i can get a decent finshed look i'll bring them back. right now its not worth the time or effort to switch the code in and out of each template i want to try out.

so what do you think? this one was slick and easy so i tried it.

my team by team break down will be coming along shortly. it seems there is demand for my insight so i shall provide it. sorry brian. i'd talk hockey but there isn't anything to say, i wish they would at least start talks between both sides so that maybe next season won't be fucked up too.


I like it Matt. Needs a poll. And a tagboard. And more movies/pics of naked women. I would like to have one internet page for all my internet needs.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, April 08, 2005 6:44:00 AM  

Well, we tried the naked pics, but that didnt last. It was too... well trashy. Nothing like a big puss staring at you from your favorite blog. Anyway, i like the colors scheme, and profiles. I'm not sure i like the format of the comments. I dont like being redirected to another page to read them. The profiles, wasnt exactly what i was envisioning, but it could probably work.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, April 08, 2005 9:46:00 AM  

the comments suck. the color scheme is good. matt said the tag board and the poll will come back so that cool. the profiles dont work because only like 3-4 or us are actually making our profiles public.

no naked pics, its just not the place. links, sure but everyone knows the one stop porn place is hands down

By Blogger ron, at Friday, April 08, 2005 1:11:00 PM  

yeah, we've been through the porn thing already. i've now fixed the comments so they pop up, should make them a little better. the tagboard and poll will be back when we finalize stuff. the profiles thing is interesting. if this were only one person's blog if wouldn't be a list of names, it would be just that one persons info. since this is a "team" blog its just links to all of us.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, April 08, 2005 4:17:00 PM  

can we condense the txt any, maybe fit more on the screen at any one time?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, April 08, 2005 6:02:00 PM  

I think you're on to something here matt. Good job doing the popup for comments. It's better than a whole other page. Good colors too. Keep experimenting.
Text size can usually be changed with the View pulldown menu on a browser. Firefox at least. prolly Explorer too.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Friday, April 08, 2005 7:35:00 PM  

i also like the pop-up comments much better.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, April 08, 2005 10:51:00 PM  

yeah i can widen the text box to fit more horizontally but i run into the problem with what resolution people run thier screens at and how big you make your browser window. technically speaking, most web sites are designed for 800x600 viewing, which sucks. i can make the text smaller over all but as macunas stated that can also be changed in the browser itself.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, April 08, 2005 10:55:00 PM  

i like the new color scheme, comments in another window are kinda shitty but its not that big of a deal. widening the text to fit the full screen is a good idea, or something to fill the empty space. Keep up the good workermonkey

By Blogger murphy, at Saturday, April 09, 2005 8:11:00 AM  

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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

atleast the pope got schiavo off the news 

i've got nothing to say about the title to this entry except that now we can get to better news.

matt, keep talking about baseball because i dont get to watch sportscenter and i dont read much ESPN online. you are my baseball update

as for the energizer plant. if you think you can run the place and make it better in 3 years then why dont you? seriously if you can get in there and change the plant around, introduce a new view on things then you will be a company hero. not only will you probably get a fat check, you'll make a name for yourself. then if you want, you can demand an even fatter check at the next place. matt, i dont think you should be worried about the money aspect of things right now. the first few jobs you get should be for experience and resume building. yea, the money is nice but at this age its not really an issue. living on 15K$ is not a problem for a 23-24 y.o. male, right? start at small plant and work for 5 years, then get into the headquarters and really get things moving. make it happen matt, america is going to control the global economy (one could argue that it already does) in the coming generations and people like us, with our ideas could make a difference if we are in the right spots.

also, dont think that its dumb to ship parts from different places. sometimes with demographics, labor costs and shipping costs it saves money. look at what walmart did with lean supply ideas. maybe the distribution center for some batteries is down south and it would actually cost more to ship the completed batteries because of their extra weight, so they just ship the little plastic top and finish the battery down there, close to the distribution center. those old engineer guys may not know why things are done the way they are, but that doesnt mean that there isnt a good reason for it. if its one of those "this is the way we've all ways done it" excuses, then it deserves some looking into.

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wait, you thought i wasn't going to talk baseball? 

the yanks are for real this year. matsui is going to win the MVP, his first year was him getting acustom to the MLB and his second showed improvement. any improvement over last years numbers would consitute an MVP award. he's going to get a million RBI's just because of the line up he's in. my biggest dissapointment this year will be bernie williams, he's old, he's lost more then one step and for some reason he's a double play/momentum killing machine. it's going to be ugly for him. let crosby play more is my only answer, he's young so at least lost playing time will be to some sort of advantage over the long haul.

i like the tigers, but they still aren't going to be great. they will be better then last year but that's not hard to accomplish. ordoniez for 5 years? does anyone see higgenson all over again besides me? bonderman will be good. he never should have been in the majors before now and wouldn't be in any other organization. detroit knew they weren't going anywhere so they brought him up early to get him a little playing time. his 20 lose season wasn't by design but it was acceptable. it was part of his development. why waste his good innings in the minors when they could be in hte majors?

boston is going to win the wild card again, they are a good team but this year they don't have the pitching to beat the yankees. the yanks are going to need a starter at the all star break but they also have a few prospects that teams are willing to bite on in order for them to win it.

i'd love to go team by team but i could do a devision breakdown too. let me know if anyone cares. i could talk baseball all night but i don't think you guys want to read it.

part of what this site is lacking is feedback. i'd love to see more people comment on each topic or each post focus on one thread. i need suggestions on how to do this. i'm not a genious (as much as i'd like to think i am) so i need help.

each post shouldn't need its own forum. we should each be able to respond to one anothers posts. please take the time to go back and read dated posts and post comment's to them. and then read comments to your own posts. it would be a good thing, trust me.


ill talk baseball all day long, although we will disagree on a few points being the sox are going to kill. Yankees will be good but I dont see them winning the series this year
1-kind of like cards at the Glockenspiel-everyone playing is almost forty-gonna be a lot of injuries.
2-like you said bernie is a black hole, no pun intended, giambi will be marginal and the sheff is getting old.
3-Johnson is a workhorse but he too is old as shit-shoulder surgery by july, mullet power be damned. One of your young guys is gonna have to be awesome.

that leaves a hell of a lot of gaps to win the AL east much less the series.

go sox

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, April 06, 2005 5:56:00 PM  

yeah i'm with murphy. the sox got a little pitching. johnson will be huge for ny, but it wont matter if rivera cant close the deal against the sox.

i could also deal w/ you talking more baseball. couldnt be more excited about the season.

i'd also enjoy more interaction/comments on the forums. good thinkin chump.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, April 06, 2005 6:20:00 PM  

my vote is for forum style. each rant would be a topic, and resopnses and posts could be kept hig n the list for weeks as long as we kept interest. this could also lead to outisiders opinions and post which we could chose to care or not care about. either way this is a posting site, a forum stlye would be a discussion.

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, April 06, 2005 10:42:00 PM  

I would not like to see this forum overloaded with baseball talk. But thats my vote. Unless of course, its Murphy bashing the yankees, that i can deal with. As far as a new look to the site- consider something like this:

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, April 07, 2005 10:56:00 AM  

if this was message board style then the baseball talk wouldn't take up half the page.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, April 07, 2005 11:51:00 AM  

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i should have done this months ago 

recently i've started applying for jobs. yeah, the income ran out more then a month ago but it was only last week that i really starting applying. energizer called me two days later and wanted to see me, so i said sure what the hell. monday morning at 7:30 in St. albans, VT. fuck. i got up there ok and nothing went wrong, i interviewed ok, nothing special. i met with three different people who all asked different questions and i got a tour of hte plant with the other guy interviewing. he was in his late 50's and was wearing a suit that hasn't been worn since before i was born. i think the position i applied for was Sr. engineer. i couldn't remember so i asked when i got there. they siad there were a few postions open in the company but that i had applied for the Sr. position. oh. i was very loose during my time there because i can honestly say that unlesss they wow me with a salary number i wouldn't even consider working there. the plant i was at employs about 200 people and they make all the new lithium batteries for energizer plus a bunch of thier flashlights. they make a couple little parts like gaskets and switches and jacket coatings for other batteries but most of that gets shipped out to another plant to get finished. i was amazed at how much dumb stuff happens on a company wde scale. they hire a team of drivers to ship stuff on a daily basis to NC so that it can get packaged. one of my first questions was why can't they just send one of the packaging machine up here to speed up the process and eliminate the transportation work force. they didn't know. it seems like the whole plant just keeps its head down and does its job, they take orders from the R+D plant in OH and ship stuff to NC no questions asked. most of hte engineers just try to cut down on production times and get more product ou thte door.

i honestly think i could run the plant i saw in 3 years, if i wasn't asked to relocate before that. all the people i talked too were the stereotypical engineers you see in movies. big thick glasses, stuck in the same job for years, company dedicated, jargon spewing individuals. they all seemed to like nascar too. the HR person was a woman who was a little bubbley and very nice. she had "energy" so to say. i give them credit for one thing, they had the hottest chicks working in any sort of manufacuring environment i've ever seen. i saw two blond chicks on the floor that had incredible bodies doing menial labor. there was another brunette in the halls tha was just blazing.

some of the questions i asked were about new technologies, like lithium ion batteries, rechargable batteries, feul cells, cell phone batteries, shit even how the local mercury laws effected them and no one seemed to know or care. energizer doesn't make rechargeable batteries, if they do they are made by someone else and thier name is slapped on them. the best answer i got was that maybe R+D is working on feul cells. i got a NO on the lithium ion/cell phone style battery. yet they constantly pushed the fact that the St. Albans plant was growing. and growing fast. i heard a few times about how they were adding employees and how they were growing from 180 to 200 employees.

this seems like a company where anyone of use could come in and take over. not just from an engineering side, but also from a marketing side, a business side and a chemical side. even a strategy side. it just seemed like they were missing a lot of oppertunities or squandering some very good growth potential. either way, i'm still buying copper tops and not expecting much from them.


let's get like 4 or 5 of us and just take it over! how sweet would that be. we'd have the engineering stuff down, and i'll deal w/ law.

ps. dont work at a duct tape factory. apparently they can explode.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, April 06, 2005 6:14:00 PM  

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