# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/17/2005 02:00:00 AM
when i got to my mom's doctors, she was kind of scared and still not thinking right. the doctor and i agreed that she had a good little concussion on her hands and we should go to the ER. so i drove mom a few more miles to the ER where she recieved a CT scan. after that the sent us home. an hour of so later we got a call form the doctor telling us everything came back normal. fantastic.
friday she woke up and still felt a little stupid. her head hurt and so did her teeth, (her teeth hurt because one of your first natural instincts is to mash your teeth togeather when your head gets hits. that why football players wear mouth guards. well she managed to bite her teeth togeather real hard and make them ache.
friday was better then thursday after it happened and saturady was better then friday. she was still a little loopy and not all quite there. saturday she had agreed tp show some land in northern bumfuck VT to an out-of-state client who only come to town once in a while ot seem land like this. so i got delegated to spend hte morning driving up to nowhere to show this land.
ok i had this really awsome pst earlier, i blogger fucked it all up and hte new recover post thing only recovered 1/4 of it. basically, mom got a concussion, she'll be OK but its been a rought couple of days until she's not a little outthere any more.
more on this tomarrow, i'm a little loaded to retype what was already said and lost. any questions just ask.
What the fuck chump? Glad to hear your mom is ok, but you could have posted it better. By the looks of your writing it seems as though you got a concussion also.
glad to hear she's alright. my latest concussion took over a week for the cobwebs to clear. its usual to be foggy for a few days. tell her its all part of the game, she'll feel like new come tues or thursday.
You're on housewife detail from now on
i don't care what the task is, i'll get it done, be it designing a space station or doing the grocery shoping, i'm your man.
stick with the grocery shopping for now, alice. aaaaaaahahahahaha