# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/13/2005 01:11:00 AM
republicans are funny.
in response ot the question of what i've been doing, i also have ot add that i've been building a house. house on the lake? anyone? kolpak, you've actually seen it. it will be sweet, even though i've had no say in it's construction, it will be nice. one day there will be a wind mill in the back but it may take some time to convert the idiots. i haven't been listened to at any point in this process yet so why should they start now? i've on;y been right 95% of the time so i must be clueless. no i was wrong about the kitchen being too small. i was wong about there not being enough space above the bedrooms. i was also wrong in doing a special projects engineering class on how solar power would be great for this project. naw, i was stupid to think that solar power was actually reasonable. it could only reduce power consumption, and lead to reduced power costs. not a biggie.
they ingor me at every step and insist i'm wrong, then it cost more. at what point do people start listneing to my observation and at what point do they just become retards? i'm losing a battle with incompetence. its ugly. when does common sense lose to idiots? its disturbing.
fuck um, i'm out.
I always wondered what happened to the ultimate warrior. What a tool. Those Uconn republicans are a bunch of dooches anyway. PIRG had a couple of clashes with them when i was involved.
its hard to convince your parents that you know anything and they value your opinion as muchas they did when you were 16
start yelling loudly and maybe that will work
Wow. Warrior angry, Warrior smash if you not like 'get a towel you tent city trash,!!