# posted by josh @ 4/15/2005 12:14:00 PM
it's getting ridiculous.
as you may have heard this latin american association brought coffins (or a coffin) to bud selig's office cuz they dont think there's strict enough drug testing in latin america and the coffin(s) represented 2 players who died from injecting themselves with animal steroids to make the major leagues. sorry, but if you inject yourself with ANIMAL steroids, you deserve to die. from stupidity. all steroids have risks, but animal steroids? honestly.
and i dislike bud selig as much as the next guy, but what can he do? he can't go above laws in those countries and test when they say mlb cant. and where's the personal responsibility? this group blames mlb for young kids being harmed by steroids. hey how about this: dont take steroids! i understand that playing mlb in some of those countries is the best way out, but how about things like education?? and i know education isnt always good in these places, but if you take the risk and take somethign that could be life threatening, then that's YOUR decision. mlb did not force these people to take steroids. fucking morons.
and i realize this may be paternalistic, but maybe the leagues like the nfl are onto something with the minimum age limits. cuz young kids dont know how to run their lives, and they will chase money wherever. they dont know what they're getting into. there shouldnt be any freddy adu's, michelle wie's, or yes, dare i say it, even lebron james'. all this breeds is a culture of young people who think if i just play sports i can make more money than 3/4 of the country, and i dont need an education. it breeds stupidity, and i for one think we have enough of that already.
and finally we get to T.O. greedy bastard is trying to milk more money from the eagles cuz he's "not paid in proportion to his performance compared with other receivers in the league." but he insists he's not being greedy. give me a fuckin break. he said he's gotta worry about his future. listen you prick, you've already made more money by the age of 31 than 90% of americans ever will, so shut the fuck up. you could stop playing today and be set for life. you're making millions to play a goddamn GAME.
i absolutely love sports, but lately they've really been pissing me off. the players are just a bunch of uneducated fucking whiners who dont realize how good they have it and just want more money. they're doing the best possible thing: making money, way too much money, to play a game. games are supposed to be fun. and when these "pros" just whine about everything and hold out for more money, it not only makes them look stupid, but it ruins the game for some of the fans.
wow, that was rant-tastic. sorry, i saw a bunch of this stuff on sportscenter while eating breakfast this morning...guess it got to me.